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From: redraw (MAYSKY)
17 Jul 2020   [#434] In reply to [#433]
Wow! thank you Michael
I will give this a go.

I thought I was being rude
From: redraw (MAYSKY)
18 Jul 2020   [#435] In reply to [#433]
Worked like a charm MoI 4 now has a Shortcuts menue :)
Thank you again.

The Syntax error is still occuring on manual selection. :(
From: Michael Gibson
18 Jul 2020   [#436] In reply to [#435]
Hi Maysky,

> The Syntax error is still occuring on manual selection. :(

Update the file for v4 with the one from the other thread here to fix the error message that was happening with scripts containing any ' characters in them:

The same fix for v3 should work for v4 as well.

- Michael
From: Moier (STARDUST)
9 Aug 2020   [#437] In reply to [#1]
Hi Moi’ers

Excuse me for being a noob with PC (use only Mac) V3
I have installed the custom UI but I dont see any icons in command bar?
I need the full extension script icon to be visible.
Which location shall it be extracted to, c:/users/username/programs/moi3d...... or /appdata/roaming/moi3d

I also have a question about how to write file location in PC.
When using ’exporttoseparatefiles’ script I wish the fbx files to be saved in a folder on desktop ”FBX”.
Is the path correct using


* Michael for Nobel Prize *
From: Michael Gibson
9 Aug 2020   [#438] In reply to [#437]
Hi Stardust, for Moi version 3 on Windows you need to unzip the file attached to the first message of this thread. There are 3 folders stored in the .zip file: objects, snapshots, and ui.

These need to be copied into the install folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0

So copy the "objects" folder over so you then have C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\objects

Do the same for the "snapshots" folder so you should then have C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\snapshots

Then for UI it's slightly different because there is a ui folder already existing at C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\ui . So you want to copy the contents of the .zip file ui folder into the existing ui folder. There will be one file (CommandBar.htm) that will be overwritten which you want to allow.

For v4 it's different - for v4 there is a different .zip file to use and it goes in appdata not the install folder.

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
11 Aug 2020   [#439] In reply to [#433]
Hey Gang:

I could not get this to work.
It shows a menu stub, but no content; in spite of the fact that my Moi.ini is chock-full of ShortCuts.
Have I made a mistake in my ".\startup\82 Shortcuts.js" file, attached?
I used the ".\customui\" file downloaded from 9891.5.

Many thanks to all of you !!!

82 Shortcuts.js

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
11 Aug 2020   [#440] In reply to [#439]
Hi Mindset, if I remember right it only displays shortcuts that are marked in a certain way, I think with a ! character inside the script comment which is the /* */ part.

If you modify your shortcut keys so that it has it like: /*! */ do they then show up?

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
11 Aug 2020   [#441] In reply to [#440]
Thank you Michael.
You are a superstar.

Seems that the operative phrase is:
title = line.match(/\/\*\!(.+)\*\//);

So, I tried this on "MoI 4.0 beta Jan-22-2020":
script: /*! TOGGLE CURVES HIDE*/ var allcurves = moi.geometryDatabase.<<...etc.>>

... albeit to no avail.

So, hmm, I don't know what else to do. ???
From: Michael Gibson
11 Aug 2020   [#442] In reply to [#441]
Hi Mindset, ok so the file "82 Shortcuts.js" should be in %appdata%\Moi\startup and should be in %appdata%\Moi\customui .

Is that what you have ? What happens when you push the button, is anything shown at all?

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
11 Aug 2020   [#443] In reply to [#442]
After much confusion, I finally got customUI shortcut icon to work, as per Michael's instructions for the shortcut .js and .htm files.
Pressing the button on the task bar shows 5 shortcuts, (so far, prior to doing any /*! */ edits).

(I used "83 Shortcuts", because 82 is being used with Snapshots.)

(With Moi V4 beta)

- Brian

One of the 5 shortcuts showing had this format: script:/*!Select edges v1.2 */ var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; func.....

After adding a new shortcut key to MoI (V4), close and reopen MoI.

I could not locate the script: script:/*! +TOGGLE CURVES HIDE*/..., in order to test it.
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
11 Aug 2020   [#444]
I GENUINELY appreciate your time, attention ...and most especially your help.

When the button is clicked, it displays a stub, as shown:

However, as you suggest, once I moved "" from...
it started working as expected !!!

Moi must be the greatest software in the world and a primary reason is how we, the user base, are treated and treat each other on this forum.
Thank you mightily !!!

Image Attachments:

From: AlexPolo
12 Aug 2020   [#445]
Hi Michael,

In the upcoming release of V4 have you considered building the custom UI into the release maybe in the installation process can you choose classic UI or custom UI - I think with modern screens and extra pixels the custom UI install is very useful in having those tools ready to go and provide a comfortable working environment that is still simple but extremely powerful.

Just a random thought.

From: Michael Gibson
12 Aug 2020   [#446] In reply to [#445]
Hi Alex, sorry no that's not something I've been planning. It doesn't really fit with the overall design of MoI which is focused on being streamlined and not showing a whole bunch of buttons at the top level all of the time.

But at some point I do want to make a mechanism for managing that area of the UI so you could promote some of your most frequently used commands there.

- Michael
From: fcwilt
13 Aug 2020   [#447] In reply to [#446]

I haven't tried any sort of custom UI but I did like the idea of a "library" button.

That would seem to be in keeping with the idea of streamlining things.

Granted it doesn't save a lot of steps but it would be pretty nice just the same.

From: bemfarmer
18 Aug 2020   [#448]
It would be nice if snapshot had a popup menu associated with it, for the different modes.
Maybe an html file could do this?

- Brian
From: art (ARTEXMG)
22 Aug 2020   [#449]
Hi guys, a quick (and simple I guess) question: how can I install the Custom UI Beta 2 in MoI 4 (Beta Jan 22 2020)?

What I've done so far:

1) Downloaded MoI 4.0 Beta Jan-22-2020 from
2) Unzipped directory and copied into C:\Program Files\MoI 4.0 beta Jan-22-2020
3) Started MoI.exe

After that, I cannot see the custom bar. Is there something I'm missing here? I've been reading the forum, but I cannot find what's wrong. Should be something obvious.

Thanks for your help.
From: bemfarmer
22 Aug 2020   [#450] In reply to [#449]
Hi Art.
For Windows 10, the %AppData% path should be used. (Type in %AppData% in the windows search box, lower left corner of Windows 10 screen.)

I would suggest first that your C:\Users\<yourUsername>)\AppData\Roaming\Moi folders be unhidden.
(Google "unhide appdata folder windows 10") hidden folders.
Also helpful is to set up a Library "MoiAppData" in File Explorer, for this path to ...AppData\Roaming\Moi, for quick access.
My Library link usually does not show the \Moi text, but the subdirectory is there.

The contents of this ...AppData\Roaming\Moi directory may be:
commands (my extra non stock moi _scripts)

There may also be some misc. files there, like MoiColors, moi license keys, etc.

- Brian

I scanned this topic back 2 years, and did not see comprehensive instructions for install in Moi v4 beta,
although a lot of issues were addressed.
I'd say follow Max's original instructions, but use %appdata%.

Mac link:
From: art (ARTEXMG)
22 Aug 2020   [#451] In reply to [#450]
Wow Brian, thanks for this FAST and comprehensive answer.

It is working now. I think your post should be pinned.


From: Michael Gibson
22 Aug 2020   [#452] In reply to [#449]
Hi art, yes like Brian mentions above for v4 you should install it into the appdata folder, not into \Program Files.

Install instructions are here:

Try using Win+R to bring up the Windows "Run" dialog, and then type in:


and push Enter. That will open up the MoI appdata folder.

When you unzip there should be 3 folders that were inside the .zip . The folders are "customui", "objects", and "startup".

These should be copied over to the %AppData%\Moi folder.

So you should end up with:


and there will already be a %AppData%\Moi\startup folder, copy the contents of the startup folder in the .zip file into the %AppData%\Moi\startup folder.

- Michael
From: art (ARTEXMG)
22 Aug 2020   [#453] In reply to [#452]
Thanks Michael, this is one of the many reasons why MoI is the best: incredible fast answers :-)

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