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Full Version: Parametric design in MoI?

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From: bemfarmer
6 Oct 2016   [#462]
For a lighter canvas, as previously discussed:

The canvas background color is now coded at lines 24 and 27 in the litegraph-editor.js file.
grid.png is no longer used.

Line 19 seems to be unnecessary (?). Commenting it out seems to do no harm(?)
line 19: // graphcanvas.background_image = "core/imgs/grid.png";

Max's line 24, commented out: // bgvctx.fillStyle = "rgb(62,62,62)";
Replaced for a Lighter color: bgvctx.fillStyle = "rgb(225,223,217)";

Max's line 27, commented out: // bgvctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(50,50,50)";
Replaced for a Lighter color: bgvctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(208,206,201)"

Also changed the cursor from "crosshair" to "default" in line 4 of litegraph.css.

- Brian
(I have not had time to test any nodes.)
From: mkdm
6 Oct 2016   [#463]
Hi Max and good morning,

Considering that "Project Elephant" has become increasingly hefty,
I think that now it would be desirable, in order to leverage this wonderful tool,
that you create a specific topic for "Project Elephant tech-docs and user guide".

I know that many information are scattered here and there in this forum,
and I guess that it would be a time consuming job,
but this would greatly help us to use and learn this tool.


- Marco (mkdm)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Oct 2016   [#464]
About nodes goto section Learn!
Amazing documentation : videos, books, articles, theory etc...

From: mkdm
6 Oct 2016   [#465] In reply to [#464]
Hi Pilou,

Oh yeah.....I already knew that web site.
It's a wonderful place to learn Generative Modelling (in truth also too technical for my very basic mathematics knowledge :)

But, Max is almost alone in its developing, while has a lot of people behind it!!

From Max it would be fine also a coarser documentation...


- Marco (mkdm)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Oct 2016   [#466] In reply to [#457]
Hello Max,

while testing some node-experiments, I saw some inconsistencies with the interpolation node. Maybe I didn't understand the method right, but I think that spline interpolation gives better results. So I made some investigations I want to share.

By the way, It was possible to integrate the function in the modes (long,short) of V0.8. In V0.85 I don't have success.

Have a nice day

Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Oct 2016   [#467] In reply to [#465]
Hello Marco,

"But, Max is almost alone in its developing, while has a lot of people behind it!!"

>>> Well, let us make some nodes:-)

PathArray (Performace now 3times faster for numarrays with reduced load of the moiDB), ScaleUVW

Have a nice day

Image Attachments:

From: mkdm
6 Oct 2016   [#468] In reply to [#467]
Hi Karsen,

> But, Max is almost alone in its developing, while has a lot of people behind it!!

I know that you are very well-versed in mathematics, unlike me :(

I hope that Max will include your nodes improvements into the next versions of Elephant!

Nice day,

- Marco (mdkm)
From: speedy (AL2000)
6 Oct 2016   [#469]
Hello, Max

First of all thanks for the Great Work you are doing ....

I ask if it was possible to make some improvements in the future:

1- We could add on- (Range Nod) various inputs to determine;
the beginning
the end
n°of divisions
so all you can handle with Slider or Knob

2- Create a Node Series with input, like Range
the beginning
the step
returning multiple values

3- Restoring and improving Plane/Frame
with the possibility of displaying or not in the Work area (Canvas)
to improve the use (See Karsten's post .... )

I know everything you're doing, it's completly free ,
a total benefit of us users Moi....
and I would not think I was a bit rude to make such requests-
Have a nice Day ,and
many thanks for your patience-

Image Attachments:

From: speedy (AL2000)
6 Oct 2016   [#470]
Hi Friends
I want to share with all of you my humble
learning exercise
I hope it is of help to some beginners like me

CP-Feature 0.85.nod

Image Attachments:

From: mkdm
6 Oct 2016   [#471] In reply to [#469]
Hi speedy,

Thanks for sharing these ideas!

Some of your proposals remind me the "PatternSelArray" nodes that I have started to write some times ago and I never finished (was for the 0.65 version of Elephant).

Everything about "patterns and arrays" is my hobbyhorse !!

These are my original posts :


- Marco (mkdm)
From: mkdm
6 Oct 2016   [#472] In reply to [#470]
Wow speedy,

....fantastic Job!!!

- Marco (mkdm)
From: speedy (AL2000)
6 Oct 2016   [#473]
Hello Karsten
By now you have become my adviser, and I hope you can tell me
how to solve my problem-
During v.077 and versions v .080
I tried to play some learning exercises -
With the advent of the v. 085 I have removed from the folder (nodeeditor)
all folders into of the old version, and I just added those relating at the latest version .....
Now , if I try to re-open the old files appear to me
error messages on the Canvas...
How can I overcome the problem ...
Possible that there is no compatibility between the old version
and the new.......
I attach a file that can not be loaded , and
I hope you can help me , and tell me how to fix it-
Thank you and excuse me if you abuse your time
and your patience-


Image Attachments:

From: wastzzz
6 Oct 2016   [#474]
I have 3 different objects: a, b, c.
How do I linear array them randomly? For instance a,a,b,a,c,c,a,b,b,a etc..
My main purpose using nodeeditor is random management of objects, but I can't seem to understand.. I cannot find a "linear array" node, only circular.

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Oct 2016   [#475] In reply to [#473]
Hello Al,

I had a look at the picture and downloaded the nod-file. The problem are all the frame-Nodes in your file. V0.85 hasn't Frames - have a look to Max post, but you can use point and rotatePoints for the same function. So connect the inputs of ellipsoide and polygon with the point output of the sin/cos stuff following point and everything should work.(Maybe replace polygon and reconnect it)

Have a nice day
From: James (JFH)
6 Oct 2016   [#476] In reply to [#469]
Hi Al,

Your experiments are very impressive! Great work.

>>Node Series with input, like Range, the beginning, the step, returning multiple values <<

Yes, a series node would be useful, but in the interim you can use "Const" node to input series arrays,
giving greater clarity to your node diagrams.

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Oct 2016   [#477] In reply to [#476]
Hello James, Hello Al,

the attached nodefile shows a way to generate a numarray. You can also put more values in a const-node as a replacement for the slider.

Have a nice day


From: mkdm
6 Oct 2016   [#478] In reply to [#476]
Hi James,

Thank you very much your experiments!

Just a little debug info.

Running your .nod file and assigning to Ellipsoide node, a "Mode" other than Union, that is Long or Short,
Moi always crashes.


- Marco (mkdm)
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6 Oct 2016   [#479]
Thank you!

>>It is necessary that you provide us with an updated and complete technical documentation of all the nodes, or at least of all the inner changes that this new "Project Elephant" has.
Sometime ago a asked community to help me with documentation. I haven't enough time even for coding :) Could someone help me with that? Of course I can provide all information about this project.

>>Instead of shortcuts, it would be possible when you have time, to have a control panel with simple buttons in order to have a fast access to all nodes
with one single click ?
I'll think how to implement it, but not instead of shortcuts :) I definitely need shortcuts. Copy-paste.. run-stop.. load-save etc..

Frenchy Pilou
>>Does it possible Expand / Reduce all nodes in one time ?
It's possible. I already thought about this.

>>does it possible to have the current name of the current file's node beside the Name of the version ?
I tried to do it, but MoI restricts title change from javascript. Maybe Michael could help us with that.

Thank you! I'll add a bright color scheme in the nearest future

>>Considering that "Project Elephant" has become increasingly hefty, I think that now it would be desirable, in order to leverage this wonderful tool, that you create a specific topic for "Project Elephant tech-docs and user guide".
I'll make it right after v.1.0 release

Frenchy Pilou
>> About nodes goto section Learn!
Thank you. I'll read it tomorrow

>>while testing some node-experiments, I saw some inconsistencies with the interpolation node. Maybe I didn't understand the method right, but I think that spline interpolation gives better results. So I made some investigations I want to share.
Spline interpolation produces values outside the range. I prefer to use different interpolation methods for every particular case.
I can implement spline interpolation method later.

>>By the way, It was possible to integrate the function in the modes (long,short) of V0.8. In V0.85 I don't have success.
I decided to not integrate it as processInOut method. It will make this fuction more complex and less flexible. Also while playing with interpolation, I understood that I often need different interpolation modes in the same time. For example linear method for X and Y coordinates, and CatmullRom for Z coordinate.

>>PathArray (Performace now 3times faster for numarrays with reduced load of the moiDB)
Thank you! I'll check it tomorrow.

>>I hope that Max will include your nodes improvements into the next versions of Elephant!
I'll make a separate directory for custom script and extensions. Elephant will load them automatically.
Of course I'll add good stable nodes in the main node set.

>>I ask if it was possible to make some improvements in the future:
>>1- We could add on- (Range Nod) various inputs to determine; the beginning the end n°of divisions so all you can handle with Slider or Knob
If I understood clearly, you already can do it using the Interp node. You need to set Linear interpolation, range and number of divisions.

>>2- Create a Node Series with input, like Range/ the beginning/ the step/ returning multiple values
I'll think about Series node. Thank you.

>>I want to share with all of you my humble learning exercise
Great! I like it!

>>Possible that there is no compatibility between the old version and the new.....
>>I hope you can help me , and tell me how to fix it-

Yes, I've removed the Frame node because the latest version of RotatePts makes exactly the same. Unfortunately I forgot to add this node to compatibility.js and enable Long mode support. I'll fix it in the new version.

>>How do I linear array them randomly? For instance a,a,b,a,c,c,a,b,b,a
You can use Random node and then Math (floor(a*3)). You will get group of values from 0 to 2. (something like 1,2,2,1,0,1,1,0,2,2)
From: James (JFH)
6 Oct 2016   [#480] In reply to [#478]
Hi Al & Marco

Al, sorry my last .nod file was an earlier version than screen grab.
I have attached new file incorporating Karsten's clever suggestion
for Range/Interp series output.

>>other than Union, that is Long or Short, Moi always crashes<<
Marco, yes I revised Al's original .nod file so I had not tried alt modes.

From: Michael Gibson
6 Oct 2016   [#481] In reply to [#480]
Hi James, re: ellipse revolve - it's built in to revolve that it trims any curve that crosses the revolve axis so a closed ellipse will internally get converted into a half ellipse for the revolve.

If it didn't do this and actually allowed you to revolve a closed curve, the resulting surface would have messed up normals, with half of it having a normal pointing inwards and the other half pointing outwards.

- Michael

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