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From: PaQ
31 Jan 2015   [#129] In reply to [#128]
Hi Max,

Thanks a lot for the update.

I have some really hard time to import anything a little bit complex
Here's for example what I get :

1290 Geometry error, 1290 recovered.

I'm not sure if it's something wrong with the .obj loader I use (the one coming from ) and if there is
anything you can 'do' to improve the loader. Looks like the loader have some trouble to deal with extreme non planar quads.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
1 Feb 2015   [#130] In reply to [#129]
I checked this model. There are many twisted non-planar quads in the obj. I'll think how to improve my importObj script for using it with such complex models.
The scripts works well with other complex models with non-planar quads .
for example:

From: Finema
1 Feb 2015   [#131] In reply to [#130]
Hi Max,
_Subdiv_beta4 don't work for me on V3 MACSOX
I put the command _Subdiv_beta4 with Tab key but the panel Subdivision don't stay visible.
i've tested with skull and elephant
but in Moi if I put a solid Box and run the command _Subdiv_beta4, it's OK.
I think it's a matter of Mac and Memory.
From: PaQ
2 Feb 2015   [#132] In reply to [#131]
Hi Max,

First thank you a lot for all the effort you did on this polygonal converter.
I have no idea of the complexity to write something like that, but I just want to point a general 'smoothing' problem with the method you are using. (and I'm not talking about surface continuity)

In the image :

A ) Max Sub-d : Low Quality
B ) Max Sub-d : High Quality
C ) Npower SubD-Nurbs.

My concern here is the wobble effect from the version B (Max Sub-d : High Quality).
This wobble effect is also visible on object silhouette. I know that I shouldn't compare your script to
a commercial 500$ product, but I'm wondering if it's something that might be improve in the future ?

In other words, while you manage to keep continuity between patches, it seems the side effect is an overall shape/silhouette deformation. It's something very obvious for polygonal surface subdivision people, used to see very smooth surface transition and ultra smooth overall silhouette. (catmull-clark)

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
3 Feb 2015   [#133] In reply to [#132]
Hi PaQ,

Thank you for this valuable information. I have some ideas how to improve quality.
From: Finema
3 Feb 2015   [#134] In reply to [#133]
Hi Max
any idea about my problem above ?
From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
3 Feb 2015   [#135]
I tried -ImportObj- with Lisa-head from C4D

Tried to join all surfaces but obviously take too much time
Obj file is 4 Mb,if saved in 3dm is 231 Mb

Image Attachments:
1.JPG  2.JPG  3.JPG 

From: Michael Gibson
3 Feb 2015   [#136] In reply to [#135]
Hi Mauro,

> I tried -ImportObj- with Lisa-head from C4D

That looks very dense - is it a several times subdivided result that is being exported? If so then you want to try exporting the base level control mesh rather than already subdivided geometry.

- Michael
From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
3 Feb 2015   [#137] In reply to [#136]
Ciao Michael
Lisa comes from C4D content browser,she's already subdivided
From: mdesign
3 Feb 2015   [#138] In reply to [#135]
I joined small patches (much quicker) to few bigger patches and after all I joined all bigger patches into one solid. Much quicker than do it as one time consuming process (I used that for that bottle above). Maybe that helps.
From: amur (STEFAN)
3 Feb 2015   [#139] In reply to [#137]
Hi Mauro,

just in case you need to recover her... ;-)

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
3 Feb 2015   [#140]
>any idea about my problem above ?
Sorry, I don't have a mac. But it's very strange, it should work.
From: Finema
4 Feb 2015   [#141] In reply to [#140]
I've tested all the example in this thread (and more) and none are running.
I've a 2 x 2,8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon Mac Pro and 6 Go ram.
The Subdivision panel displays a split second and disappears.
No other Mac user had this problem ? It's curious...
From: Kroete (TAREK)
4 Feb 2015   [#142] In reply to [#141]
Hi, yes I am a mac user as well and when running the script I see a window flashing up on the left upper corner and that is it.

Maybe this will be resolved soon but anyway your work is awesome !!
From: amur (STEFAN)
4 Feb 2015   [#143] In reply to [#142]
For me the subd script works well with MoI 2.52 (have not updated yet to 3.0) under OSX 10.8.5 with my old iMac.

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
4 Feb 2015   [#144] In reply to [#141]

Check beta1 or beta2. Does it work?
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
13 Feb 2015   [#145]
Beta 5.

Fixed bug with high valence vertices (>16-20)
Some surface tuning. Not perfect, but smoother than beta4.

b4 - red, b5 - green

Upd: Fixed tolerance bug, which may cause errors while importing very small models. Reuploaded.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Feb 2015   [#146]
From: Finema
14 Feb 2015   [#147] In reply to [#146]
As in the beta4, The Subdivision panel displays a split second and disappears.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
14 Feb 2015   [#148] In reply to [#147]
have you tried to use beta 1 or 2?

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