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From: Moriturimax
12 Nov 2017   [#348] In reply to [#341]
Awesome, is there an official "feature list" by you for what we can expect in V4? I'm still finding navigating this forum software a little daunting/intimidating.

From: Michael Gibson
12 Nov 2017   [#349] In reply to [#348]
Hi Moriturimax, well for the initial v4 beta release the main new things are that it's now a 64-bit program so it can use all the available memory on your machine and the Mac version is now a native compiled version and doesn't use Wineskin anymore which fixes a lot of various problems on the Mac.

That may not sound like much but it has taken a really big effort and a lot of rewriting of MoI's internals to make that happen.

Now that the beta process will be starting and the low level rewrite is complete, I'll be working on adding brand new features soon. I won't know specifically which features will be in the final v4 release until it's done though. But some areas that are likely targets are instancing and grouping as discussed in this thread. It's difficult to make a specific prediction because sometimes a particular thing may end up being significantly more difficult than initially anticipated.

- Michael
From: mkdm
12 Nov 2017   [#350] In reply to [#349]
@Michael : "...because sometimes a particular thing may end up being significantly more difficult than initially anticipated..."

Unfortunately, or... inevitably, this is the brutal reality that every software developer must accept :)

From: Michael Gibson
12 Nov 2017   [#351]
Ok dash/dotted lines will have to wait, the first release will be missing those and text labels in viewports but that should be it for missing display features.

But I just found out that the Mac trackpad navigation seems to have gotten broken somehow so I'm going to investigate that a little bit to see if I can fix it.

- Michael
From: mkdm
16 Nov 2017   [#352] In reply to [#338]
Hi James.
I apologize with Michael and all you guys,
if I use this channel to ask you a private help, but at the moment I don't know who to ask.

Yesterday I bought a wanderful new iPad Pro 12.9 second gen with Pencil.
Wanderful device!!

But…what a terrific and bad surprise!!!
Nobody told me about that!!!

The drawing experience is totally ruined!

Because when the iPad Pro's screen is perfectly clean the Apple Pencil writes silky smooth and is perfect, but with some finger smudges it turns all scratchy and tacky.
When the pencil writes over the smudges area the screen literally feels defective (humps, scratchy, tacky/draggy) with terrific feedback over that areas!!!

This is terrible. I continuously need to swipe the screen with a microfiber cloth.
But...This is not possible because the iPad is a multitouch device !!

Please, help :)
How did you solved this problem ?
Are you using a particular kind of "paper like" screen protector ?
(Do you know this one ?

Or are you using a different method ?

I really need help.
Thank you very much for you help and I'm sorry again for this private "public" message.

From: James (JFH)
16 Nov 2017   [#353] In reply to [#352]
Hi Marco,

My experience was different.
When I first used it I found the haptic feedback to be quite unnatural.
(ie not like pen or pencil on paper). But in time I grew use to it,
and don't think of it in comparison; rather just accept it is as it is.

I'm not familiar with geevon. Seems like a lot of money for an A4 plastic sheet.
If it does what it states it may be the solution you are looking for.
Nevertheless, hold of getting it just yet; and see if you become accustomed to the feel of pencil on the screen.

From: Przemas
16 Nov 2017   [#354]
For me subcomponent edits would be a significant step up for MoI - kind of thing you have in Rhino, when you can select a for example one of the surfaces of the box (ctrl+shift subcomponent select), scale it and all connected surfaces will update as well.
Well and also linux support would be great as my main workstation is Linux based - even semi official / not fully supported option would work. It could even be a "simple" WINE wrap + let's say appimage / flatpak for cross distro compatibility ( I use quotes as personally I have one problem with wine and MoI I've been unable to sort out).
From: Michael Gibson
16 Nov 2017   [#355] In reply to [#354]
Hi Przemas,

> I use quotes as personally I have one problem with wine and MoI I've been unable to sort out

Can you describe the problem?

- Michael
From: mkdm
16 Nov 2017   [#356] In reply to [#353]
Hi James.

Thank you very much for your kind help!

I answered you at
because I don't want to saturate here this "V4 Wish List" thread with off topic arguments :)

Please read my reply and if you want tell me what do you think about.

From: Przemas
16 Nov 2017   [#357] In reply to [#355]
>Can you describe the problem?

> - Michael

It's better to show it rather than trying to describe it :) :

- in short display state of the objects in the viewport is not on par with the actual state. So for example when I hover over an object with a mouse cursor it should highlight - but it does not. It "catches up" the highlight when I move mouse again (but often it one more time a step behind - as I moved the cursor the object shouldn't get a highlight anymore). It makes basic operations like selecting almost impossible. Tried that on couple workstations, different distros, different WINE versions. No luck :( .
From: Michael Gibson
16 Nov 2017   [#358] In reply to [#357]
Hi Przemas, thanks for making the demo video. Unfortunately I don't really know what I could do to solve that, it looks like WINE is not flushing the current rendered back buffer to the screen until the next redraw. That kind of latency can go unnoticed for games since they are rendering in a continuous loop to make an animated appearance but MoI only redraws the screen when there is some change. You might look for any setting in Wine like "swap after render" or "flip after render".

- Michael
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
20 Nov 2017   [#359]
V4 feature request:

As the list of keyboard shortcuts grows, the need for sorting options and/or a search function for that list in the Preferences section grows along with it. It'd be great if you could click on the Command row header to sort the shortcut list by commands in alphabetical order. A search function would be even better, preferably instantly showing commands as you start typing in the search field, and with an option for searching keyboard shortcuts or commands.

For inspiration you can take a look at Blender 3D's Preferences ➔ Input section.

Additionally, in the regular UI (outside of the Preferences) Blender has a Spacebar menu that allows you to type in any command, and the result updates as you type, giving you quick access to commands. It'd be great if MoI also offers suggestions of Commands you might mean to type as soon as you start typing a command in the input field.

Many thanks in advance,



visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design —
From: Michael Gibson
20 Nov 2017   [#360] In reply to [#359]
Hi Metin, unfortunately I'd expect it to take quite a lot of work to do those things, it's unlikely to happen for v4.

Just in general high keyboard usage isn't really a big focus area for MoI, it's been more the opposite that MoI was originally designed to be able to be used without touching the keyboard at all.

It's a pretty different situation with Blender, Blender has many developers working on it and so it's more feasible for them to highly develop a narrow and specialized area like that.

- Michael
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
21 Nov 2017   [#361] In reply to [#360]
Hi Michael,

Thanks for your reply.

I didn't know automated search functions are elaborate to implement. No problem.

My adjusted request:

Right now the MacOS MoI V4 beta doesn't allow keyboard shortcut columns to be resized in the Preferences. This results in unreadable entries like this:

In this case it's not visible which Numpad keys are assigned to the Boolean functions. As I use the keyboard shortcut list often as a reminder which keyboard shortcuts I've assigned to functions, I'd like to be able to resize the columns if that's not a hassle.

In case it's not difficult, I would also very much welcome an alphabetical sort option when clicking on a column header.

Many thanks,



visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design —
From: glmr
22 Nov 2017   [#362] In reply to [#361]
windows7 same issue
From: Michael Gibson
22 Nov 2017   [#363] In reply to [#362]
Hi glmr,

> windows7 same issue

There's an updated shortcut key editor here for the v4 beta which should solve this issue of the shortcut keys not being fully displayed:

- Michael
From: threedfanatic (3DFANATIC)
3 Dec 2017   [#364]
Hello Michael is there any plans on adding visualization on showing which way polys / nurbs are facing? This would help tremendouse before exporting out? Big time saver for me at least. Thanks
From: Michael Gibson
4 Dec 2017   [#365] In reply to [#364]
Hi threedfanatic, re: method to show backfacing, that is something I do want to add in for v4 once its been stabilized.

- Michael
From: threedfanatic (3DFANATIC)
4 Dec 2017   [#366]
That is great news that will be a great help before exporting out. Thanks again for your support as always
From: r2d3
5 Dec 2017   [#367] In reply to [#363]
And if there would be a checking if the key is already used..
In the moment it just overwrites the current shortkey...

But just a luxury problem... :-)

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