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Full Version: Parametric design in MoI?

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From: speedy (AL2000)
30 Sep 2016   [#438] In reply to [#437]
Sweet sounds to my ears.......
do not forget (tutor) exercises for beginners like me-
From: wastzzz
30 Sep 2016   [#439]
I am testing it and it's great! Thanks.
Question for newbies: how do I extrude some shapes randomly? I can generate a random number but of course the number is used for every extrusion.

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From: speedy (AL2000)
30 Sep 2016   [#440] In reply to [#439]
maybe you have to set Long rather than Short
in the field math
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
30 Sep 2016   [#441]

PathPoints:-) only integration of the startframe evaluation is missing at the moment!

Have a nice day
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
1 Oct 2016   [#442] In reply to [#430]
Hello James,

I had make some tests with the average-mode and found two bugs. If you want, you should correct this two lines:
r.push((e[1]-e[0])); //error corrected was r.push(2*(e[1]-e[0])); !!!
r.push((e[i]-e[i-1])-((r[i-1]*h[i-1])/u[i-1])); // error corrected was r.push((e[i]-e[i-1])-(r[i-1]*h[i-1]/u[i-1]));!!!
in basicFunctions.js -splineMap-function.

Have a nice day
From: James (JFH)
1 Oct 2016   [#443] In reply to [#442]
Thanks Karsten,

It fixed an anomaly in interpolation with > 3 values in radii input series
as well as crashing bug if U,V or W input centre value < the number
of values values in radii input series.

I can't wait until Max has finalised the foundations of node editor,
to see what you build upon it.

Keep up the great work
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
1 Oct 2016   [#444] In reply to [#443]
Hello James,
thanks for the reply. If you want to test another node, please test this one. But first you have to correct pushFrame in litegraph.js as described here:
PathArray in Points2.js generates an aligned pointarray along a curve. ShowFrame shows now all Frames in a pointarray - I think useful for test.

Have a nice day


From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
2 Oct 2016   [#445]
The new version is not ready yet. But today I wrote interpolation node for using with numarrays. At the moment it supports the following interpolation methods:
Linear, Cosine, Cubic, CatmullRom, Hermite, FritschCarlson

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2016   [#446] In reply to [#445]
What a supense! ;)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
2 Oct 2016   [#447] In reply to [#445]
Hello Max,
good news and very interesting - I've never heard before about FritschCarlson. (Something I have to Google now:-)
And, Is this a new node or are there new modes like short and long?

Have a nice evening
From: speedy (AL2000)
3 Oct 2016   [#448] In reply to [#440]
it's not like I write, I tried to change the sequence ,
and set long but no result....
can someone explain how to use
this random function ....

James , Karsten .....
much good results,with our script, but
you can enter the script into original nodeditor folder for them
try , without damaging the original files ???
thank you

_Sorry for my bad english

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Message 7713.449 was deleted

From: speedy (AL2000)
3 Oct 2016   [#450] In reply to [#448]
With a bit of logic , I think I found the solution, but can not understand how the input values are interpolated-
I enclose two pictures;
-Input data ( before picture)
- transformed data (after picture)
Can you me better understand the operation?

Image Attachments:
after.jpg  before.jpg 

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
3 Oct 2016   [#451] In reply to [#448]
Hello Al,
try something like this:

If you want o test other nodes, You have to copy the nodefiles into the nodes folder an register them in index.html. If you replace core Stuff like litegraph.js you should make a copy of the original first. For the average stuff (better interpolation) I made only little changes in litegraph.js to show the function. To use it You have to make corrections in the basicFunctions.js file I have posted, but Max has created already a special node for that. The patharray is untested an has a performance problem for a sequence of numarray inputs. I have to improve it.

Have a nice day

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Oct 2016   [#452] In reply to [#451]
Can we have Knobs or Cursors on the left of the Node math for input A & B and these ones will be randomised?
(for avoid to manually input values)
From: speedy (AL2000)
3 Oct 2016   [#453] In reply to [#452]
Hi Pilou
I think this is one of the node problems
math, does not accept incoming of a b etc. multi values, then
it is always forced to write, greatly reducing the manipulation of the data-
It would also be nice that the single node result could be used
also for other transformations, then with more outputs
I Hope in a "wonderfull " solution Max's Problem
From: speedy (AL2000)
3 Oct 2016   [#454] In reply to [#453]
thank you....
but for the moment I give up to do so ...
It is too difficult for me as a
ignorant on the Script and another etc. etc.
They will wait the Max's developments
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
3 Oct 2016   [#455] In reply to [#454]
Hello Al,
no problem. I hope that you can get random now to run.

Have a nice day
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
3 Oct 2016   [#456] In reply to [#452]
Hello Pilou,

I think that Maxs new interpolation node will solve the problem. I think that is similar to the reMap node in my last Infonodes (splineinterpolation) that I have written for test purposes (Max have linear, Catmull, ... modes too!). You will choose some values (min 2) and give a number of values you want to interpolate between them. Your output is a spline interpolation between them.

Have a nice day
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
4 Oct 2016   [#457]
In this version I made a huge amount of changes. I need a beta testers because I haven't enough time to test all changes in all ways. I'll be waiting for your bugreports.

Added Length node (click right button on node to change input type)
Added PolygonPts node
Added Random node
Added Range Slider node
Added Interp node
Added TransformPts node
Added compatibility lookup table to fix all nodes incompatibility from version to version. Now all nodes since v.77 will be automatically updated to the latest version while loading (I made significant changes in save/load/clone/add_input/add_output/remove_input/remove_output functions. You need to test them)
Added "Update" menu option for Math and MathPts nodes. It should be useful if you use rnd command. Hint: you can use this command instead of random() command

Fixed Polyline and Curve factory bug, which causes GeomDB objects flood
Fixed Output visual bug when node collapsed
Fixed Output switch style bug before a first run
Fixed inputs/outputs menu highlight bug when extra menu options is shown
Fixed MathPts closed curve continuity bug
ConvertPts node now draws point if curve length equals 0

Removed Frame node. Use Point or RotatePts node instead.

Use Shift+Left click on background to select all nodes.

and many other small fixes and changes..

I played with dynamic file loading from nodes folder. It works but it not good enough for release. Wait until a next version.
Also I tried to implement shortcut support. I can't make it work.

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