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From: AlexPolo
Hi All,
Just getting into understanding Max's great work with Node Editor trying to emulate his other great script the Array 3d in nodes but with the function of Path (Curve) Follow. Where selected object grows along a selected curve.
If possible with a randomize seed.
Any thoughts welcome
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
Hello Alex,
there a different way to create such geometries. I have made a file as a start point for your experiments.
Have a nice day
Image Attachments:
From: AlexPolo
Hello Karsten,
Many thanks for that I have tried to get a similar result to your image if you could give me a brief not on usage would be great I am a novice to the NODES and still working out its workflow.
best regards
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Next beta has arrived :) v.0.90.2017.02.26
- Added "Average" and "Cross" modes in processInOut function.
I checked "averege" mode written by community, and decided to rewrite it. :) Sorry. It may cause bugs with v.0.85 nodes which uses this function. Could someone send me old node files for testing this mode?
At the moment the "Cross" mode works with 2-input nodes only. If node has one or more than two inputs, the mode will be changed to "Long" automatically.
- Fixed bug in processInOut function. Now it works correctly with nodes without inputs.
- Directory structure and some filenames has been changed
CSS files moved to /core/css
Added /nodes/extensions directory for nodebundles written by community :)
Added /nodes/extensions/libs directory for additional math/geometry libraries. All .js files in this directory will be started before all /nodes/extensions/*.js files.
- Load file function improvements
Now all node files will be loaded correctly even if some nodes are missing. In this case the missing nodes will be marked. "Save", "Run" and "Step" buttons will be blocked.
- Changed some mouse button functions (I made interface closer to original MoI interface)
Left mouse button:
click on background and drag - selection tool
shift + click on background and drag - selection tool (addition mode)
alt + click on background and drag - move canvas
click on node - select node
shift + click on node - select node (addition mode)
click on node and drag - move node
click on linked input - disconnect input
double click on node - open info window
double click on background - show/hide debug info
shift + double click on background - select all nodes
Right mouse button:
click and drag - move canvas
click - context menu
Middle mouse button:
click on node - select/deselect node
click on background and drag - move canvas
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Fabulous as always!
French version in few times! :)
Done :)
From: redraw (MAYSKY)
Спасибо, это в самом деле классно.
Thanx, this is the bomb!
From: James (JFH)
Hi Max,
Thank you for your continued development of node editor.
Brilliant as ever!
The new interfacing capabilities will be a real enhancement to
productivity: in particular the marque selection of multiple nodes.
This is very useful for ordering complex node wiring diagrams,
however there would also be great utility in being able to delete
multiple nodes at once. Is it possible to activate the "delete" key
to work with litegraph core?
Also as I understand it, Javi Agenjo imposed a limitation on nodes
that they can receive only single inputs, but may have unlimited
multiple outputs. However in node editor, nodes with object outputs
are further limited to single outputs necessitating the "clone" node.
Particularly as is, with only 2 outputs, the "clone" node
introduces a lot of unnecessary complexity to wiring diagrams,
greatly inhibiting their legibility. Obviously, this problem could be
improved vastly with the allowance of additional outputs.
However it would be better to deprecate the "clone" node altogether,
and introduce unlimited multiple outputs to object out nodes as well.
Is this something that is even possible?
Thanks again for your great work,
I can not express enough how appreciative I am of your efforts.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Hi James,
>>This is very useful for ordering complex node wiring diagrams,
however there would also be great utility in being able to delete
multiple nodes at once.
I've added this program block today. Wait a few days until a new beta.
>>Is it possible to activate the "delete" key to work with litegraph core?
Unfortunately, I can't find a way to use shortcuts in this project. I can't catch keyboard events at all when I start nodeeditor using moi.ui.createDialog method. Also I can start it using .js command script. In this case I can set shortcuts, and it works. But if I start another script while nodeeditor window is open the shortcuts will be reset.
>>Also as I understand it, Javi Agenjo imposed a limitation on nodes
that they can receive only single inputs, but may have unlimited
multiple outputs. However in node editor, nodes with object outputs
are further limited to single outputs necessitating the "clone" node.
This limitation caused by MoI's geometry database architecture. We can't use same objects with multiple nodes. So let's wait until MoI V4 beta. I hope it will support instances.
>>However it would be better to deprecate the "clone" node altogether,
and introduce unlimited multiple outputs to object out nodes as well.
Is this something that is even possible?
It possible, but it can cause significant slowdown. Anyway I'll think about it.
From: James (JFH)
Hi Max,
Thanks for prompt reply.
>>I've added this program block today. Wait a few days until a new beta.<<
Fantastic, I will wait for new beta
Keep up the good work
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Added Solid/Polyhedron node
Added filename to debug info
All selected nodes can be removed in one click
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
French version added ;)
From: speedy (AL2000)
Hello Max
Welcome back-
Thanks for the new improvements ,
Polihedron Node is used a lot for Construction
using SubD ... cool ...
I wondered if it were possible, introduce a kind of box frame ,
that can group a set of nodes
aimed at a definition, and may have a title;
this would make it less chaotic the canvas area
I begin with Grasshopper where this possibility exists ,
but I do not know if you can put this in the Moi s Architecture
have a nice day
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Added Basic/Progression node (generates arithmetic and geometric progressions)
Added Basic/Extract node (extacts selected elements from pointarrays and numarrays. use right click on node to change input type)
Added Logic/Compare node
Added Logic/Split node (use right click on node to change input type)
Added Construct/Sweep node
As I wrote earlier I've decided to not create a separate data type for boolean variables. I use a numeric arrays for this purposes. N > 0 = TRUE, N < 0 = FALSE, N = 0 = FALSE.
Bug fixed in processInOut function.
Added Repeat mode (at the moment only two nodes can use this mode: Split and Line)
Added Node.changeOutputType function
Improved missed nodes detection algorithm. Save/Run/Step buttons will be automatically unblocked when all missed nodes are removed.
Use Ctrl + click on info button to highlight inputs/outputs types
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Hi Al,
Yes, I have plans to add a macro-nodes to this project, but you have to wait a few months.
Right now I'm pretty close to v1.0 release. But then I'll stop the development for an indefinite time. I'll continue this project after the first MoI V4 Beta release.
From: mkdm
Hi Max!
Thanks a lot for the latest Project Elephant update.
@You "Right now I'm pretty close to v1.0 release. But then I'll stop the development for an indefinite time. I'll continue this project after the first MoI V4 Beta release."
I totally agree with you.
Until the first beta of V4 it's ready it's almost useless to waste effort and energy
adding features to the current Elephant.
See you.
From: bemfarmer
A Thank you to Max for version .93, which was quick to install.
As I've previously posted some months ago, with only slight changes:
1. The yellow crosshair cursor can be added by including cursor.png.
2. Under \core, editor.js can be edited for a lighter background by replacing,
at about line 26, replacing 62 with 250, 3 places, and
at about line 29, replacing 50 with 200, 3 places.
(I Commented out the two old lines, and replaced them with the higher numbers.)
3. To activate quartz timer/clock/counter, under \nodes, edit out appropriate comments (\\) in basic.js.
The motor2Quartz.nod worked well with motor2.3dm.
The epiCycloidQuartz1.nod worked well with Cycloid11to1_03.3dm.
- Brian
From: speedy (AL2000)
Hi Max
Thank you for the reply.
As usual............ enlightening........
thanks to the new tools that have implemented
Was wondering, could you show us
some other examples
with the application of the new nodes
Progression , Split , and Extract ?
Thanks in advance
Have a nice day
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
French Version Uppdated :)
From: FDP
Just wanted to chime in a thank you for this project! I was wondering if there will be assemblies/hierarchies in V4, can we use the node editor to make the workflow more like Solidworks (MoI is so much better for quick sketching, however complex assemblies are a problem).
From: bemfarmer
A few items to add to the nodeeditor wiki:
Shift+doubleclick on a node will also open the info panel.
Multiple nodes may be displayed in the info panel by shift+clicking on additional nodes.
There is a rounded rectangle to the left of each node name.
Clicking on the rounded rectangle to the left of the node name, will minimize/maximize the node.
The rounded rectangle is grey for many nodes. If red, the associated js node is likely not installed.
For the output node, the color of the rounded rectangle is an indication of the status of the node.
Like a traffic stoplight, green indicates a favorable setup.
Red indicates a problem. Orange indicates some intermediate state (?)
- Brian
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