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From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
10 Oct 2014   [#115] In reply to [#114]
Hi Michael,
>>I guess if the n-gon is non-planar then that will be an issue though?
Yes, exactly.

Just found a stange obj export bug. When I export "O" letter using n-gon mode, MOI creates four strange polygons instead of normal quads.
f 83/83/83 101/101/101 85/85/85 86/86/86 102/102/102 84/84/84
f 97/97/97 103/103/103 98/98/98 99/99/99 104/104/104 100/100/100
f 105/105/105 137/137/137 106/106/106 107/107/107 138/138/138 108/108/108
f 119/119/119 139/139/139 121/121/121 122/122/122 140/140/140 120/120/120

So importObj can't properly import it.

From: Michael Gibson
10 Oct 2014   [#116] In reply to [#115]
Hi Max - it's not unusual to get n-gons possibly with some of their points nearby each other in various juncture areas. There it looks like it's the cut through the middle to deal with the interior hole in the top surface that is probably introducing the points you don't want. That's just part of how the mesher works... OBJ format does not have the concept of a polygon with a hole in it, so any n-gons that would have internal holes within a single n-gon like the top face there will get divided which can easily introduce additional boundary points.

- Michael
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
25 Jan 2015   [#117]
I'm back (for a while ;)

This weekend I wrote a new beta of subdiv script. Yes :) I finally did it! :)
This version is very unstable, but it works much better with extraordinary vertices. C1 continuous on extraordinary vertices, and C2 on ordinary vertices.
It doesn't support triangles in hq mode yet, so you need to use quads only.
Of course some surface issues may occurs. I think there may be some bugs.
Also I plan to write an optimization block, which can stitch separated ordinary quads to one surface.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Jan 2015   [#118] In reply to [#117]
Extraordinary script! ;)
From: chippwalters
25 Jan 2015   [#119] In reply to [#117]
Hi Max,

Sounds incredible!

Just so I understand how this works...

Can I import an OBJ non sub-divided created in a program light Lightwave, and this script will convert it to NURBS? If so-- WOW!
From: PaQ
26 Jan 2015   [#120] In reply to [#119]
Hi Max,

It's late here, so I'll torture your script tomorrow.
I have to say that the results on the provided examples are really amazing.
It's way beyond my expectation, it looks much better on hi-valence point than some commercial plugins Oo
From: PaQ
26 Jan 2015   [#121] In reply to [#119]
Hi chippwalters,

The .obj import is here :
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
26 Jan 2015   [#122] In reply to [#121]
Hi chippwalters

This script is more useful for subdivision surface modeling.

Yes, it can process OBJs, but it will produce a huge amount of surfaces. I need to find the way to build more complex surfaces.
But anyway, it works! :)

From: Michael Gibson
26 Jan 2015   [#123] In reply to [#122]
Super cool stuff Max!

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
26 Jan 2015   [#124] In reply to [#122]
Hi Max, some really good looking results in high quality mode!

Only with some more detailed examination with reflective zebra stripes can some G2 discontinuities be seen.

Have you thought any about non-uniform refinement, like with extra density clustered more tightly just around extraordinary vertices rather than uniform refinement?

- Michael
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
26 Jan 2015   [#125] In reply to [#124]
Hi Michael, I noticed some artifacts on surfaces in some cases, but I think there is a bugs in the code. Yesterday it was worse than now. :) I've already found and eliminated several bugs, but I'm sure that some bugs I missed.
I implemented this algorithm:
I think it really can produce perfect surfaces

Yes, I thought about non-uniform refinement, and used it in previous version of this script. But I wasn't satisfied with results. So I will play for a while with this algorithm, but if I'll still have problems with it - I'll bring non-uniform surfaces back.
Here is example of non-uniform surfaces:
From: Glenn Claes (GLENN)
26 Jan 2015   [#126]
Hi Max,

I was looking forward to see your update!!
Your examples look great, but i'm unable to replicate them.

It seems that the script only works on a primitive cube or extruded rectangle for me.?
Any thing drawn with a polygon line or booleaned solid either gives the error "unsupported polygon type! (2)" or the object just disappears.

Image Attachments:
subd error.jpg 

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
26 Jan 2015   [#127] In reply to [#126]
Hi Glenn
This script doesn't support n-gons. Use triangles and quads.

I know about object disappearing bug. I'll take care of it.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
31 Jan 2015   [#128]
Subdiv beta 4 :)

Fixed some geometry bugs
Improved mesh load speed (about 10x)
Added support of polar triangles

Don't use any other types of triangles

Added handy feature: switch mode
If you use hotkey to run this script, put the same key combination as command parameter
Example: Key: Z Command: _Subdiv_beta4 Z
After that you can switch script on and off with Z key.
From: PaQ
31 Jan 2015   [#129] In reply to [#128]
Hi Max,

Thanks a lot for the update.

I have some really hard time to import anything a little bit complex
Here's for example what I get :

1290 Geometry error, 1290 recovered.

I'm not sure if it's something wrong with the .obj loader I use (the one coming from ) and if there is
anything you can 'do' to improve the loader. Looks like the loader have some trouble to deal with extreme non planar quads.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
1 Feb 2015   [#130] In reply to [#129]
I checked this model. There are many twisted non-planar quads in the obj. I'll think how to improve my importObj script for using it with such complex models.
The scripts works well with other complex models with non-planar quads .
for example:

From: Finema
1 Feb 2015   [#131] In reply to [#130]
Hi Max,
_Subdiv_beta4 don't work for me on V3 MACSOX
I put the command _Subdiv_beta4 with Tab key but the panel Subdivision don't stay visible.
i've tested with skull and elephant
but in Moi if I put a solid Box and run the command _Subdiv_beta4, it's OK.
I think it's a matter of Mac and Memory.
From: PaQ
2 Feb 2015   [#132] In reply to [#131]
Hi Max,

First thank you a lot for all the effort you did on this polygonal converter.
I have no idea of the complexity to write something like that, but I just want to point a general 'smoothing' problem with the method you are using. (and I'm not talking about surface continuity)

In the image :

A ) Max Sub-d : Low Quality
B ) Max Sub-d : High Quality
C ) Npower SubD-Nurbs.

My concern here is the wobble effect from the version B (Max Sub-d : High Quality).
This wobble effect is also visible on object silhouette. I know that I shouldn't compare your script to
a commercial 500$ product, but I'm wondering if it's something that might be improve in the future ?

In other words, while you manage to keep continuity between patches, it seems the side effect is an overall shape/silhouette deformation. It's something very obvious for polygonal surface subdivision people, used to see very smooth surface transition and ultra smooth overall silhouette. (catmull-clark)

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
3 Feb 2015   [#133] In reply to [#132]
Hi PaQ,

Thank you for this valuable information. I have some ideas how to improve quality.
From: Finema
3 Feb 2015   [#134] In reply to [#133]
Hi Max
any idea about my problem above ?

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