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From: mkdm
8 Nov 2017   [#330]

This is a quick and only "visual" check of the difference between V3 and V4 css.

The video :

From: mkdm
10 Nov 2017   [#331]
Hello Michael!

Just a "quick and dirt" question...

Maybe there's a little chance that soon I can get my hands on the wanderful iPad Pro 12.9 second generation with Apple Pencil,
a true "piece of cake" for digital artists/enthusiasts.

Is there any chance to see Moi running on iOs 11/iPad Pro ?

Thanks and have a nice day.

Marco (mkdm)
From: Michael Gibson
10 Nov 2017   [#332] In reply to [#331]
Hi Marco, sorry no I don't have any plans currently to do an iOS port, it's a fairly different system and that makes various complications such as not all the libraries that MoI uses have an ARM binary available.

Just supporting 2 operating systems has pretty much pushed me to the limit as it is.

You might want to check out Shapr3D, it's an interesting design program that does run on iPad Pro.

- Michael
From: mkdm
10 Nov 2017   [#333] In reply to [#332]
Thanks Michael for the suggestion of Shapr3D.

I didn't know it.

From: Michael Gibson
10 Nov 2017   [#334]
Ok, well I've got the shaded surface display fully functional now. The line/curve drawing looks pretty gross though, I think just a couple of days to get that at least partially tuned up so it's not too distracting and then the first v4 beta will be ready.

- Michael
From: James (JFH)
10 Nov 2017   [#335] In reply to [#333]

I can tell you, that shapr3d is great fun. It is not without it's idiosyncrasies and missing functionality, but modelling on an iPadpro with stylus ("pencil") is a real joy.

In terms of moi3d, it is possible to use the iPad as a second screen with duet,
so laptop screen is fully devoted to Nodeeditor while viewport is assigned to iPad.

And with another soft: Astropad, the iPad Pro can be transformed into a pseudo wacom cintiq.

Further....there is a raft of graphic programs built for iPadPro. I can't made any recommendations, as I have not made use of any to date, but I would be interested in your opinion of them.

Have a great weekend
From: mkdm
10 Nov 2017   [#336] In reply to [#334]
@You : "...Ok, well I've got the shaded surface display fully functional now..." rock!!

Take your time to build a very good first release!

I'm confident you're doing so :)

From: mkdm
10 Nov 2017   [#337] In reply to [#335]
Hi James.

Thanks a lot for your sharing! Much appreciated.

Well...I hope ASAP to get my hands on the 12.9 second generation iPad Pro because IMHO,
actually, is simply the "state of the art" device for the greatest mobile (and not only) digital painting experience.

@You : "...In terms of moi3d, it is possible to use the iPad as a second screen with duet,
so laptop screen is fully devoted to Nodeeditor while viewport is assigned to iPad.
And with another soft: Astropad, the iPad Pro can be transformed into a pseudo wacom cintiq."

Thanks for the tip, but I don't own any Mac pc/laptop....only Windows machines.

@You : "...Further....there is a raft of graphic programs built for iPadPro..."

Which is this program you are referring to ?

@You : "...but I would be interested in your opinion of them...."

Certainly, As soon as I get the iPap Pro 12.9 I will let you know my user experience with it!


Marco (mkdm)
From: James (JFH)
10 Nov 2017   [#338] In reply to [#337]
Hi Marco

<< I don't own any Mac pc/laptop....only Windows machines>>

Astropad will only pair with a mac, but Duet Display will work with
a PC desktop. It just may be less needed than for a laptop.

<<Which is this program you are referring to ?>>

Some worth considering are as follows:

• Affinity photo
• Concepts
• Procreate
• Graphic
• iDesign
• Protosketch
• Pixelmator
• Umake

Have a look at youtube video reviews
and when you get iPadPro, download trials
and have a play around...

And have fun!
From: mkdm
10 Nov 2017   [#339] In reply to [#338]
Hi James!

Thanks a lot for the detailed info :)

Wow...amazing! I didn't know that Duet can just might work with a PC.

Affinity Photo and Procreate...two super wanderful products! State of the art software, like Moi!

I can't wait to see myself in action with my next iPad Pro :)

Now I don't want to write here to much things about this matter because this thread is called "V4 Wish List"....

Thanks again for your suggestions.

From: Moriturimax
11 Nov 2017   [#340] In reply to [#46]
From another direction... how long has V4 been in the works? Got it a few months back and just haven't had the time to dive back in to using it.. other projects.
From: Michael Gibson
11 Nov 2017   [#341] In reply to [#340]
Hi Moriturimax, I've been working on v4 for 2 and a half years so far, it's taken a lot longer than I had originally hoped it would. But it sets a better foundation for going forward especially for the Mac version.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
12 Nov 2017   [#342]
Ok, curve display almost fully implemented, just dash/dot patterns left! I'll see if I can just finish that up and I should be able to do the first release tomorrow.

- Michael
From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
12 Nov 2017   [#343] In reply to [#342]
I for one is looking very much to seeing the release. I just love this app!
From: Marc (TELLIER)
12 Nov 2017   [#344]
Whoop Whoop Whoop!!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Nov 2017   [#345]
End of the suspense ? :)
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
12 Nov 2017   [#346] In reply to [#345]
Wonderful! I can stop holding my breath.
From: mkdm
12 Nov 2017   [#347] In reply to [#342]
Thanks a lot Michael!!

...and you beat McNell again :)

Rhino V6 in still in WIP and this situation lasts for so long that I really can't remember when it started :)

From: Moriturimax
12 Nov 2017   [#348] In reply to [#341]
Awesome, is there an official "feature list" by you for what we can expect in V4? I'm still finding navigating this forum software a little daunting/intimidating.

From: Michael Gibson
12 Nov 2017   [#349] In reply to [#348]
Hi Moriturimax, well for the initial v4 beta release the main new things are that it's now a 64-bit program so it can use all the available memory on your machine and the Mac version is now a native compiled version and doesn't use Wineskin anymore which fixes a lot of various problems on the Mac.

That may not sound like much but it has taken a really big effort and a lot of rewriting of MoI's internals to make that happen.

Now that the beta process will be starting and the low level rewrite is complete, I'll be working on adding brand new features soon. I won't know specifically which features will be in the final v4 release until it's done though. But some areas that are likely targets are instancing and grouping as discussed in this thread. It's difficult to make a specific prediction because sometimes a particular thing may end up being significantly more difficult than initially anticipated.

- Michael

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