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Full Version: Polygonal Converter.

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From: WillBellJr
20 Feb 2015   [#199]
Okay thanks so much, guys - my SANITY has been restored!

This is an absolutely WONDERFUL plugin for MoI - yes, whenever that Paypal button is in place, make sure I see that link!

Max, you are The MAGNIFICENT!

From: bemfarmer
20 Feb 2015   [#200] In reply to [#193]
Imported the hippo head last night. Ran Blend on the open eyes and neck. Join. Subdivision6 worked well.

- Brian
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
20 Feb 2015   [#201]
ImportObj 1.0a. Test build.
Added function for scale and position normalization.
Use "_ImportObj exact" command to disable this function.
From: PaQ
21 Feb 2015   [#202] In reply to [#201]
Hi Max,

Thanks for the update, this normalization helps to successfully load many of my test models now ... wish there was a way to automatically scale the model back to his original size to avoid
model exchange issue between software.

Here are 2 models, the complete hypo and a rhino. (Hypo.obj and Rhino.obj)
Both models loads right with the new ImportObj, and I can join them as solids.
There are all quad and tris (no ngones), however Subdiv fails. Maybe the polycount is too high ?

Btw I just want to point an other surface smoothness issue. As I said previously poles are really top quality for my need, but the overall surface smoothness is still a little bit off.

The issue is already visible in MoI viewport (especially if you lower the preview angle in the display option), but I have also export the result back in modo, with a really good mesh setting :

As I side note, I know that the mesh flow here can look very unusual. Actually the structure is very simple, is you manage to stitching surfaces with ordinary edges, you will end up with some sort of twisted cube.
If you manage to get better smoothing surface from this kind of topology, it means that 'we' could use tools like edges weight in our sds modeling package, we just had to freeze the geometry before export.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
21 Feb 2015   [#203] In reply to [#202]
Hi PaQ,
thank you for your bugreports :) It really helps me.

>>wish there was a way to automatically scale the model back to his original size to avoid model exchange issue between software
Next version of the script will use constant scale factor (10x, 100x etc.) It will be easy to restore original size of the model.

>>There are all quad and tris (no ngones), however Subdiv fails. Maybe the polycount is too high ?
There are four intersected faces in the rhino model. When moi joins them together it splits edges of this faces. Those quads has 5 or 6 edges. I'll try to solve this problem in the future versions.
I still have problems with loadMesh function. It's not stable with imported models which has bad structure.

>> Btw I just want to point an other surface smoothness issue.
Oh, it's a bug of the new loadMesh function :) Fixed. Please check the new version.
From: PaQ
21 Feb 2015   [#204] In reply to [#203]
You are welcome Max, I'm glad if that helps you.
Indeed a constant factor will help a lot to restore the initial size.

B6.1 works perfect now too, thanks a lot (happy it was 'just' a bug !)

In attachment a simple scenario where continuity in lost. I would never use this kind of topology for a real project,
but maybe it's still interesting for you !

From: Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
24 Feb 2015   [#205] In reply to [#204]
Thanks Max for this absolutely amazing tool!

Michael T.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
25 Feb 2015   [#206] In reply to [#204]
>>In attachment a simple scenario where continuity in lost.
I know about this. My script doesn't support non-polar triangles yet.
Right now I have another plans :)
1. Join splitted surfaces near extraordinary vertices.
2. Make support of opened surfaces (boundaries)
3. Overall surface optimization.
From: Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
26 Feb 2015   [#207]

Where would I find this command?
>>Use "_ImportObj exact" command to disable this function.

Michael T.
From: PaQ
26 Feb 2015   [#208] In reply to [#206]
Hi Max,

The plan sounds good :)
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
27 Feb 2015   [#209] In reply to [#207]
Hi Michael

>>Where would I find this command?
"exact" - it is not a script. It's a script parameter.
Type or bind command: _ImportObj exact

Last version of the ImportObj:
From: Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
27 Feb 2015   [#210] In reply to [#209]
Thanks Max!

Michael T.
From: ed (EDDYF)
9 Mar 2015   [#211]
Going off Michael's example in another thread, I wanted to make a shape by joining two solids (created with sweeps) using a loft. Works well.

Next I'll have to try making a real object.

Ed Ferguson

Image Attachments:
subDexample1.jpg  subDexample2.jpg  subDwood.jpg 

9 Mar 2015   [#212] In reply to [#211]
Hi Ed,

i also try making real object (with sweep, boolean, mirror , cut and join, and moving some point)

it's pleasant to try to do everything with MoI (without import)

Image Attachments:

From: ed (EDDYF)
9 Mar 2015   [#213] In reply to [#212]
Excellent Lawrence.

I've never used a poly modeler as I work with mechanical shapes. But Max's script seems to fill a gap where you want the precision of Nurbs, but need some organic influence.

It's great this can be done entirely inside MoI. Probably not the preferred tool set to model a human head, but your eyeglass model is a perfect example of how I would want to use this script.

Ed Ferguson
From: Andrei Samardac
10 Mar 2015   [#214] In reply to [#213]
I do not think that pseudo Poly technique with Loft as was shown with glasses can replace Polygons and Sub-D. What you can do inside MoI trying to replicate SubD with Max's plugin is very primitive shapes. Now MoI has SubD module but do not have any good polygonal tools.
10 Mar 2015   [#215] In reply to [#214]
Hi Andrei,

i agree with you, MoI is not a polygonal modeler.
Perhaps some capabilities will come with version V6 or V7. I don't think that is a priority.
But I like to experiment this "pseudo technique" even if at begining i don't know where i go. Here it seems to be a snake skull :)

Image Attachments:

From: Andrei Samardac
10 Mar 2015   [#216] In reply to [#215]
LAWRENCE, how many time you spent for this skull :)?
10 Mar 2015   [#217] In reply to [#216]
> how many time you spent for this skull ?

a moment of inspiration : one hour
From: Andrei Samardac
10 Mar 2015   [#218] In reply to [#217]
You are real experimentalist :)!

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