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Full Version: SLDASM & SLDPRT to MOI or at least IGES?

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From: Ralf-S
5 Jan 2015   [#5]
3D Tool:

There is a trial version:
From: BurrMan
5 Jan 2015   [#6] In reply to [#1]
Simlab.... not really sure about tje assemby format, but the main focus of the company is data exchange/interop.....

if you can post a couple samples, i would help you test... they have demo too...
From: DannyT (DANTAS)
6 Jan 2015   [#7] In reply to [#6]
Hi Burr,

Simlab tends to be NURBS in, Polygon out.

6 Jan 2015   [#8]
Hey Paul,

Modo can natively open .SLDASM and .SLDPRT files.

The Plug-in that Dkron mentions, is a Sub-D to NURBS exporter.

The one that I was thinking of was Power Translators
You can choose to tessellate the solids or leave them as is.
You can import other formats as well.
It's a very well rounded CAD neutral importer(beta team), though I don't use it myself.

I have used DataKit for a few one off conversions and it didn't cost a dime.
Things may have changed since then. That was10 years ago.
I would assume that if you are going to be doing a lot of conversions, then you might want to look it.

SimLab Composer has a fair amount of CAD import formats, including .SLDASM
But as Danny said, the are no CAD neutral export formats.

What I would suggest is that you have the file sent to you in either STEP or IGES
I have found that MOI will open a IGES files that no other converter would.
I have used Deep Exploration, PolyTrans, Anark's Core Workstation, DataKit and a few others.

Be careful about the file size of the IGES file, as MOI is currently on a 32 bit application.
You may need to have the file broken up into a few parts.

That's my two cents worth.

From: paulrus
6 Jan 2015   [#9]
3D Tool looks like it might be an option. It's pretty much in the same price range that Deep Exploration used to be in.

I've given up on asking engineers to do anything other than just give me their original files. It saves weeks of whining, complaining and headaches when I handle everything myself. Whenever I've asked an engineer to save a file in a format other than the original, it's as if I'd asked them to build a rocket to the moon out of cardboard and a Ronco Pocket Fisherman.

No offense to any engineers out there. ;-)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Jan 2015   [#10] In reply to [#9]
This ? ;)



From: DannyT (DANTAS)
6 Jan 2015   [#11] In reply to [#9]
Hi Paul,

I've just remembered Delcam, who develop Powershape, have a pay per translation service which maybe an option where you can just include the translation cost into the quote, it's about 50USD per translation.
This will save you having to purchase software just for translations and paying for updates or maintenance.

From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
7 Jan 2015   [#12] In reply to [#9]
@paulrus: Whenever I've asked an engineer to save a file in a format other than the original
it's as if I'd asked them to build a rocket to the moon out of cardboard and a Ronco Pocket Fisherman.

Totally agree...same situation here :)
Have a degree doesn't mean to be intelligent !
Please insist on save as STEP or SAT leave out IGES

From: Przemas
12 Jan 2015   [#13] In reply to [#8]
@Scooter (DORMANTVISION): nope, Modo does not natively open sldprt ot sldasm . Both are nurbs formats while Modo is a poly / subd modeling app. It can read meshes (fe render meshes) made from those nurbs data.
So trying to use Modo as a nurbs format translator would be a VERY bad idea...
12 Jan 2015   [#14] In reply to [#13]

modo has been able to import SolidWorks files since at least v401
What I meant by "Native", was that the importer didn't require a plug-in.
I should have specified that upon import, SolidWorks files are tessellated.
Sorry about any confusion.


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