my name isn't Max, but I can you give a node for that. It's a quick and untested hack of Max geniue concat node for Objects. I have changed only the input and output parameters. Please test it. Maybe Max can integrate something like that in his next release, maybe there is something like that already existing? Only Max know all the features:-)
I have created a Series and a Range Nodes from other example nodes. I like the math node under basic and I was wondering if we can use the math node to generate series and range numbers instead of having separate nodes.
Second question is how I could use these generated number from Series and Range to create points in MOI ( See Attached Image ).
>> and a seventh coordinate (maybe useful for homogenous proposes?)
It's a scale :)
>>Maybe Max can integrate something like that in his next release, maybe there is something like that already existing?
I wrote this node already But I'll check your version, maybe I'll find something interesting in it. :)
>> How would it be possible to collect a specified set of Point objects, into a PointArray ?
added ObjtoArray node. At the moment it works with point objects only.
>>Inside the NodeEditor, it would be possible to render the generated objects, using a particular style, just in order to better highlight them ?
added Style property in the Output node
>>An Alert Message when we press "New" ?
Maybe in the next beta release..
>>> But I'll check your version, maybe I'll find something interesting in it. :)
I don't think so! 99% is your own code - interesting could only be some bugs, that I placed in the rest;-)
DegToRad ( degree to Radian Conversion, You can use Math node for this )
RadToDeg ( Radian to Degree Conversion, You can use Math node for this )
pointArray.prototype.pushFrame = function(frame)
var rx=ry=rz=0;
if ( frame.zaxis.y === 0 && frame.zaxis.z === 0) { ry = ( frame.xaxis.z > 0 )?90:-90; }
rx = Math.atan2(frame.zaxis.y, frame.zaxis.z);
ry = -Math.asin(frame.zaxis.x);
rz = Math.atan2(frame.xaxis.z*Math.sin(rx)-frame.xaxis.y*Math.cos(rx), frame.xaxis.x*Math.cos(ry)+(frame.xaxis.y*Math.sin(rx)+frame.xaxis.z*Math.cos(rx))*Math.sin(ry));
I'm missing the conversion to deg?
What works for me at the moment is something like:
pointArray.prototype.pushFrame = function (frame)
// this.xlength++;
Although, for the gimbal lock is a calculation vor rx or rz is missing?? e.g. rz = Math.atan2(frame.yaxis.z,frame.yaxis.y); with rx=0;???
Hey Max,
If you try and set output style property "before" running the node it will produce an error. If you run node first, then style is applied great!
I ran old "jitter node"... But example node and others like motor error out. Hopefully you are just making those future changes now...
It's always no need to translate what is out of the lang.js file ?
(for the Info or some info node message like "(input locked)" when you Right Click on an input node point
The example node error still exists in the construct.js file though.
I'm not going to be running all the created nodes because of such heavy development right now... Maybe Max should just keep "example" updated as needed with any major release... So I don't bug him about "an old node doesn't work...." stuff, when he already knows that, etc....