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Full Version: Parametric design in MoI?

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From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
11 Dec 2016   [#563]
Hi Marco

>> I don't know if you followed the "Nodebundle for playing with nodes" thread, but much has happened lately regarding your Project Elephant.
I read that thread from time to time, but I didn't tested any new written node.

>>Many new nodes, many very interesting and promising experiments, tons of comments and sharing about new strategies and new ideas.
I saw few screenshots from this thread. I really impressed. Great work! We need to add new nodes in the main pack.

>>At this point it seems that the true only limit of Project Elephant lies in the Moi's Api and its Javascript engine that cannot offer decent performances for the elaboration of large (or even medium) amount of data.
Yes, I know it. The current geometry engine is not fast enough. Let's hope it will be faster in the next version of MoI.

>> What do you thing of all these studies and efforts ?
It's great, I'll try to not break it in the next versions of this project.

>>What about all your scripts and your Project Elephant with the upcoming Moi V4 ?
Let's wait until first release of MoI v4

>>Are you planning to release a new official version of Project Elephant that will include an optimized version of all the most interesting nodes
written by the community ?
I can help to optimize the new nodes, and include them to the main package as external nodes.
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
11 Dec 2016   [#564] In reply to [#562]
Hello Max,

that's really good news. I will try to get a better systematic in the additional nodes then.
But next I will share a draft for vectors. I have used the data[3-5] for storing a location for the display. When I try to set scale to zero, it dosen't work!? The idea was to distinguish points from vectors. Anyway - With -1 it works.

Have a nice evening
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
11 Dec 2016   [#565]
Keep the good work and see you soon the next year for the new opus! :)
From: mkdm
11 Dec 2016   [#566] In reply to [#563]
Hi Max !!

I'm very glad to hear you again!!

> "Forgot to say, that I don't like idea about logical variables type. I think it will be much better to use numarray type for logical operations. X>0 = True, X<=0 False."

I agree with you. I think is useless add a new variable typ for this kind of data. Int num is more than enough.> "Yes, I know it. The current geometry engine is not fast enough. Let's hope it will be faster in the next version of MoI."

Hmmm...I fear that the bottle neck not lies on the strength of the geometry engine but on the Javascript engine and its execution environment.
I suppose that Grasshopper for Rhino is so fast because it's closely linked to the internal command pipeline of Rhino.
Let's hope that Michael in the next V4 will improve the overall performances of the script engine.

> "It's great, I'll try to not break it in the next versions of this project.
I can help to optimize the new nodes, and include them to the main package as external nodes."

Wow! This is really a great news!!

Max don't forget that a very important aspect of your Project Elephant should be also its documentation.
We (the community) are putting a big effort to find a good way to keep things organized and well documented,
for example with the new Wiki page, but I think that a direct involvement of you might be of great help.

Lastly, I have a question...just out of curiosity...

In all these years I didn't see on this forum, any 3D model created by you, but only (super excellent) javascript code.
So...I just tried to guess what's your job.
Are you a software developer specialized in mathematics ?

Thanks for all and see you.


Message 7713.567 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
11 Dec 2016   [#568] In reply to [#566]
<< in all these years I didn't see on this forum, any 3D model created by you

Max made some 3D models with each of its scripts! :)

These are my favorites
By Max Smirnov

From: mkdm
12 Dec 2016   [#569] In reply to [#568]
Hi Pilou and good morning.

> "Max made some 3D models with each of its scripts! :)"

Yes, of course this is true, but I meant not "matematichal" models derived from his scripts but 3D Nurbs models in general
(concept design, charachter, and so on...)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Dec 2016   [#570] In reply to [#569]
It's very difficult to be on each sides! :)
The few that I know are Ofer Alon for ZBrush(even this one seems have now no many time for the artistic side
and Taron for Verve! :)
After some exotic like Curvy 3D, Neobarok...are more made for their conceptors! :)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
12 Dec 2016   [#571] In reply to [#562]
Hello Max,

>>>>>Upd: Forgot to say, that I don't like idea about logical variables type. I think it will be much better to use numarray type for logical operations. X>0 = True, X<=0 False.
Anyway it's not a final decision. We can discuss it :)

I choosed boolean type, because your nodeeditor supports it and you have a clear separation between the datatypes (colors and connection behavior). But I think we can switch to numarray. Numarray is already available as additional output in the compare node, so the changes are not complex. I don't know how much performace and memory is lost by using booleans, but I think thats your minds behind your objection.

Have a nice day
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
15 Jan 2017   [#572]
Hi guys!

Today I added autoload functions to this project.
index.htm - almost completely rewritten
now it uses loadScripts function to load all .js scripts
all functions from the old index.htm has been moved to core/init.js

Syntax: loadScripts(subdirectory, scriptlist)
Subdirectory is a string parameter which points to subdirectory where scripts are stored.
As scriptlist you can use a comma separated string or a string array. In this list you can specify a names of the scripts which you want to load.
You can use a mask instead of full name. Each script will be loaded only once.
we have the following scripts in the nodes subdirectory:
... etc

if we call loadScripts('nodes', 'interface, myscript1, c*, *s, *'); the scrips will be loaded with the following order:




all the rest scripts

backup the old index.htm file and unzip this archive to existing nodeeditor directory. There are only two files in the archive (index.htm and core/init.js)
Waiting for a bugreports. :)

P.S. I'll read all questions you asked me above and write an answers today or tomorrow.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Jan 2017   [#573]
Max new year the return! :)

I will wait some few times before new French translation ...time to users to find rare bugs are existing! ;)

But seems there is nothing to do as it's just some replace files! :)

I have replace the 2 files above

In fact you must put the file "init.js" inside the existing old Folder Core and not "Replace" the Folder Core!
and replace the index.html
(am i right ? :)
Seems all works fine !

Here the French version :)

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
19 Jan 2017   [#574]
Today I wrote Slider2D interface node ;)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
19 Jan 2017   [#575] In reply to [#574]
Hello Max,

thank you very much - now I know, what Brian was talking about:-)

Have a nice evening
From: mkdm
19 Jan 2017   [#576] In reply to [#574]
Hi Max!

Wonderful implementation! Thank you very much!

Are you thinking about which of the many nodes written by community you want to integrate into the core of Project Elephant ?

See you.

- Marco (mkdm)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Jan 2017   [#577]
Not yet Translated the "Slider"! ;)

Do you think of a Slider 3D ?

From: Mindset (IGNITER)
19 Jan 2017   [#578]
From: bemfarmer
20 Jan 2017   [#579]
Very Cool!
Thank you Max.
- Brian
From: speedy (AL2000)
20 Jan 2017   [#580]
Welcome back Max
really... really performing the
your new Slider2D ;
we need your "knowledge"
to advance the Elephant-
Again thanks for everything
Have a nice day
20 Jan 2017   [#581]
Uh... yeah. What goes where, please?

Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
20 Jan 2017   [#582] In reply to [#581]
Hello Ced,

the short version: moi\ui\nodeeditor

more infos here:

Have a nice day

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