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From: mkdm
Hi Michael...I have some idea but actually no time to write to explain...
But I suppose that, at least regarding the unification of Merge/Join/Rebuild, you should have some use-case scenario in your mind.
Anyway...I stay tuned.
Have a nice day and best wishes for all.
Marco (mkdm)
From: mkdm
Hello Michael.
How are you? I hope all is ok :)
Just a quick reminder of one of the things I asked some times ago for this V4...
Please, give us a way to easily edit a control point (or edit in one shot the bunch of selected control points) of an existing curve to toggle it (or they) from corner to smooth and vice versa.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Marco, yes that's still on my list. I'm not sure if it will be in the next beta or the one after though.
- Michael
From: mkdm
Ok Michael, good to know.
I hope to see it soon :)
As you may already know I'm a big fun of all is related to "2D workflow" and I think that with only a little bit of extra effort you could improve the already very good 2d arsenal of Moi, because with just two or three improvements in the right place Moi can be a serious "all-rounder" 2D vector tool, combining the precision of a Cad with its easy of use.
Many times I leveraged on Moi to create my 2D works/experiments (vector art but also graphic elements for addictional digital painting).
From: James (JFH)
Hi Michael,
It would be useful, if possible, for control points appeared in Types browser after show points operation, so that they may be isolated for selection. Either, a dedicated Control Points list item or alternatively a second mode of existing Points type. My apologies if this has already been suggested.
Also, & this is a more a query than a request, but would it be a relatively simple* task to include point objects as profiles for extruding, rail revolving, and sweeping resulting in curves rather than surfaces?
Thank you for all your hard work, it is much appreciated
* By simple, I mean not insurmountably difficult
From: Michael Gibson
Hi James,
> It would be useful, if possible, for control points appeared in Types browser after show points
> operation, so that they may be isolated for selection.
Unfortunately this is difficult to set up currently because control points are not full fledged objects that have their own properties like ids and hidden/locked states. They just have a selection property only. Maybe this is something I can change in the future but it may have some major performance side effects since some surfaces may have many thousands of control points in them.
> Also, & this is a more a query than a request, but would it be a relatively simple* task to
> include point objects as profiles for extruding, rail revolving, and sweeping resulting in curves
> rather than surfaces?
The geometry library that MoI uses for these functions does not currently have an implementation of handling points like this. It could be possible in the future for me to add it but it will require adding a custom function for each of these cases.
- Michael
From: James (JFH)
Hi Michael,
Thank you for getting back to me.
> control points are not full fledged objects that have their own properties like ids
Does it follow then, that this would preclude control points from being addressable
(ie selected and manipulated) in node editor?
> may have some major performance side effects since some surfaces may have many thousands of control points in them.
Could this issue be avoided if control points only appeared as an object type for selected items (curves or surfaces). Essentially as exists now. Perhaps there could be menu option Selected Objects (default) / All Objects (alternative)
Thanks again,
From: Michael Gibson
Hi James,
> Does it follow then, that this would preclude control points from being addressable
> (ie selected and manipulated) in node editor?
Not necessarily but it would probably need some combination of object + point index value to address them.
> Could this issue be avoided if control points only appeared as an object type for selected items
> (curves or surfaces). Essentially as exists now. Perhaps there could be menu option
> Selected Objects (default) / All Objects (alternative)
I'm not sure - this wouldn't address that it is not possible currently to hide or lock points so that part of the scene browser wouldn't be able to work with control points currently. They are just not set up as individual objects like all the other things that the scene browser works with.
There is currently a way to enable scene browser types for selected objects, you can enable it in moi.ini under:
[Scene Browser]
If you enable that there will be 2 additional "Selected" and "Unselected" expandable areas in the Types part of the scene browser which will target only selected or unselected objects.
- Michael
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
Hi Michael,
One thing that has remained high on my new features wishlist is FFD / Lattice deformation. It'd be great if that could be non-destructive, but I'd already be very happy with the functionality.
From: James (JFH)
Hi Michael,
I have not really had a need for this before, but I'm designing some cabinetry
and am flipping between perspective and parallel 3D views.
Going into Options to change them is a little awkward.*
What do you think about the idea of the 3D button toggling between them (3D perspect / 3D parallel)?
I combed through the forum to see if this has been raised before; apologies if it has.
This of course is a very low priority, even if you agree it has merit.
* OK I found the script for doing this, which achieves just what I needed.
Still think it would be good if it was tied to 3D button
From: Michael Gibson
Hi James, the first thing that comes to mind for that is it could be difficult to show the perspective/parallel directly on that button and it might be kind of weird to toggle the state there without any indication on the button that it was toggling.
- Michael
From: James (JFH)
Hi Michael,
Perhaps there could be a check box in Options for turning on/off toggleability of 3D button
If unchecked (default) all is as it is now, but if checked, button has 2 states 3D Perspect. & 3D Parallel.
I am totally onboard with your resistance to interface cluster. The beauty of toggling between say
Front & Back is additional utility without additional UI elements.
Anyway, I don't want to distract you from more urgent improvements.
it was just a thought.
Image Attachments:
From: Michael Gibson
Hi James, that's an interesting idea too, my first impression of that one is how weird it might look with some long German language text added in below there.
But you can get the behavior you are requesting right now though by modifying the default UI - if you replace the file ViewTabs.htm in the ui sub-folder with the attached version you should get that perspective/parallel toggling behavior. I didn't try to do the additional text labels here, let me know if that would help you and I can give that a try too.
The attached version has a new function TogglePerspective() added in and the 3D tab button element has been modified to call that function for the onmousedown event. I tested it only with the Aug-28-2018 v4 beta version.
- Michael
From: James (JFH)
Hi Michael,
Brilliant! Works perfectly.
>> I didn't try to do the additional text labels here, let me know if that would help you and I can give that a try too. <<
I'm not sure that labels are necessary. The user can see immediately what is the outcome of toggling (assuming that they have some experience in 3d modelling environments). However UI conventions would dictate that the 2 states of the button should be distinct. Could it be a simple as double underlining 3D to indicate Parallel Projection?
For now I'm happy how it is
Thanks again
Image Attachments:
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Works fine in the 6 June 2018!
Does not possible to have the same when Split is enabled ? (4 Vues in French! ;)
Maybe when you Click on Split yet Enabled...
or on the "3D" letters up left corner of the "little screen" ...maybe more suitable...
because it's pertubating to change view subitly! :)
From: James (JFH)
Hi Pilou,
>> Does not possible to have the same when Split (4 views) is enabled ? <<
The 3D projection, whether perspective or parallel will persist in Split view.
You only need jump to 3D view, toggle projections & jump back to Split view to change between them.
.>> or on the 3D letters up left corner of the "little screen" <<
Yes, it would be appropriate to label "Perspective" / "Parallel Projection" there, in top left corner.
Good thinking
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
<< The 3D projection, whether perspective or parallel will persist in Split view.
You only need jump to 3D view, toggle projections & jump back to Split view to change between them.
Yes it's this double "jump" who is pertubating when you have works for a long time in the Split view and want to stay in!
But I am agree it's just confort! :)
Maybe Michael needs the "3D" up corner for other things! ;)
From: Michael Gibson
Hi James, I'm glad that works for you!
Try this attached version for having double-underlined with parallel projection.
- Michael
From: James (JFH)
Hi Michael
>> Try this attached version <<
Yes....Subtle & Moi generally
Thanks a lot
From: Michael Gibson
Hi James, you're welcome!
I just noticed that last version made the 3D tab slightly taller than the others making it stick out a little. This one attached here should fix that.
- Michael
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