@Max here the
File lang.js with "EN", but put "FR" change nothing even input "FR" inside the Index.html !
lang.set("FR"); https://we.tl/dNcE2OGmpu valuable till 10 / May / 2016
A big mystery!
Shortcut is this one ?
moi.ui.createDialog( 'nodeeditor/index.html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow )
Can you give me the list of the \ui\nodeeditor\...
"My index html is lang.set("FR");" <<This is correct.>>
"My lang.js is var lang = { LANGUAGE: "FR" } " <<<This is "incorrect." Leave it as: var lang = { LANGUAGE: "EN" }>>>
I temporarily went to MoI Options, and edited the moi.ini file to read, under [UI] as Language=French
With index html: lang.set("FR");, and leaving your lang.js as downloaded, with var lang = { LANGUAGE: "EN" }
no other modifications were needed to get French Node language.
There is no need to add the French words to the EN section, lines 159+ in your post.
- Brian
(These are my personal observations and tests and opinions:-)
@Max: Sure!
Here the complete folder nodeeditor who is working! (so with 2 "French dictionnaries" as shown on my image above inside the file lang.js) http://we.tl/TwsT35rm6z till 12 may 2016
Of course all translations of nodes and other things are not yet made! (All is in Wip building)
but with this yet made and this curious lang.js all works fine in French!