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Full Version: Parametric design in MoI?

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From: speedy (AL2000)
23 Sep 2016   [#401] In reply to [#400]
My Friends I are in confusion.............
I started using Elephant, and I uploaded some applications....
Now, I post pictures of my ui
where you see what I've uploaded ...

Considering the last release of the legendary Max
the question is;
What should I charge, to have the updated features, I can add
that load in my Node Editor without removing what is already
..... or , do I have to remove everything, and in this case what should I enter

I await yours suggestion

sorry for my bad English, I hope
I understand my problem

Image Attachments:
ui-Nodeedotor1.jpg  ui-Nodeedotor2.jpg  ui-Nodeedotor3.jpg  ui-Nodeedotor4.jpg  ui-Nodeedotor5.jpg 

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
23 Sep 2016   [#402] In reply to [#401]
Hello Al,

it seems that you use a very old version of the Elephant.(Date 2015). So you should rename your nodeeditor folder to e.g. nodeeditor-old. Than extract the archive and rename the folder nodeeditor.0.77.a to nodeeditor. Copy the folder to /ui of your Moi installation. Your node-files will not work with the new version - if you need them, you can change or dublicate your shortcut-key and can use them also.

Have a nice day
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Sep 2016   [#403]
It's me or there is no "a" on the N° 0.77a of the last Elephant ?

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Sep 2016   [#404]
@Max : here the lang.js (0.77a) If you can add this part in your futur version (s) that will help me for avoid to reload numerous old versions! :)

Maybe there is somewhere in Sub- menus, ... something other to translate ?

French version of the Nodes! :)

From: speedy (AL2000)
23 Sep 2016   [#405] In reply to [#402]
Hi Karsten
Many Many Many....Thanks for your indication
Now Ok - Work fine
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
24 Sep 2016   [#406]
Added function updateThisNodeGraph. This function updates node graph without canvas reloading.
Knob, Slider and Output nodes has been rewritten. Now they use updateThisNodeGraph. Significant interface performance boost!
Fixed pointArray.pushFrame deg/rad bug
Changed node connections (lot of graphical changes)
Arrays group renamed to Points

Due lack of time I didn't tested all new graphical features well. Send me a message if you find glitches and bugs.
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
25 Sep 2016   [#407] In reply to [#406]
Hello Max,

thanks for the update, but I have some problems to get it to run. It seems that arrays.js is missing - as file and as link in index.html!?

Have a nice evening

p.s.: Adding from 0.77a fixed it:-)
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
25 Sep 2016   [#408] In reply to [#407]
Hi Karsten,
I've renamed Arrays section to Points in the last version.
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
25 Sep 2016   [#409] In reply to [#408]
Hello Max,

thanks for the reply. Ok, I understood! And now I see you mentioned it! I've tested the example.0.77 and get some errors, so I fixed it in the wrong way.

Have a nice evening
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Sep 2016   [#410]
v 0.8 with example 0.77a

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
25 Sep 2016   [#411]
Dear friends, don't use .nod from the old beta version. And don't use old .js files.
This software still in developing. I'm changing nodes, variables, logic, names.
I'll think about back compatibility after v.1.0 release only.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
25 Sep 2016   [#412]
Bug found in Slider and Knob nodes. Please update interface.js
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Sep 2016   [#413] In reply to [#412]
Perfect! And in French! :)

From: speedy (AL2000)
26 Sep 2016   [#414] In reply to [#413]
Dear friends
can someone explain to me the features
(Points Math) with some example ..
something is simple ..... but other features
they are unknow for me-
I upload a starting file......
Many thank

Know Points Math.nod

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
26 Sep 2016   [#415]
New tests

Inspired by this video
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
26 Sep 2016   [#416] In reply to [#414]
Hi Al,
Tomorrow I'll explain how to use points and frames
From: mkdm
26 Sep 2016   [#417] In reply to [#415]
Hi Max,

> Inspired by this video

Hey...the old good Grasshopper is back !

To be perfectly honest, Grasshopper is by far the very best of Rhino, its point of excellence.

- Marco (mkdm)
From: James (JFH)
26 Sep 2016   [#418] In reply to [#414]

>can someone explain to me the features
(Points Math) with some example ..<

Point Math is simply Max's brilliant "FXGraph3d" script repurposed as a node.

An in depth discussion of FXGraph scripts can be found here:

Attached is .nod file for generating Enneper surface with Points Math node.

Hope this helps
- James
From: speedy (AL2000)
27 Sep 2016   [#419] In reply to [#418]
Good Morning James
thanks for the file
of considerable clarification, but I ask you
how to add input into

Image Attachments:

From: speedy (AL2000)
27 Sep 2016   [#420] In reply to [#416]
< Hi Al,
Tomorrow I'll explain how to use points and frames>

Hi Max
thanks in advance to all, look forward
your explanations, I'm sorry but I'm a beginner

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