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Full Version: Cycles for MoI

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From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
3 Mar 2015   [#69] In reply to [#68]
At this moment cpu version is more stable.
Cuda version has some problem with file saving. Waiting for update.
From: hep
4 Mar 2015   [#70] In reply to [#69]
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
13 Mar 2015   [#71] In reply to [#63]
I realize that what I offer here is not a solution, but might something like this help to avoid jumping into the problems with parallel mode?

var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D');
if (vp.projection != 'Perspective')
vp.projection = 'Perspective';
moi.ui.alert('Projection set to "Perspective".');

Might there be someway of asking the user for permission before switching the projection setting?
From: Michael Gibson
13 Mar 2015   [#72] In reply to [#71]
Hi Mindset,

> Might there be someway of asking the user for permission
> before switching the projection setting?

I'm not sure how that would be done - there are multiple ways for it to get set, one of which is opening a file that had it set that way when it was saved... It would be difficult for a script to try and get involved with that since it happens right in the middle of the open process.

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
14 Mar 2015   [#73] In reply to [#72]
What a terrific software and community!!!

However, regarding message 7208.72 in reply to 7208.71, it is not clear what is opening...
Message 7208.71 was intended as inquiry about the Cycles script by Max Smirnov.

// Cycles v.0.98 - Max Smirnov. 2015
function Cycles()
var param = moi.command.getCommandLineParams(), exp=(param =='noexport')?false:true;

// Add this Block?
var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D');
if (vp.projection != 'Perspective')
vp.projection = 'Perspective';
moi.ui.alert('Projection set to "Perspective".');
// END Add this Block?

if ( param =='reset') { moi.ui.commandUI.resetPaths(); }
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Apr 2015   [#74]
Seems the loink of the Standalone Cycles 64 bytes is not more accessible! ???
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Apr 2015   [#75]
Someone has again this file on his computer ?
Thanks by advance! Because this process here is too hard for me!
From: bemfarmer
2 Apr 2015   [#76] In reply to [#75]
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Apr 2015   [#77] In reply to [#76]
Many Thanks!
From: wireframeX
27 Jun 2015   [#78]
Cycles CUDA --> le fichier est corrompu :(

Si qqn a une version fonctionnelle ca m'interesse
From: BEAR17
27 Jun 2015   [#79] In reply to [#78]
J'avais récupéré une version fonctionnelle sur le site de Pilou :

From: Mik (MIKULAS)
29 Jun 2015   [#80]
Hi Max,

I've noticed from forum that you use Octan for rendering.

Don't you have similar script like MoI/Cyclec for Octan users by chance? :-)


All good to you.

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
29 Jun 2015   [#81] In reply to [#80]
Hi Mik

Sorry, I didn't write such a script. I prefer to import obj manually.
The only script I wrote for Octane render is MoI scatter tool.
From: Mik (MIKULAS)
29 Jun 2015   [#82]
Thanks a lot, Max!

I import obj into Octane manually as well of course, no problem with it.
It was only idea to have some fusion of these great softwares :-)

From: Matt T (MATT_T)
18 Jun 2016   [#83]
Hi Max, I've just picked up this tread on the blog. Thanks.

I have installed the latest versions of Cycles and the script and all works fine and Cycles opens on running the _cycles script. The Cycles window is grey and blank but cycles is running. I have set the 3D view to 'perspective' and read the whole blog and cannot see a solution for this problem.

I am using a MS Surface Book on Windows 10.

Image Attachments:
Cycles greyed out.JPG 

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
19 Jun 2016   [#84] In reply to [#83]
Hi Matt
Are you using software or gpu cycles version?
Try this one:
From: Matt T (MATT_T)
19 Jun 2016   [#85] In reply to [#84]
I'm using Cycles.cpu
I tried the download you shared and still get the saame grey cycles window.
From: Michael (ORION20036)
21 Jun 2016   [#86] In reply to [#85]
Will the script work with version 2 of Moi?.
From: Michael Gibson
21 Jun 2016   [#87] In reply to [#86]
Hi Michael,

> Will the script work with version 2 of Moi?.

I don't know, but most newer complex scripts need functions that are in version 3. You could give it a try though.

- Michael
From: Michael (ORION20036)
21 Jun 2016   [#88] In reply to [#87]
Thanks for the feedback Michael, appreciated!.

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