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Full Version: Polygonal Converter.

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Mar 2015   [#257]
Excellent! What a productivity! Bravo!

PS sScale : what is the difference with View Points and use the Edit Frame ?

A trick for the sSplit : don't select the volume only, but select the volume then use the Browser for select faces! ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Mar 2015   [#258]
Does it possible to have Ngons like this ?
And selected just after the sSplit ? :)

From: hep
26 Mar 2015   [#259]
Hi Pilou
How did you make the pentagon, and put the split inside?
I an trying to make a cup
From: hep
26 Mar 2015   [#260]
I figured i out :-)
first a pentagon

Then sSplit on both side, extrude the inner part to perform the bottom

sSplit on the side for the handle and copy the faces to direct the handle

sBridge it

And Subdiv

Image Attachments:
2015.03.26-14.22.00-[3D].png  2015.03.26-14.22.13-[3D].png  2015.03.26-14.22.35-[3D].png  2015.03.26-14.23.05-[3D].png  2015.03.26-14.34.02-[3D].png  2015.03.26-14.34.12-[3D].png 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Mar 2015   [#261] In reply to [#259]
Function Draw Curve Polygon
Kill first polygon curve generator if not need
The trick : Select volume so a solid but sSplit need only faces!
So after select volumum (solid) use the Browser button for choise Faces ;)
Then use sSplit !
Et voilĂ 

From: hep
26 Mar 2015   [#262]
Excelent trick - merci
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Mar 2015   [#263] In reply to [#262]
For kill the internal best is redraw a polygonal volume inside and make a boolean diff!
From: ed (EDDYF)
26 Mar 2015   [#264]
Dedicated thread for Max's SubD Scripts?

With Max working on new scripts and folks experimenting and sharing results, maybe all posts related to his SubD work should go into a new thread.

Ed Ferguson
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
26 Mar 2015   [#265]
edgeSplit preview

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Mar 2015   [#266]
A cup of tea! :)
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
26 Mar 2015   [#267]
Frenchy Pilou
>> what is the difference with View Points and use the Edit Frame ?
No differences in the v0.5. Check the new one.
My script determines center by averaging a source points. Edit frame uses boundary box center.

>> Does it possible to have Ngons like this ?
It's possible, but not now. My subd script doesn't support ngons.

>> Brilliant work like this shouldn't go unrewarded.
>> Can I suggest you get a Bitcoin wallet and start accepting donations through it?
Thank you. I'll think about it :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Mar 2015   [#268] In reply to [#267]
Cool last one!

From: Michael Gibson
26 Mar 2015   [#269] In reply to [#265]
Great work Max, thanks for sharing all of these new tools!

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
27 Mar 2015   [#270]
Volume with Max Smirnov scripts goes in Sketchup and realtime rendered with the free Visualizer 1.3 ;)

From: 3dcnc
27 Mar 2015   [#271] In reply to [#269]
Amazing. This makes a great bit of software even better. I cannot believe that this has become a toolset available in MoiV3. I was secretly hoping we might have it in V4.

It opens some exciting opportunities for the students I teach.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
27 Mar 2015   [#272]
sSplit 0.8
[Added] edge splitting
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
27 Mar 2015   [#273] In reply to [#269]
Hi Michael
Thank you!

I have one question.. Do you plan to update MoI in nearest future? I mean x86 version. I will be happy if I could get some new features (and js functions) :) If it possible, of course..
From: BurrMan
27 Mar 2015   [#274] In reply to [#273]
The last split zip is downloading as corrupted on my end.....
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
27 Mar 2015   [#275] In reply to [#274]
my fault. fixed.
(it was 7z-archive with .zip extension :)
From: BurrMan
27 Mar 2015   [#276] In reply to [#275]

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