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From: amur (STEFAN)
15 Apr 2015   [#337] In reply to [#336]
Hello Brian,

if we had a "frame" plug-in we could do pretty nice things then with those kind of solids…

Here i used yours made a frame solid out of it and then applied 2x Max's subdiv script.

Well, just a thought about a "frame" plug-in…

(image 2 is just a quick test rendering)

Best regards

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11.png  12.png 

From: bemfarmer
15 Apr 2015   [#338] In reply to [#337]

Very nice art.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
16 Apr 2015   [#339] In reply to [#337]
For framing the edges, (Struts,) George W. Hart has an algorithm here, 43.9MB, and uses Mathematica.

Had a preliminary manual try of making struts in Moi.
The triangles near the vertex can be placed with cplane.
Flip Lineweb and Sweep are useful. Did not do convex hull with vertex point...

3d printing seems to be the goal. There may be other software methods.

A few more links:

- Brian
From: amur (STEFAN)
16 Apr 2015   [#340] In reply to [#339]
Thanks Brian,

and yes, 3D printing would be the goal.

Best regards
From: Lordfox
9 Aug 2015   [#341]
Hey dear Moi-users, where I did find the latest edgeSplit - Script? I looks since a hour for that script :/

On Max Smirnovs website, i did miss that script

btw. any news? ;) about the very cool subdivision-script-developments?
From: Michael Gibson
9 Aug 2015   [#342] In reply to [#341]
Hi Lordfox, I think the edge split script is the file named , it's the 5th one down on Max's collection page on your same link (

- Michael
From: Lordfox
9 Aug 2015   [#343] In reply to [#342]
Ok, thank you, I have the script, but I was watching a video in youtube about "edgeSplit" preview from last march and I was looking the whole thread about :) and also on other pages ...
From: Michael Gibson
9 Aug 2015   [#344] In reply to [#343]
Hi Lordfox, sorry I don't know anything about edge split - maybe Max never finished that one up.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Aug 2015   [#345]
it's is working like shown in the video! :)
A very cool plugin!
From: Michael Gibson
9 Aug 2015   [#346] In reply to [#343]
Hi Lordfox, I guess sSplit includes edge splitting in it as well now, it's not a separate command.

Mentioned here:

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
21 Aug 2015   [#347]
Spent some time with tetrahedrons, and made a new tetrus poly, which Subdiv_beta6 makes into a nice tetrus.
sBridge was very helpful.

- Brian


From: bemfarmer
22 Aug 2015   [#348]
It is possible to Rotate the points obtained with sSplit.

- Brian


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From: bemfarmer
23 Aug 2015   [#349]
Using sBridge and SubDivBeta6, I am very happy to have finally made a fair representation of a Jade Triple Mobius.
They are carved out of Jade, and very expensive.
May try some variations...

- Brian

Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Aug 2015   [#350]
No tips or tricks about "Crease" or partial subdivision ?
I have found this :)

From: bemfarmer
25 Aug 2015   [#351] In reply to [#350]
Pilou, could you please post the poly version?

- Brian
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Aug 2015   [#352]
I have not more but this
Rectangle by 3 Points -sweep

Split, Bridge (for the hole), Join / Separate, Show Points, Move them

_sScale :)
Cyclope glasses ! :)

If you want really the polys version 3dm, I can remake it :)
25 Aug 2015   [#353]
...not to stoke the fire, but Max, would you have plans for future advancement with the Sub-D scripts?

I figure, why not ask? ;-)

I would love for the script to have better mitigation of structures with non-compatible surfaces in them.
How about the ability to subdivide structures with open surfaces?

I have been doing some experimentation with the scripts but it's hard to nail down a procedure for a tutorial because many poly structures fail to work.
But I'm not nit-picking. Great script so far! It is amazing to touch upon some of the essence of T-Splines for our very own.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
25 Aug 2015   [#354] In reply to [#353]
Hi Mike

>>would you have plans for future advancement with the Sub-D scripts
Yes, definetly. Maybe this autumn. I'm very busy at work right now, and I have no time to concentrate on writing such a complex script.

>>How about the ability to subdivide structures with open surfaces?
Hope I'll done it soon. :)
25 Aug 2015   [#355] In reply to [#354]
Thanks Max!
From: Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
27 Aug 2015   [#356]
Max's Sub-D scripts are a blast! Here is my spin on a woman's dozen roses ring. Maybe I'll have one made for my wife. Anniversary is coming up:

Thanks again Max!

Michael T.

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