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Full Version: Parametric design in MoI?

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From: mkdm
26 Sep 2016   [#417] In reply to [#415]
Hi Max,

> Inspired by this video

Hey...the old good Grasshopper is back !

To be perfectly honest, Grasshopper is by far the very best of Rhino, its point of excellence.

- Marco (mkdm)
From: James (JFH)
26 Sep 2016   [#418] In reply to [#414]

>can someone explain to me the features
(Points Math) with some example ..<

Point Math is simply Max's brilliant "FXGraph3d" script repurposed as a node.

An in depth discussion of FXGraph scripts can be found here:

Attached is .nod file for generating Enneper surface with Points Math node.

Hope this helps
- James
From: speedy (AL2000)
27 Sep 2016   [#419] In reply to [#418]
Good Morning James
thanks for the file
of considerable clarification, but I ask you
how to add input into

Image Attachments:

From: speedy (AL2000)
27 Sep 2016   [#420] In reply to [#416]
< Hi Al,
Tomorrow I'll explain how to use points and frames>

Hi Max
thanks in advance to all, look forward
your explanations, I'm sorry but I'm a beginner
From: James (JFH)
27 Sep 2016   [#421] In reply to [#419]
Hi Al,

To add inputs to node, right button click on node and pull down: inputs/a
as shown.

Hope this helps

- James
From: speedy (AL2000)
27 Sep 2016   [#422] In reply to [#418]
Hi James, and Max ,
another question, sorry.......
How can I handle the n°. outputs
(In this case curves)-
As in the example posted to delete one
in order to make the Loft no Creased ?
(GH / Rhino you can)
and you can, in the future, implement this in "Elephant"

Image Attachments:

From: speedy (AL2000)
27 Sep 2016   [#423] In reply to [#421]
Hi James
Many thanks for the help...
I need to ask other, maybe you could help my;
- How can I enter a domain of U and V in the Math node pt
into Fx3D Graph exists a field (Min) and (Max) ?
- you can create parametrically, with values on slider,
a Range -> (Domain / integer) ?
-and you can , always create parametrically ,
a Series of numbers -> Start Number / Interval / Number instances ?

thanks in advance
have a nice day

Image Attachments:
domainin math point.JPG 

From: James (JFH)
27 Sep 2016   [#424] In reply to [#423]
Hi Al

>>I need to ask other, maybe you could help my;
- How can I enter a domain of U and V in the Math node pt
into Fx3D Graph exists a field (Min) and (Max) ?<<

An earlier iteration of MathArray node had inputs for UMin, UMax, VMin & UMax.
These have been removed with the name change to MathPoints.

I believe that Max is developing Range and series nodes to satisfy this requirement
and the others you mentioned We need to wait and see.

From: James (JFH)
27 Sep 2016   [#425] In reply to [#423]
Hi Al

FROM YOUR IMAGE >> How insert domain Ex (-2pi to 2pi)<<

In the URange or VRange field type:


exactly as above, and it will populate field with numerical values.

I'm noy sure if this answers your question.
Let me know

From: speedy (AL2000)
27 Sep 2016   [#426] In reply to [#425]
Hi james
Sorry, I'm too "speedy", I had not noticed
the comma as separator in the fields ,
I wrote-2 *pi to 2 * pi - like in Grasshopper-
Many appreciate your answers
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Sep 2016   [#427] In reply to [#383]
Hello Max,

I thougth about an interpolation for numarrays. I choose a spline interpolation and activated your average mode. Maybe you can use parts of the code. Maybe someone can test it, if it is useful ...

Have a nice day


Message 7713.428 was deleted

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Sep 2016   [#429] In reply to [#428]
Hello James,

it is exacly what it should do. You have 11 circles and the radius is given as a sequence of numbers (1,2,1). The average mode in the circles-node, maps a interpolation of the three values to the radii of the circles. You can add or delete a value also- (I hope so:-) It isn't tested well, because the integration in litegraph.js is just a hack - as good as I understand the code.

Have a nice day
From: James (JFH)
28 Sep 2016   [#430] In reply to [#429]
Hi Karsten,

I get it now. This will be very useful.

- James
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Sep 2016   [#431] In reply to [#430]
But I don't know, if average is the right word for that? Max has to decide about it!
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Sep 2016   [#432] In reply to [#431]
p.s.: for 2 values it degenerates to a linear interpolation:-)
From: speedy (AL2000)
30 Sep 2016   [#433] In reply to [#415]
Hi Max and Friends .
I am trying to redo the exercise (twist), (simple in Grasshopper ) but can not find the same Node
Polygon pts-
Node that I can use at the time, has three called input
center, radius, sides,
and not two , as the one used in the video......
Where am I doing wrong ????
Thanks for your help

Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
30 Sep 2016   [#434] In reply to [#433]
Hello Al,

I think that Max hasn't released the node, typically he post also the exampe.nod file for new features -so we have to wait:-)

Have a nice day
From: speedy (AL2000)
30 Sep 2016   [#435] In reply to [#434]
Thanks Karsten ,
I thought so, but I was not sure
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
30 Sep 2016   [#436]
Hi guys
I was busy few days, so I didn't wrote anything since tuesday.
Here is small announce for the new version:
PolygonPts node (done)
TransformPts node (done: twist, rotate; to do: explode)
Interpolation node (to do)
ConvertPts node improvements
pushFrame rad/deg bug fixed (again) :)) I accidentally wrote Math.pi instead of Math.PI in the last version.

I don't know when I will release the new version. Maybe this Sunday.

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