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Full Version: Polygonal Converter.

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From: Michael Gibson
9 Aug 2015   [#342] In reply to [#341]
Hi Lordfox, I think the edge split script is the file named , it's the 5th one down on Max's collection page on your same link (

- Michael
From: Lordfox
9 Aug 2015   [#343] In reply to [#342]
Ok, thank you, I have the script, but I was watching a video in youtube about "edgeSplit" preview from last march and I was looking the whole thread about :) and also on other pages ...
From: Michael Gibson
9 Aug 2015   [#344] In reply to [#343]
Hi Lordfox, sorry I don't know anything about edge split - maybe Max never finished that one up.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Aug 2015   [#345]
it's is working like shown in the video! :)
A very cool plugin!
From: Michael Gibson
9 Aug 2015   [#346] In reply to [#343]
Hi Lordfox, I guess sSplit includes edge splitting in it as well now, it's not a separate command.

Mentioned here:

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
21 Aug 2015   [#347]
Spent some time with tetrahedrons, and made a new tetrus poly, which Subdiv_beta6 makes into a nice tetrus.
sBridge was very helpful.

- Brian


From: bemfarmer
22 Aug 2015   [#348]
It is possible to Rotate the points obtained with sSplit.

- Brian


Image Attachments:

From: bemfarmer
23 Aug 2015   [#349]
Using sBridge and SubDivBeta6, I am very happy to have finally made a fair representation of a Jade Triple Mobius.
They are carved out of Jade, and very expensive.
May try some variations...

- Brian

Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Aug 2015   [#350]
No tips or tricks about "Crease" or partial subdivision ?
I have found this :)

From: bemfarmer
25 Aug 2015   [#351] In reply to [#350]
Pilou, could you please post the poly version?

- Brian
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Aug 2015   [#352]
I have not more but this
Rectangle by 3 Points -sweep

Split, Bridge (for the hole), Join / Separate, Show Points, Move them

_sScale :)
Cyclope glasses ! :)

If you want really the polys version 3dm, I can remake it :)
25 Aug 2015   [#353]
...not to stoke the fire, but Max, would you have plans for future advancement with the Sub-D scripts?

I figure, why not ask? ;-)

I would love for the script to have better mitigation of structures with non-compatible surfaces in them.
How about the ability to subdivide structures with open surfaces?

I have been doing some experimentation with the scripts but it's hard to nail down a procedure for a tutorial because many poly structures fail to work.
But I'm not nit-picking. Great script so far! It is amazing to touch upon some of the essence of T-Splines for our very own.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
25 Aug 2015   [#354] In reply to [#353]
Hi Mike

>>would you have plans for future advancement with the Sub-D scripts
Yes, definetly. Maybe this autumn. I'm very busy at work right now, and I have no time to concentrate on writing such a complex script.

>>How about the ability to subdivide structures with open surfaces?
Hope I'll done it soon. :)
25 Aug 2015   [#355] In reply to [#354]
Thanks Max!
From: Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
27 Aug 2015   [#356]
Max's Sub-D scripts are a blast! Here is my spin on a woman's dozen roses ring. Maybe I'll have one made for my wife. Anniversary is coming up:

Thanks again Max!

Michael T.

Image Attachments:

From: bemfarmer
27 Aug 2015   [#357]
Some very rough notes attempting to document Subdiv_beta6,
Subtitle: Why is my solid not sub-dividable?

Thinking based upon solids referenced here:
and here:

- Brian

Notes on using Subdiv_beta6.pdf

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
28 Aug 2015   [#358] In reply to [#357]
Cool tuto!
French version ;)
We are waiting images :)
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
10 Sep 2015   [#359]
ImportObj v.1.5
[fixed] Normalization function bug
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
23 Sep 2015   [#360]
Good news, guys :)
It seems I've found a way to avoid MoI JavaScript API limitations which stops me.
Beta7 is coming. Or maybe v1.0 ;)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Sep 2015   [#361] In reply to [#360]
What a teasing and suspense!

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