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Full Version: SLDASM & SLDPRT to MOI or at least IGES?

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From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
7 Jan 2015   [#12] In reply to [#9]
@paulrus: Whenever I've asked an engineer to save a file in a format other than the original
it's as if I'd asked them to build a rocket to the moon out of cardboard and a Ronco Pocket Fisherman.

Totally agree...same situation here :)
Have a degree doesn't mean to be intelligent !
Please insist on save as STEP or SAT leave out IGES

From: Przemas
12 Jan 2015   [#13] In reply to [#8]
@Scooter (DORMANTVISION): nope, Modo does not natively open sldprt ot sldasm . Both are nurbs formats while Modo is a poly / subd modeling app. It can read meshes (fe render meshes) made from those nurbs data.
So trying to use Modo as a nurbs format translator would be a VERY bad idea...
12 Jan 2015   [#14] In reply to [#13]

modo has been able to import SolidWorks files since at least v401
What I meant by "Native", was that the importer didn't require a plug-in.
I should have specified that upon import, SolidWorks files are tessellated.
Sorry about any confusion.


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