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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: speedy (AL2000)
2 Nov 2016   [#102]
Hi Friends,
my " Work Test" will continue....
Here's a small test of the new nodes ,
Extract-Sel Pattern- Curve Length
Have a nice day to all

CP -Extract.3dm
CP -Extract.nod

Image Attachments:
CP_Extract-Sel Pattern- Curve length.jpg 

From: mkdm
2 Nov 2016   [#103] In reply to [#102]
Hi AL,

...very interesting elaboration !

From: Michael Gibson
2 Nov 2016   [#104] In reply to [#95]
Hi al, I've been very sad to hear about the terrible earthquakes over there. I hope for good luck and speedy rebuilding for you and your country.

- Michael
From: mkdm
2 Nov 2016   [#105] In reply to [#104]
Hi Michael,

> "I hope for good luck and speedy rebuilding for you and your country."

Unfortunately all the recent disasters of my country, Italy, seems to have taught nothing to all our political class...

But we Italians never give up, despite of our politicians!

From: Michael Gibson
2 Nov 2016   [#106] In reply to [#105]
Best wishes for all the Italian people to persevere, Marco!

- Michael
From: mkdm
2 Nov 2016   [#107] In reply to [#106]
Heartfelt thanks Michael!

See you,
From: speedy (AL2000)
3 Nov 2016   [#108]
Hi Michael and Friends
I endorse the words of Marco
Many thanks to all of you
From: speedy (AL2000)
3 Nov 2016   [#109]
Hi Karsten and Friends
an exercise on use of new nodes
Index, Sel Pattern, Flow .....
I had to give up doing the Fillet and Blend
between the two tape forms,
The result was not stable ...
Flow works best with curved input
rather than surfaces
Good work everyone

CP-Sel Pattern Flow.3dm
CP-Sel Pattern-Flow.nod

Image Attachments:
CP-Sel Pattern Flow.jpg 

From: mkdm
3 Nov 2016   [#110] In reply to [#109]
Hi AL,

I'm glad to see that you are doing many experiments with the PatternSelArray node.

I hope to find some free time in next few weeks to rewrite my (lost) boolean utility nodes for PointArray.

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
3 Nov 2016   [#111] In reply to [#109]
Hello Al,

I'm testing also at the moment - here is an update of the structure:-)

I hope we will find a better solution for Fillet and blend some day!

Have a nice evening


Image Attachments:

From: James (JFH)
3 Nov 2016   [#112] In reply to [#109]
Hi Al.

I am alway struck by how vast & sparse your wiring diagrams;
you must have one gigantic monitor (or possibly 2) :)
Anyway I find it very instructive to analyse your method.

So keep them coming...

Thank you....& I am glad to hear that you are OK,
but sorry to hear of the devastation to your town & community.

Thank you also for your new .nod file.
I have not had a chance to look at it yet.

FYI, while reworking Al's .nod file I discovered that your
brilliant Concat2 node has a small bug.
Concatenating objects, does not allow them to be joined.
The ouput dot is green rather than yellow.
I was forced to use Max's original Concat node which is fine,
but I thought you may like to know.

I have attached my version of Al's file below
(it of course, requires Al's .3dm file as well)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Nov 2016   [#113] In reply to [#112]
<< you must have one gigantic monitor (or possibly 2)
In general today a Latop + a Monitor! ;)
As Node's windows is a "flying windows" you can imagine how comfortable that is! :)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
4 Nov 2016   [#114] In reply to [#112]
Hello James,

thanks for reporting the bug. Is it right, that the bug comes up, when loading a node-file from disk and try to connect or rewire the output? In a continous session it seems, that all works fine?!
Anyway -I've made some changes and now i'm testing the node. If the result is positive, I will post an update.

Have a nice day
p.s.: As mentioned - I didn't understand the functions of the nodeeditor at all.
From: James (JFH)
4 Nov 2016   [#115] In reply to [#114]
Hi Karsten,

>>Is it right, that the bug comes up, when loading a node-file from disk and try to connect or rewire the output?<<

I'm not sure. I could not repeat the error. I opened the .nod file and replaced concat with concat2 and it worked fine. Weird?>>Anyway -I've made some changes and now i'm testing the node. If the result is positive, I will post an update.<<

Great! What about offset node you mentioned earlier?

I appreciate all your nodes.

From: speedy (AL2000)
4 Nov 2016   [#116]
Hi Friends
You're right , James ... I'm pretty messy....
I hope in the future to improve ...
for the rest....... , thanks of your words and closeness

Karsten I saw your new definition
This weekend I will try to deepen
and see if there is news ... Meanwhile, thanks
Continuing with the tests of fillet on the tapes, which finally
I managed to do
I noticed a strange behavior ..
even if with the Nod. file save the file. 3dm
void in which I am working
and reopen all, the definition made before
no longer has the fillet made ...
This happens even if the only definition Node save,
and I open a new session and load the file Nod
As regards Blend, between the two tapes ,
I tried, everything seemed ok , but ultimately without avail
I think there is still work to make
stable these two important features.

Image Attachments:
CP-Fillet-2.jpg  CP-Fillet.jpg 

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
4 Nov 2016   [#117] In reply to [#115]
Hello James, Hello Al,

@James: The problem is caused by the onAdded function in the Concat2 node. Reloading a nodefile with a Concat2 node, causes a setup of the output to the default type numarray. It seems that onAdded is responsible for creating new nodes and also for recreation from disk. If a wire exist in the nodefile, the nodeeditor seems not to check it again. But If you delete the wire a reconnection isn't possible for pointarray and Objectlists. I hope the workaround in the node will do the job.

@Al: Could you please post the problematic files with the Fillet node - Fillet is very experimental and I have to investigate where the problem is. I will have a look at it in the next week.

A nice weekend to all


From: speedy (AL2000)
4 Nov 2016   [#118]
Hi Karsten
here is the test file of fillet
I hope you will serve to understand the problem
Have a nice weekend

CP-Sel Pattern-Fillet.nod

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
4 Nov 2016   [#119] In reply to [#118]
Hello Al,

the problems seems to come up with the v.0.85. The edge names will be stored in the node file, but only the first element/edge name will be read back. I found a workaround by placing a leading number, so the node editor don't suppress the reading of the complete array of edge names. Please test the version in the attachements.

Have a nice weekend

CP-Sel Pattern-Fillet.nod

From: James (JFH)
5 Nov 2016   [#120]
Hi Al et el,

I have been playing with patternSelect to generate radial forms.
See attached. It is best to delink extrude when when adjusting input dials
and then reconnecting. Otherwise it will hang for some time.

Hi, Marco

patternSelect is a brilliant node. It would be useful to an open/closed pulldown
so that when "closed" the indices prior to start were added to end of array.
The work around is not difficult, as in my .nod file; but the inclusion would be
productivity enhancement. Also, as I have suggested before, it would be useful
to have a num array input for pattern (it accepts 0s & 1s)

Keep on noding
From: mkdm
5 Nov 2016   [#121] In reply to [#120]
Hi James,
> "...It would be useful to an open/closed would be useful to have a num array input for pattern..."

I hope to find soon some free time to put my fingers on PatternSelArry in order to work with num array.

See you,

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