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Full Version: Parametric design in MoI?

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Dec 2017   [#749]
For Max and all nodes lovers! :D

Official nodes + Extensions!
From: Rudl
25 Dec 2017   [#750]
Hallo together,

where can I find the current instructions how to install the nodeeditor on V4.
From: r2d3
25 Dec 2017   [#751] In reply to [#750]
Have a look here:
From: Rudl
25 Dec 2017   [#752]
Ralf, thank you, it functioned well. Had to replace just the name of the folder.

Now I need a nodeeditor beginner tutorial.

From: r2d3
25 Dec 2017   [#753] In reply to [#752]
Hi Rudi,
unfortunally there is no tutorial about the nodeeditor... its still a project in development.
But a good point to start is this forum ore the thread
You will find a lot of examples for whats possible to do with the nodeeditor.
An other thing are the extensions - a lot of people write special plugins for nodeeditor.
I will attach my extensions folder - i think its mostly complete. It goes into the nodeeditor folder

Have fun with nodeling!


From: Rudl
25 Dec 2017   [#754]
Hi Ralf,

thank´s for the extensions. Integrated it in the extension folder. Now I must find out, what to do with them.
From: r2d3
3 Jan 2018   [#755]
Because i think that this is the first of my Node creations which i think is USEFULL i post it in this thread...



Open the attached dovetailcase5.nod in MoI > hit run... and you see this:

Change the dovetails to your needs. And hit APPLY

NOW SWITCH BOTH SWITCHES ("Left/Right" and "Boards") and you can design a different Dovetail for the opposite side...

You will see the tray with the dove maker tools
Now select the upper and lower board and DO A BOOLEAN DIFFERENCE with the correspondending (the outer ones) tools to cut the dovetails:

Do the same with the other two boards:

You have the dovetail tray!

Do some small chamfer...

You can also make a small gab between the two parts - VERY USEFULL IF YOU 3D PRINT IT - and it brings a snuggly fit...

As a joiner i would be proud of it!

And there are NO SPECIAL EXTENSIONS used..


Image Attachments:
Ohne Titel 2.png  Ohne Titel 3.png  Ohne Titel 4.png  Ohne Titel 5.png  Ohne Titel 7.png  Ohne Titel 8.png  Ohne Titel 9.png  Ohne Titel 9.png  Ohne Titel.png 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Jan 2018   [#756] In reply to [#755]
Will be fine if any 2 intersected volumes can be used! ;)

French version is in Progress!
From: Finema
4 Jan 2018   [#757] In reply to [#756]
"Open the attached dovetailcase5.nod in MoI > hit run... and you see this:"
When i load dovetailcase5.nod i can't hit run (show screenshot)
and a part of nodes are red..
From: r2d3
4 Jan 2018   [#758] In reply to [#757]
Your node extensions are not up to date...
Look here for a actual one...

Have fun
From: Finema
4 Jan 2018   [#759] In reply to [#758]
Thanks Ralf ! it's great !
From: r2d3
4 Jan 2018   [#760] In reply to [#756]
Let the Dove-tools jump over a FLOW-command and you can do also round edges...

Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Jan 2018   [#761] In reply to [#760]
Forgotten this tricky trick! ;)
From: r2d3
4 Jan 2018   [#762] In reply to [#761]
With this extended Tool you get also the Polylines to make it easier for FLOW operations...
The cyan line is for the dove cutting the blue for the tinnes and the magenta (selected on pict) is the baseline.


Image Attachments:
Ohne Titel 2.png 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Jan 2018   [#763]
French Version of DoveTails by r2d3 :

From: r2d3
4 Jan 2018   [#764] In reply to [#763]
Wow ! Merci Pilou !
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Jan 2018   [#765] In reply to [#762]
Sinusoïdal!! :)

PS A little video will be fine for all the process!

Say for an Ellipse...rectangular :)

From: speedy (AL2000)
8 Jan 2018   [#766]
Happy New Year to all .
I have a problem that I think is easily solved on your part,
I wanted to install the latest version of December 2017 ,
the one that has a new code to create a shortcut...
What I have to insert in the UI folder inside Moi, you just need to unzip the file
or do I have to create new folders ....?
Someone can give me some info maybe with some screenshots
that shows how to place the folders inside the folder ui ..
Thank you and sorry for my ignorance
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
11 Jan 2018   [#767] In reply to [#766]
Hi Alberto

Windows: extract archive to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Moi\nodeeditor

Mac: extract archive to /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Moi/nodeeditor

Run this command to open Nodeeditor window:
moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
11 Jan 2018   [#768]
Few weeks ago I bought a 4k monitor, and as a result, Nodeeditor is fully compatible with HiDPI displays. :)
Mac version looks great (check the attached file), but i still have a problems with Windows version. (I will ask Michael about it)

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