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From: Michael Gibson
1 Apr 2015   [#314] In reply to [#1]
Hi Andrei, maybe because English is not your primary language you are not aware of the harsh and rude tone that your messages are having here.

I don't like to have the forum filled with arguments and "flame wars" - constructive criticism is certainly ok but if you only have disparaging comments those are not welcome.

In the very beginning of this thread, you asked: "Michael, Could you pleas make some Converter to convert from Polygon models to Nurbs."

So guess what, someone did make a converter and some people are finding it useful - it opens up a new method of modeling that can be used directly in MoI without needing to purchase Rhino and Tsplines which is a considerable investment. It is not surprising to me that this is useful to a lot of people.

If you yourself don't find it useful then that's fine - but there is no need to make rude comments about it, please stop doing that.

Maybe you don't remember this but back a year or so ago I was trying to tell you over and over again that much of what you were trying to do would be easier to do in sub-d modeling rather than in NURBS modeling, and you were very resistant to that....

- Michael
From: 3dcnc
1 Apr 2015   [#315]
AD :)

I would rather go to AD than buy more software from Autodesk at the moment. :)

A Rhino reseller told me that they tested T-splines for automotive modelling and product. it was "apparently" not good enough on continuity but I think for most people it would be good enough.

I want to just play around with SubD nurbs modeling for furniture . the Moi plugin will probably be more than good enough, and get better in the future. I want the accuracy of nurbs with freedom of subD. I am waiting for a donate button, so i can contribute to its development . I am very grateful for it and excited.
From: Andrei Samardac
1 Apr 2015   [#316]
Michael yes English is not my native, and to be polite etc I have to spend time translating it to English with google translate. From my side I can not see any harmfull sence in my messages, may becaus of English is not my native. I did not say subD plugin is bad, I just wander that people are so happy using it, that it is, nothing more.
This is waht I said:
Hay guys, I just watching this theme and always want to say, that primitive stuff that you made with SubD plugin in MoI could be made 20 years ago with regular SubD and not so primitive but much more advanced. But looks like you are happy like kids, making that simple stuff, so do not going to break up you happiness :D))!

I put smiles in the end to show that I am joking and not going to abuse anybody.
What is wrong with this I reallly do not understand or is it here some not primitive results of using subD plugin?

May be it is because of the language this problem I do not know.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
1 Apr 2015   [#317]
Did I missed something? :))
From: Michael Gibson
1 Apr 2015   [#318] In reply to [#316]
Hi Andrei, well basically when you use words like "childish" or "primitive" it tends to have an insult implied, it means you are calling the person's work unfit in some way.

That's why your comments are stirring up complaints.

> I did not say subD plugin is bad, I just wander that people are so happy using
> it, that it is, nothing more.

Well, it's not really very mysterious - if you do want to do something simple like in the examples you don't like, it costs something like $1700 to get Rhino and Tsplines together, don't you think that for a lot of people they might not want to pay so much money to do simple things and would be excited to be able to do them with what they already have?

I don't see what is so difficult to understand about why a lot of people would be excited about that.

It's something that you yourself asked for (having sub-d modeling inside of MoI) right at the very start of this same thread...

- Michael
1 Apr 2015   [#319] In reply to [#317]
>> Did I missed something? :))

Hi Max,

some problems with language...but you can continue to talk javascript :)

Thanks you for your new tools (split, bridge and scale) !
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
1 Apr 2015   [#320] In reply to [#319]
Hi Lawrence :)

yes, I speak javascript much better than english ;)
From: libelle
1 Apr 2015   [#321] In reply to [#308]
That's some nice work 3dcnc!

I've been playing around with a toy 3-axis CNC machine, so it gives me even greater appreciation for some of the stuff you've made.
From: 3dcnc
2 Apr 2015   [#322] In reply to [#321]
Hi Libelle

Thanks so much. I have been very blessed with amazing opportunities . Sometimes I forget how lucky I am.
From: danperk (SBEECH)
3 Apr 2015   [#323]
6 Apr 2015   [#324]

More possibilities...
From: ed (EDDYF)
6 Apr 2015   [#325]
Mike - Love the retro stuff you come up with.

But hey, you gotta show us the model before smoothing too :)

Ed Ferguson
From: Ronamodeler (RON_A)
6 Apr 2015   [#326] In reply to [#324]
Dang! Throwing down the gauntlet, I see. Nice.
6 Apr 2015   [#327]
Yeah... I really regret not saving an earlier iteration.
I was caught up in the moment.

(I can't wait to see any further progress from Max ;-)
7 Apr 2015   [#328]
So here is a re-do and a file for all to play with: :-)

The finger grip ridges on the wheel was not really compatible with the angles of the column section, so I made them separately and then spliced them together using Blend.

Also one for that drone thingy earlier:
7 Apr 2015   [#329]

Image Attachments:

7 Apr 2015   [#330]
Yeah! That's some great form work!
From: Ronamodeler (RON_A)
7 Apr 2015   [#331] In reply to [#330]
"Yeah! That's some great form work!"

Indeed. Thank you, Mike and Lawrence.
Interesting how those sharp peaks in the starting form yield such a nice organic mouse shape.
From: ed (EDDYF)
7 Apr 2015   [#332]
" ...Interesting how those sharp peaks in the starting form yield such a nice organic mouse shape."

Yep - you have to over-exaggerate to overcome the SubD smoothing if you want ridges or more defined edges.

Takes some back-and-forth editing to get the desired result. Although, it does go quickly.

It would be nice to have a short cut key that gave a "preview" of the smoothed result, only when the key is pressed. That way you wouldn't have to "undo" each time as you iterate tweaking the underlying structure.

Would also be nice to have a symmetry mode so you're only concerned with one-half the model when editing.

Ed Ferguson
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Apr 2015   [#333]
Cool one!
That is a sort of "retro box modeling"! :)

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