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From: bemfarmer
For a helix with constant radius, the pitch is related to the slope of the constant tangent with respect to the axis:
pitch = PI * 2 * radius * slope
So as the radius of that helix decreases, with constant pitch, the slope increases.
The slope of a helicoid increases closer to the axis.
For a helicoid created from sweep of a variable pitch helix, and intercepted with a surface of revolution that has variable radii,
the SLOPE at some point on the surface helix, could possibly decrease, stay the same or increase, w.r.t. the variable pitch helix. (?)
- Brian
From: geekmidget (HF)
How could this script be modified to use slope angles instead of pitch units?
The approach I have been trying is making an arch with my desired slope progression curve, then wrapping it around a circle using the deform tool (the helix I want to make is constant radius, variable pitch). However when I show curve points of resulting helix, it isn't as accurate as I would like.
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