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From: Michael Gibson
4 Aug 2017   [#253] In reply to [#252]
Hi Scooter,

> Here is some info on Lightwave instancing

Thanks, but unfortunately that's all information about Lightwave's runtime API for instancing, like function calls that a Lightwave plugin can call. I don't see any information there about how instances are stored in a LWO file which is what I would need.

- Michael
4 Aug 2017   [#254] In reply to [#253]
That's too bad Michael.
Was wondering why you hadn't referred to the 11-6 sdk previously.
Know I know why.

Perhaps you are better off using Collada or GLTF.
Both developments of the Kronos Group.

Best of luck with the new release of MOI V4.

From: mkdm
8 Aug 2017   [#255]
Hi Michael.

How are you ? I hope fine.

I write here this request, because I don't know if it's already possible to achieve this behavior with the current V3 and some kind of script (but I don't think it's possible).

I'm talking about "Soft Selection", a rather common feature of mostly polygonal modeler.

I mean in particular a "Soft selection" relating to curve's control points.

It could be very helpful to have some sort of "soft selection" available for curve's control points selection, in order to apply global transformation to the curve,
in a soft way (and also in a mathematical and precise way), without manually tweeking single or group of points.

Something similar to Rhino "SoftEditCrv" command as you can see in this video capture :


Marco (mkdm)
From: Michael Gibson
8 Aug 2017   [#256] In reply to [#255]
Hi Marco, yes you're right it's not very feasible to do that with a script in v3 since edit points aren't set up with a script interface to them.

- Michael
From: mkdm
9 Aug 2017   [#257] In reply to [#256]
Hi Michael.

Thanks for the reply.

Is there any chance to have the API core updated and revised for V4 ?
I think this is one of the most important aspect.
Accessing a new API and a new Object Model could give us the chance to build much more sophisticated script.

From: Michael Gibson
9 Aug 2017   [#258] In reply to [#257]
Hi Marco, yes I do expect to add new script interfaces during the v4 beta process.

- Michael
From: mkdm
9 Aug 2017   [#259] In reply to [#258]
OK. This is really a great news!!

Please add access to very low level model's topology (control points, knot points, curvature data, etc...)

I can't imagine what smart and math experts guys like Max, AL2000, bemfarmer, Mike (MGG942) and other, could do with a new low level API....

From: Marc (TELLIER)
9 Aug 2017   [#260] In reply to [#255]
A soft selection deformer could be really useful to tweak shapes indeed.

Kind of a warp tool in vector programs...
From: klaudio
12 Aug 2017   [#261] In reply to [#258]
Hi Michael!

Any chance to add really small little option for viewport navigation or in "Rotate/Pan/Zoom options". Since i am using Maya as my main software i got really used to its navigation so one of the cool little things about Moi is that navigation is very similar to Maya - except zooming.
In Maya i am zooming by pressing Alt+RMB (left-right) but in Moi i am doing it by pressing Alt+RMB (up-down).

> Any chance to add option in "Rotate/Pan/Zoom options" in Moi do be able "reverse" zoom from Alt+RMB (up-down drag) into Alt+RMB (left-right drag)?

It's small thing but it would greatly help going back and forward between software as working.

From: Michael Gibson
13 Aug 2017   [#262] In reply to [#261]
Hi klaudio, so I originally did that Alt key view navigation to be compatible with Maya. I don't remember why I ended up with the up/down movement for zoom instead of left/right motion, maybe Maya behaved that way a long time ago and switched at some point. At any rate I think what I'll do is change the default for v4 to work same as Maya with left-right motions and have an option in moi.ini to switch it back to the old way.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
13 Aug 2017   [#263] In reply to [#261]
Hi klaudio, ok I see now that Alt is using up/down because it does the same thing currently as Ctrl+RMB which is used in Rhino for zoom and Rhino does it with up/down motions. So I'll leave Ctrl+RMB using up/down but switch Alt+RMB to use left/right with an option to switch it back to up/down if needed.

- Michael
From: klaudio
13 Aug 2017   [#264] In reply to [#263]
Hi Michael!

Perfect! Option to choose between up-down or left-right while pressing Alt+RMB is all i need! Thank you very much. ;)

Interesting thing in Maya is that you can zoom either going up-down or left-right movement with ALT+RMB pressed. I find left-right more natural and easier since up-down usually requires the whole arm movement in the shoulder even a bit often.

Could be just my personal preference and that some people actually use up-down in Maya too so you can keep all the navigation as it is now but add that option to switch to Alt+RMB (left-right).

From: Michael Gibson
13 Aug 2017   [#265] In reply to [#264]
Hi Klaudio, thanks for letting me know that Maya actually works with both directions.

> Could be just my personal preference and that some people actually use up-down in Maya too so
> you can keep all the navigation as it is now but add that option to switch to Alt+RMB (left-right).

Yes, that's probably best, I've got it set up now so the first v4 beta will have this, it will be a moi.ini option under the [View] section:


- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
14 Aug 2017   [#266]
Might there be a some way to output a PNG with a transparent background?
I'd be nice.
-- Mindset
From: Michael Gibson
14 Aug 2017   [#267] In reply to [#266]
Hi Mindset,

> Might there be a some way to output a PNG with a transparent background?
> I'd be nice.

In the current version, if you export solids to an .ai file (with shaded background option enabled) a PNG file with a transparent background will be generated alongside the .ai file, it will have _bkgnd appended to the filename.

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
14 Aug 2017   [#268] In reply to [#267]
From: threedfanatic (3DFANATIC)
26 Aug 2017   [#269]
Hello Michael,
is it possible to add in a scaling option that can be set to reduce the amount of scale from farther away in version 4, like a taper effect? Or possibly being able to control the extrude by also adding an option to extrude less when farther away from the point of extrusion if selected. Another 1 it would be very cool once setting up a lined section if you could possibly hit a button that says all corner section turn into a 90 degree rounded instead of hard edge. Just some ideas that would save a lot of time when modeling. If you need more details on this I will show some examples of what I mean.

Take care.
From: Michael Gibson
26 Aug 2017   [#270] In reply to [#269]
Hi 3DFanatic,

> is it possible to add in a scaling option that can be set to reduce the amount of scale
> from farther away in version 4, like a taper effect?

I do want to add in a "Cage edit" type deformation command which could be used for tapering. Right now I'm not sure when it will happen though - hopefully in v4.

> Or possibly being able to control the extrude by also adding an option to extrude less when farther
> away from the point of extrusion if selected.

There is a tapered extrusion option in the current version already, you activate it by pushing this button in the Extrude command:

> Another 1 it would be very cool once setting up a lined section if you could possibly hit a
> button that says all corner section turn into a 90 degree rounded instead of hard edge.

You can use the Construct > Fillet command to do that- if you have a polyline like this:

Select it and run the Construct > Fillet command. Points will be displayed on the corner and the prompt will read "Select corners or push done to do all". If you only want to round off some corners, select those and right click. If you want to do all corners just right click.

Then set a radius and smooth arc pieces will be put into those corner areas:

If those don't do what you were asking about then yes please post an example.

- Michael

Image Attachments:
round_corners1.jpg  round_corners2.jpg  round_corners3.jpg  tapered_extrude.jpg 

From: threedfanatic (3DFANATIC)
26 Aug 2017   [#271]
Thanks for all that great information this will help me progress thanks. Also thanks for the consideration on the scaling
From: AlexPolo
26 Aug 2017   [#272]
Hi Michael,

For V4 what about the inclusion of a Mirror Plane which doesnt actually create mirror parts just mirror visual for a live modelling aid when happy with model create an actual mirror - I know history sort of does this but gets broken when you start moving things around.
Another one for the list!

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