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From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8 Feb 2014   [#8] In reply to [#4]
Okay, guys! Here is Mac version of the CustomUI.
Unfortunatelly I can't test it. MoI doesn't work on my MacOS virtual machine.
8 Feb 2014   [#9] In reply to [#1]
OMG this is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much Max!

I recently felt more and more that 3/4 of the power of MoI is strewn about somewhere in this forum and that it is almost impossible to keep track of the fantastic scripts people come up with and have them integrated easily and visually fitting.

As much as I respect Michaels zeal to keep the interface clean, I personally don't think going hunting for internal scripting tricks to find even relatively basic things like open edges etc. is a good "UI" in the extended meaning of using a software to it's fullest in a clear and easy way.

I very often recommend MoI to others and find myself constantly explaining that "yes the website looks like it's a childs toy but it's really powerful, trust me" and "yes, the GUI looks really simple but it beats some really expensive apps hands down". ;-)



From: Denis (SPACELAND)
8 Feb 2014   [#10]
Thank Max, very useful added feature.
From: ed (EDDYF)
8 Feb 2014   [#11]
From: Michael Gibson
8 Feb 2014   [#12] In reply to [#11]
> > "... it is almost impossible to keep track of the fantastic scripts people come up with and have them
> > integrated easily and visually fitting. I personally don't think going hunting for internal scripting tricks
> > to find even relatively basic things like open edges etc. is a good "UI" "
> I agree.

I agree too!

But a good UI is one that is developed carefully and not rushed... There are only really a small handful of scripts that are useful to a wide range of users, most of them are pretty specialized things and so optimizing MoI for presenting those just hasn't been a major priority as of yet. It is something that I expect to get to eventually though!

- Michael
From: hep
8 Feb 2014   [#13]
Hi, that was quick of the Mac version :-)

It works pretty good. I just found 2 small issues.
the list of external scripts is is overlapped by the taskbar at the bottom of the screen and it dont change size even if i resize the "Moi window" - Iworks oki if i just move or hide the bottom taskbar :-)
I use this black/orange layout for moi, so i need to change the color of the background so i can see the icons. On the picture below the "snapshot" icon is hoovered byt the mouse and the "lighetning" icon is not

Image Attachments:
Skærmbillede 2014-02-08 kl. 19.45.55.png 

From: BurrMan
8 Feb 2014   [#14] In reply to [#11]
""""""""""... it is almost impossible to keep track of the fantastic scripts people come up with and have them integrated easily and visually fitting. I personally don't think going hunting for internal scripting tricks to find even relatively basic things like open edges etc. is a good "UI" """""""""""

I agree with the theory but not in this case.

There is no hunting. They are all in one place on the resources page of the MoI website. Anything that is not in there is just a "custom experience" script Michael made for someone who asked in the forum.

I guess you have to ask yourself if you like the Rhino UI?

I like Max's plug. It's exactly (though a little different) like something I wanted to do (although Max did it better). But, There's no long term thought and planning in it. For a plug, that's ok, because he can change it later with no great affects. But for the main app? You cant just cram things in, then make sweeping changes 3 years from now when what you crammed in doesn't work.
From: BurrMan
8 Feb 2014   [#15] In reply to [#14]
Oh Yeah,

Very cool Max!!! Great work...
From: bemfarmer
8 Feb 2014   [#16]
When I just click on the download, I am getting a "partial download, file may have moved error". This has never happened before.
(Windows7 PC)
But using "save target as", I was able to download Mac and Windows version.

(Superb praise message still in preparation :-)

- Brian
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8 Feb 2014   [#17] In reply to [#13]
open as text file, and change "maxlines" value to 30.
From: BurrMan
8 Feb 2014   [#18] In reply to [#17]
So on my win7, with the filesystem writing, I have to set "run as administrator" on MoI, or the object library wont work.

Is there any way the scripting could be changed to avoid this? Any way to set the privileges from within Max's environment?
From: hep
8 Feb 2014   [#19]
Hi Max
30 works perfect ;-)
8 Feb 2014   [#20] In reply to [#14]
Rhino really isn't the alternative I'm looking at. It has a relatively bad GUI (as most CAD tools seem to enjoy).
But I'm working with many 3D applications and there are IMO several well working solutions to this kind of problem.

Having a dropdown menu with all installed plugins wouldn't directly lead to GUI-mageddon. ;-)

It could be very simple with sub-menus created from file system subfolders, so you could have folders for Points/Curves/Solids/etc. put the respective scripts in there and have them show up in equally named submenus.
Just an example though.

I personally enjoy MoI 10 times more now with Max' script installed :-)

And I have totally zero problem if it will change somehow in 3 years...


From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8 Feb 2014   [#21] In reply to [#18]
it's very strange. I use MoI on win7 x64 with UAC on. And I always use it without administrator rights. Right now I started MoI+ObjLib in a sandbox environment with all administrator rights blocked. Everything is ok. I can create and delete objects. Maybe something wrong with your filesystem rights?
Did you noticed this issue with ObjLib only?
From: BurrMan
8 Feb 2014   [#22] In reply to [#21]
"""Did you noticed this issue with ObjLib only?""""""""""

I havnt tested the while thing yet. But since you said it should do that, then let me do some further tests. It could just be something in the method I copied things over.

It shouldn't be anything with my filesystem. But, I use MoI standalone, and HAVE copied/moved/copied the install folder around, which may have reset some of the default permissions on the folder.

I'll take a deeper look at it in a bit Max. Thanks for the heads up.
From: mattj (MATTJENN)
8 Feb 2014   [#23]
I tried to install on a mac running latest OS and all I get is a white MOI window with nothing in it. I dragged the 3 folders from the zip file into the drive_c/moi folder . . . . is there something i missed . . .
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8 Feb 2014   [#24] In reply to [#23]
Hi mattj,

Try this ways (step by step):
1. disable all modules in moi/ui/customui/ directory. run MoI.
2. disable moi/ui/customui/CustomInit.js (just rename it). run MoI
3. restore original /ui/CommandBar.htm, erase moi/ui/customui, moi/objects, moi/snapshots directories. wait for more information. :)
From: bemfarmer
8 Feb 2014   [#25]
A couple of remarks on installation and setup Windows7 pc, based upon my attempts at installation :-)
1. Placing the zip file in the MoI directory did not permit unzipping there. (Administrator privilege not yet invoked.)
2. Copying the unzipped files from elsewhere may work?, but see item 4.
3. Running 7zip on the zip file from a download directory, and selecting the MoI directory in C:\programfiles(x86)\MoI3.0betaNov-19-2013 did
permit extraction of the files, but, see item 4.
4. It was necessary to right click on MoI.exe and select "run as administrator," in order for the customUI folder to be found.
---Success---. It is not necessary to select "run as administrator" again.

- Brian
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8 Feb 2014   [#26] In reply to [#25]
Yes, at the first start CustomUI tries to determine absolute path of moi directory. If successful it stores the path in moi.ini.
So, if MoI has been installed to disk C, this script tries to access C:\
Of course this action will be blocked by UAC
From: Michael Gibson
8 Feb 2014   [#27] In reply to [#20]
Hi Tommy,

> I personally enjoy MoI 10 times more now with Max' script installed :-)

It's cool that it has made things so much better for you!

Are there some particular plug-ins that you are using very frequently for your work? Which ones are they?

- Michael

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