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Full Version: Parametric design in MoI?

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From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Sep 2016   [#429] In reply to [#428]
Hello James,

it is exacly what it should do. You have 11 circles and the radius is given as a sequence of numbers (1,2,1). The average mode in the circles-node, maps a interpolation of the three values to the radii of the circles. You can add or delete a value also- (I hope so:-) It isn't tested well, because the integration in litegraph.js is just a hack - as good as I understand the code.

Have a nice day
From: James (JFH)
28 Sep 2016   [#430] In reply to [#429]
Hi Karsten,

I get it now. This will be very useful.

- James
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Sep 2016   [#431] In reply to [#430]
But I don't know, if average is the right word for that? Max has to decide about it!
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Sep 2016   [#432] In reply to [#431]
p.s.: for 2 values it degenerates to a linear interpolation:-)
From: speedy (AL2000)
30 Sep 2016   [#433] In reply to [#415]
Hi Max and Friends .
I am trying to redo the exercise (twist), (simple in Grasshopper ) but can not find the same Node
Polygon pts-
Node that I can use at the time, has three called input
center, radius, sides,
and not two , as the one used in the video......
Where am I doing wrong ????
Thanks for your help

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From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
30 Sep 2016   [#434] In reply to [#433]
Hello Al,

I think that Max hasn't released the node, typically he post also the exampe.nod file for new features -so we have to wait:-)

Have a nice day
From: speedy (AL2000)
30 Sep 2016   [#435] In reply to [#434]
Thanks Karsten ,
I thought so, but I was not sure
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
30 Sep 2016   [#436]
Hi guys
I was busy few days, so I didn't wrote anything since tuesday.
Here is small announce for the new version:
PolygonPts node (done)
TransformPts node (done: twist, rotate; to do: explode)
Interpolation node (to do)
ConvertPts node improvements
pushFrame rad/deg bug fixed (again) :)) I accidentally wrote Math.pi instead of Math.PI in the last version.

I don't know when I will release the new version. Maybe this Sunday.
From: mkdm
30 Sep 2016   [#437] In reply to [#436]
Good to know! Thanks a lot!

- Marco (mkdm)
From: speedy (AL2000)
30 Sep 2016   [#438] In reply to [#437]
Sweet sounds to my ears.......
do not forget (tutor) exercises for beginners like me-
From: wastzzz
30 Sep 2016   [#439]
I am testing it and it's great! Thanks.
Question for newbies: how do I extrude some shapes randomly? I can generate a random number but of course the number is used for every extrusion.

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From: speedy (AL2000)
30 Sep 2016   [#440] In reply to [#439]
maybe you have to set Long rather than Short
in the field math
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
30 Sep 2016   [#441]

PathPoints:-) only integration of the startframe evaluation is missing at the moment!

Have a nice day
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
1 Oct 2016   [#442] In reply to [#430]
Hello James,

I had make some tests with the average-mode and found two bugs. If you want, you should correct this two lines:
r.push((e[1]-e[0])); //error corrected was r.push(2*(e[1]-e[0])); !!!
r.push((e[i]-e[i-1])-((r[i-1]*h[i-1])/u[i-1])); // error corrected was r.push((e[i]-e[i-1])-(r[i-1]*h[i-1]/u[i-1]));!!!
in basicFunctions.js -splineMap-function.

Have a nice day
From: James (JFH)
1 Oct 2016   [#443] In reply to [#442]
Thanks Karsten,

It fixed an anomaly in interpolation with > 3 values in radii input series
as well as crashing bug if U,V or W input centre value < the number
of values values in radii input series.

I can't wait until Max has finalised the foundations of node editor,
to see what you build upon it.

Keep up the great work
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
1 Oct 2016   [#444] In reply to [#443]
Hello James,
thanks for the reply. If you want to test another node, please test this one. But first you have to correct pushFrame in litegraph.js as described here:
PathArray in Points2.js generates an aligned pointarray along a curve. ShowFrame shows now all Frames in a pointarray - I think useful for test.

Have a nice day


From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
2 Oct 2016   [#445]
The new version is not ready yet. But today I wrote interpolation node for using with numarrays. At the moment it supports the following interpolation methods:
Linear, Cosine, Cubic, CatmullRom, Hermite, FritschCarlson

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2016   [#446] In reply to [#445]
What a supense! ;)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
2 Oct 2016   [#447] In reply to [#445]
Hello Max,
good news and very interesting - I've never heard before about FritschCarlson. (Something I have to Google now:-)
And, Is this a new node or are there new modes like short and long?

Have a nice evening
From: speedy (AL2000)
3 Oct 2016   [#448] In reply to [#440]
it's not like I write, I tried to change the sequence ,
and set long but no result....
can someone explain how to use
this random function ....

James , Karsten .....
much good results,with our script, but
you can enter the script into original nodeditor folder for them
try , without damaging the original files ???
thank you

_Sorry for my bad english

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