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Full Version: Polygonal Converter.

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Oct 2015   [#398]
Thickness possible or problematic for the last example?

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6 Oct 2015   [#399]
Added: open surfaces support

This version can be unstable. I need to optimize it, fix a lot of bugs, surface issues e.t.c.
Updated version will be soon.

Frenchy Pilou
>>Thickness possible or problematic for the last example?
The shell command can't process this shape.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Oct 2015   [#400] In reply to [#399]
Very funny scene! :)

And bravo for the task even some little glitches are maybe persisting!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Oct 2015   [#401]
French version ;)

From: eddi
7 Oct 2015   [#402] In reply to [#399]
From: Vojtisek
7 Oct 2015   [#403] In reply to [#399]
Thanks a lot Max!

This is awesome, results are very cool, even stability seems pretty good.

I know this is lot of work in your free time, but do you plan something like Creasing edges?

From: Rich (-RB-)
7 Oct 2015   [#404]
Creased edges would be !amaze!

- Rich
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Oct 2015   [#405]
And UnCrease or UnSubdiv also ?

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From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7 Oct 2015   [#409] In reply to [#403]
Hi Vojtěch,

>>I know this is lot of work in your free time, but do you plan something like Creasing edges?
Here is my subdiv script development plan:
- rewrite importMesh function (again)
- increase surface quality when smoothness setting <40
- improvements of open surfaces processing
v1.0 release (11.2015)

- increase overall performance of the script, rewrite couple of functions
v1.1 release (01.2016)

- per-edge crease settings
- surfaces stitching
v2.0 release (1h 2016)

- full support of triangle surfaces
- on-the-fly shape manipulation
v3.0 release (???)
From: chippwalters
7 Oct 2015   [#410] In reply to [#409]

FWIW, I think you should charge $ for this. It's very worthwhile. A similar type plugin, Artisan, for SketchUp is commercial. I know the guy who wrote it. Like you he had given lots to the community. By charging for one plugin, it was a way for those in the community to help support his continued efforts. And, as we all know, a 'contribute PayPal' button doesn't do very much these days.

Thanks for your tireless contributions! Really good stuff. :-)
7 Oct 2015   [#411]
Yes, an I could charge for tutorials! ;-)

But yes Max, very good job on such a valuable script, and thanks for the hours of effort - I for one will put it to use.
From: Vojtisek
8 Oct 2015   [#412] In reply to [#409]
Will looking forward :).

And as wrote Chipp, contribution from users is something you should consider to help you with development.

Thanks for your work
From: archetype (FABIENF)
8 Oct 2015   [#413]
I agree, this is definitely a development path worth investing in. Actually, I would prefer it if Max and Michael would get together and develop this into a fully integrated tool inside MoI. Especially in order to make the final 'on-the-fly shape manipulation' really come together.

I'm not sure such a brilliant synergy would ever happen though. MoI currently has a different toolset and philosophy, and I'm afraid it's outside of Michael's scope. At least for now.

Keep up the good work, Max!
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8 Oct 2015   [#414]
Thank you, guys!

I found program block which allows to load selected objects separately. I used it in beta3, but I turned it off in beta4. Don't ask me why :) I just forgot about it.
Today I turned it on and I was shocked. Look how it works with open surfaces :)

Also I improved open surface engine. Now it processes vertices with more than two naked edges correctly (right one).

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8 Oct 2015   [#415]
Wow! It looks really good!

P.S. Need to sleep. I'll post the new version tomorrow.
From: ed (EDDYF)
8 Oct 2015   [#416] In reply to [#415]
My self-portrait after seeing the above two postings:


Ed Ferguson
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Oct 2015   [#417]
Pretty nail! :)

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