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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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From: James (JFH)
16 Jun 2018   [#1093]
Hi All,

Following on from my last post; attached is a .nod file for generating randomised distorted patterns.
4 example outputs below

Could be used for creating stone paving, by replacing circles with spheres: See additional image below


PS Go easy with increasing intensity slider unless you want a punk pattern.

Image Attachments:
polka.gif  stonePaving.jpg 

From: mkdm
17 Jun 2018   [#1094] In reply to [#1093]
AMAZING!!!! usual!

Fantastic stuff for all "2D-workflow" related works!

Your creations are of superior quality and I think that they CAN'T be missed by anyone.

You should (if you want) put all your latest/best nodes into a public storage to be accessible by all Moi' guys, without searching (and losing) them here on the "maremagnun" of this forum.

Thanks a lot James!
From: James (JFH)
17 Jun 2018   [#1095] In reply to [#1094]
Hi Marco,

Thank you for your kind words. Funnily enough, I was inspired by your 2D workflow work when doing this .nod file. It is very clever the way you have used moi as a vector graphics tool like illustrator. It is something I intend to emulate more in the future. Anything to use Adobe's products less, the better.

As for an archive; I think it is a good idea, but probably best left until after NE is out of beta.

Thanks again
From: mkdm
18 Jun 2018   [#1096] In reply to [#1095]
Ciao James!

You're welcome. My words simply described the reality. Your work on NE is EXCELLENT!!
(and the experiments of the user "speedy - AL2000")

And about 2D workflow....yeah! I always wanted to find suitable and streamlined ways to use Moi for that kind of purposes, because I wanted to join together the power of Moi's Nurbs with the power of product like Affinity Designer.

Unfortunately, or fortunately :), recently I really have not time at all to put again my hands on keyboard to continue the development of specialized scripts for "2d workflows".
I have many ideas, so many, but not time to develop.

So, your contribution with your nodes is very precious.

Max did a PRICELESS JOB, a "monster" tool, a "milestone" for Moi. but unfortunately, IMHO, the unique real problem is that NE is still a "too fragmented" product, very powerful, but still young.

With the BIG problem of a "scattered" documentation and knowledge base.

And it seems that actually NE has also reached the limit that Moi can do, because Moi was not made to deal with these kind of use-case.
And this is particularly evident with all your latest nodes and also with the excellent nodes made by the user "speedy - AL2000".

Anyway...I really hope that Michael's will continue to improve the Mo's "2d tool set" in order to have an even better product to deal with "2d workflows"

Ciao and have a nice day!
From: speedy (AL2000)
18 Jun 2018   [#1097]
Hi Friends
like children, it is too much happiness to have
this toy with which to finally
realize this cube with rounded corners ...
it's a Dream
file at this link:
great Karsten and James ....
thank you
Have a nice day to all

Message 7777.1098 was deleted

From: James (JFH)
19 Jun 2018   [#1099]
Hi All,

I have returned to woven patterns. My earlier method was very complicated,
however with subsequent versions of NE, this has become quite rudimentary.
UPDATED: The .nod file needs cleaning up, but I will post soon

The .nod file is now attached. Be warned that geometry generation may take 40+ secs.
Hope it is worth it :)


Image Attachments:
wovenBracellet.jpg  wovenTorus.jpg 

From: mkdm
19 Jun 2018   [#1100] In reply to [#1099]
Hello James!

Today I'm going crazy at work :)

...please let me be a little bit ..."fool"

LOL :)
From: Michael Gibson
19 Jun 2018   [#1101] In reply to [#1099]
Cool weaving James!

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Jun 2018   [#1102]
Remember the golden age of TopMod! (you can always use it! ; If you don't know try it! it's a true gem!
Maybe the more crazzy geometric prog! (made the French UI some years ago :)
or more versions : a little album of fun diversion:)
(an another free cool system of album ...of course some publicities...

From: mkdm
19 Jun 2018   [#1103] In reply to [#1102]
Hello Pilou!

Topmod!! Great (unappreciated) tool.
...lot of nice memories :)
From: James (JFH)
19 Jun 2018   [#1104]
FYI wovenTorus.nod file now uploaded to previous post

Hi Pilou,
Yes, I know it: topMod is a kooky & fun little program.
I lost many hours to it some time back.
Great for free play, not so much for realisation of intention.

When I get a chance, I will open it up and have a play.

Thanks for the reminder
From: speedy (AL2000)
20 Jun 2018   [#1105]
Hi Friends
I want to share these two new Macro
M_Helix and M-mradiiTube
I think they are two utilities that may serve
to users.
I know that there is already a Helix node, but
in my Macro I think many more parameters are inserted
like Draft, Direction, Clockwise etc etc
that make this tool more flexible ......;
the second is a simply Pipe with the posibility
to insert variable thickness (internal cable)
Those interested find the file at this link :
Good work everyone
From: Finema
20 Jun 2018   [#1106] In reply to [#1105]
Hi Sppedy
I have a script error when i want to load it.
See screenshot
From: speedy (AL2000)
20 Jun 2018   [#1107]
Hi Finema,
I can not understand why it gives you error ..
(I do not understand anything about scripts) I can only tell you
that works perfectly to me ...
Maybe inside one of the two macros there are
nodes that are highlighted in red ?????
I do not know what else to say to you, we are hoping to help
other user .. Karsten James Marco ...
From: James (JFH)
20 Jun 2018   [#1108] In reply to [#537]
UPDATED: Solved as a Macro

Hi Karsten

I hope this post finds you sitting back and enjoying the world cup.

I thought I may plant a seed to germinate in your subconscious,
while your conscious mind is wholly captivated by "the Beautiful Game".

It something that I have raised before:

Since your ReMap2 node (Numbers Option) performs the same function as Max's Interp node in Linear mode; it may be worthwhile to give your node a new function.

Grasshopper (which I have not used myself, but have watched youTube videos) has a node called ReMap that will take an array and remap it between a new range.

When you have a chance, please have a look


Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
21 Jun 2018   [#1109] In reply to [#1108]
Hello James,

>>>>>Since your ReMap2 node (Numbers Option) performs the same function as Max's Interp node in Linear mode; it may be worthwhile to give your node a new function.

Ehm -no. It's more like the other Options - but with different mathematic behind. It looks like a linear Interpolation for an array with constant steps, because it leads mathematical to the same result.
You will Remember this thread:

Have a nice day
From: speedy (AL2000)
21 Jun 2018   [#1110]
Hi Finema
No reply....!!!
Were you able to run the file ..
I hope so
From: Finema
21 Jun 2018   [#1111] In reply to [#1110]
script error at run
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
21 Jun 2018   [#1112] In reply to [#1106]
Hello Finema,

please try to store the file to another Folder/directory - maybe there is a Problem with the path or the Name of file.
Please Show us the file-path.
Which OS and MoI-Version you are using?


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