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Full Version: Parametric design in MoI?

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From: mkdm
24 Apr 2016   [#192] In reply to [#188]
Hi Max,

I'm very pleased to know that your NodeEditor project is still under developing...

Thank you very much for your efforts and for the not ordinary quality of your plugin!
It's something like a very precious pearl, in moi's treasure chest.

I never seriously played with your plugin, so i decided to begin.

At the moment i have just a few questions.

For example, just to begin with some simple tests, i wondered what are the steps needed in order to create a "pointarray" object.
I mean...i see that the "Curve" object requires a "pointarray".
So, how generate this kind of object, starting, let's say, from a selection of point objects ?

Thanks again for your great work and have a nice day.

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
24 Apr 2016   [#193] In reply to [#192]
Hi Marco,

At the moment I wrote just a core engine of this node system. First beta version has been released, but most of the functions are still unavailable.
Now we need to write nodes. Karsten already wrote a lot of nodes which we can use with the new version. Wait for a while.

>>So, how generate this kind of object, starting, let's say, from a selection of point objects ?
Right now only three nodes can create a pointarray objects: GenArray, Point and FRotate.
From: Barry-H
24 Apr 2016   [#194]
Hi Max,
I notice that we can now zoom in and out which is excellent.
I'm running MoI on a Surface Pro 4 and the Node Editor UI is a bit to small for my old eyes.
Is it possible to enlarge the UI for high definition Monitors.
If not no problem can work with Windows 10 magnifier.
Many thanks for sharing your work it's keeping my old brain active.
From: mkdm
24 Apr 2016   [#195] In reply to [#193]
Hi Max,

Thank you for your prompt reply.
I will try to use some of Karsten'nodes while waiting of your upgrades.

From a software developer to another one, my congratulations for the results of your efforts.

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
24 Apr 2016   [#196]
Hi Barry,

Extract file to nodeedit/css folder (overwrite the old css-file)
Also extract to nodeedit/core folder to enable >1 zoom levels.
From: Barry-H
24 Apr 2016   [#197]
Hi Max,
many thanks it's great.
From: BurrMan
24 Apr 2016   [#198] In reply to [#190]

""""""""""""after a quick test - excellent! Everything seems to work. Another Masterpiece!""""""""""""""""""

Apparently all your existing nodes need to be re-written?

They all error out for me on new node system. Just to be clear.
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
24 Apr 2016   [#199] In reply to [#198]
Hello BurrMan,

that's correct. Most of the nodes has to be rewritten or need an update - so I started allready. And yes - everything in the new beta seems to work:-)

At the moment I study Max code - especially the pointarray and the frames. The changes here, are the most important at the moment, to get the nodes work.

Have a nice day
From: TwinSnakes
28 Apr 2016   [#200]
I've been gone a long I'm a bit this the "official" path for parametric in Moi3d?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
28 Apr 2016   [#201]
Waiting the complete rewriting for made the new French Version! ;)
From: Michael Gibson
28 Apr 2016   [#202] In reply to [#200]
Hi TwinSnakes,

> I've been gone a long I'm a bit this the "official"
> path for parametric in Moi3d?

In the future I would like to implement history based parametrics in MoI, it would be a little different than this method. But Max's system is something you can use now if you want to build a procedural model. I'm not sure when a deeper history based system will get implemented for MoI, there is still a lot of work I want to do to improve other areas first.

- Michael
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
2 May 2016   [#203]

- added Get objects nodes (Get objects by name, Get objects by style, Get selected objects)
- added ObjBoolean nodes (thanks to Karsten)
- added few array/construct/transform nodes
- made some enhancements in the core code

I made new version of Karsten's Motor demo. Now it looks much simpler than before.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 May 2016   [#204]
Elephant the big return!
From: Barry-H
2 May 2016   [#205]
Hi Max,
I'm using the maths array to get a grid type array.
To get the desired centres I adjust the umax/vmax based on the Unum/vnum inputs.
Is it possible to have the umax/vmax accessible by inputs or is there another way to do
this type of array ?

Image Attachments:

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
2 May 2016   [#206] In reply to [#205]
Hi Barry,
replace /nodes/arrays.js with attached file.

In fact I don't like nodes with large amount of inputs. Later I'll write a new version of this node. I need to find an optimal way to solve this problem.
From: Sharif (SR13765)
2 May 2016   [#207] In reply to [#206]
Hi Max;

Great Job! as usual. As a suggestion may be creating other nodes ( Domain nodes ) will eliminate cluttering the nodes with too many inputs (see attached example from Grasshopper).


Image Attachments:

From: James (JFH)
2 May 2016   [#208] In reply to [#207]
Great suggestion Sharif.

A possibly simpler alternative would be to allow range fields to accept variables as shown.


Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
3 May 2016   [#209] In reply to [#203]
Hello Max,

looks really great! The@'y'@ becomes more and more an powerful and easy to use tool. At the moment, I try to implement the pushFrame-function. Reverse/evaluate the Euler-Angles drives me crazy. RX, RY are working good (after a lot of failures) - and so, every time I think - I got it also with RZ - the axes flips or the angle turns the direction:-( I will post the code next time - maybe someone will have a good idea.

Have a nice day
From: Barry-H
3 May 2016   [#210]
Hi Max,
Thanks for modifying the array.
I understand what you mean about keeping the inputs to a minimum.
I was thinking the same as James ( being able to add a variable into those fields )
That way inputs would only be added when required.
Anyway again many thanks.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 May 2016   [#211]
Does the dictionnary multi-languages is running like the old one ?

(because seems not running now ! )
I have changed the "EN" to "FR" and add the French dictionnary with good syntax, run Moi In French but...all stay in English!
Not yet tranlated anything except the core/lang.js --- does this explain that ?
Seems Nodes must be translated !

Motor's animation runs fine!

PS A number of version, and name of the file node used will be fine somewhere in the Node Editor Screen!

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