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Full Version: Polygonal Converter.

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From: 3dcnc
2 Apr 2015   [#322] In reply to [#321]
Hi Libelle

Thanks so much. I have been very blessed with amazing opportunities . Sometimes I forget how lucky I am.
From: danperk (SBEECH)
3 Apr 2015   [#323]
6 Apr 2015   [#324]

More possibilities...
From: ed (EDDYF)
6 Apr 2015   [#325]
Mike - Love the retro stuff you come up with.

But hey, you gotta show us the model before smoothing too :)

Ed Ferguson
From: Ronamodeler (RON_A)
6 Apr 2015   [#326] In reply to [#324]
Dang! Throwing down the gauntlet, I see. Nice.
6 Apr 2015   [#327]
Yeah... I really regret not saving an earlier iteration.
I was caught up in the moment.

(I can't wait to see any further progress from Max ;-)
7 Apr 2015   [#328]
So here is a re-do and a file for all to play with: :-)

The finger grip ridges on the wheel was not really compatible with the angles of the column section, so I made them separately and then spliced them together using Blend.

Also one for that drone thingy earlier:
7 Apr 2015   [#329]

Image Attachments:

7 Apr 2015   [#330]
Yeah! That's some great form work!
From: Ronamodeler (RON_A)
7 Apr 2015   [#331] In reply to [#330]
"Yeah! That's some great form work!"

Indeed. Thank you, Mike and Lawrence.
Interesting how those sharp peaks in the starting form yield such a nice organic mouse shape.
From: ed (EDDYF)
7 Apr 2015   [#332]
" ...Interesting how those sharp peaks in the starting form yield such a nice organic mouse shape."

Yep - you have to over-exaggerate to overcome the SubD smoothing if you want ridges or more defined edges.

Takes some back-and-forth editing to get the desired result. Although, it does go quickly.

It would be nice to have a short cut key that gave a "preview" of the smoothed result, only when the key is pressed. That way you wouldn't have to "undo" each time as you iterate tweaking the underlying structure.

Would also be nice to have a symmetry mode so you're only concerned with one-half the model when editing.

Ed Ferguson
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Apr 2015   [#333]
Cool one!
That is a sort of "retro box modeling"! :)
7 Apr 2015   [#334] In reply to [#332]
It would be nice if you could edit the control points of the box objects while previewing the result.
But yeah, a way to preview/review without undo-ing would be great.
From: Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
14 Apr 2015   [#335]
Hi guys,

I've been away from MoI for about 3 months, doing a lot of… yes… subdivision modeling in Blender.

Then I return to the forum and look at that, in the mean time Max turned out to have created a great subdivision toolset for use in MoI, I am amazed this is all possible in the shape of scripts.

Now those models that are hard to do using only NURBS tools — such as branching organic forms like hands — can also be tackled in MoI.

Way to go, Max! Keep up the brilliant work.
From: bemfarmer
15 Apr 2015   [#336]
The polyhedral solid known as the "great dodecahedron," was constructed in Moi, starting with an icosahedron, also made in Moi.
Planar was applied to the Pentagons in the icosahedron, and numerous trims were done.
_subdiv_beta six may be applied to the solid.

- Brian
(File deleted to free up space.)
From: amur (STEFAN)
15 Apr 2015   [#337] In reply to [#336]
Hello Brian,

if we had a "frame" plug-in we could do pretty nice things then with those kind of solids…

Here i used yours made a frame solid out of it and then applied 2x Max's subdiv script.

Well, just a thought about a "frame" plug-in…

(image 2 is just a quick test rendering)

Best regards

Image Attachments:
11.png  12.png 

From: bemfarmer
15 Apr 2015   [#338] In reply to [#337]

Very nice art.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
16 Apr 2015   [#339] In reply to [#337]
For framing the edges, (Struts,) George W. Hart has an algorithm here, 43.9MB, and uses Mathematica.

Had a preliminary manual try of making struts in Moi.
The triangles near the vertex can be placed with cplane.
Flip Lineweb and Sweep are useful. Did not do convex hull with vertex point...

3d printing seems to be the goal. There may be other software methods.

A few more links:

- Brian
From: amur (STEFAN)
16 Apr 2015   [#340] In reply to [#339]
Thanks Brian,

and yes, 3D printing would be the goal.

Best regards
From: Lordfox
9 Aug 2015   [#341]
Hey dear Moi-users, where I did find the latest edgeSplit - Script? I looks since a hour for that script :/

On Max Smirnovs website, i did miss that script

btw. any news? ;) about the very cool subdivision-script-developments?

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