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Full Version: CustomUI

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From: semo123 (SEMO)
17 Jul 2019   [#409] In reply to [#408]
Hi Michael Gibson

thank you for your replay , long story short , i bought MOI at work and i had a problem installing it with all the security they had , so in order to bypass the security i dragged and drop the moi file from another computer with no security , and it seems to work fine sense , i got fired from my job and couldn't get all my original files , all i left with is this file ''MoI 3.0 beta Mar-17-2013'' and i know it looks like i got a cracked version i already looked and searched for solutions but i was sure this error is because i don't have it installed the right way ,anyway thanks for your help and god bless .
From: Ronster (RON)
27 Jul 2019   [#410]
How do I change the colors for the icons from black as displayed, to white as I have a dark background and they don't show up very well. All my icons are already white so I assume the code in Max's HTML for the four icons in question has something to do with it?

Image Attachments:
How to change Icon Color.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
27 Jul 2019   [#411] In reply to [#410]
Hi Ron, the CustomUI scripts use a button image that is embedded in the script file itself so you'll need to edit the script so the button loads an image file instead of using the embedded image.

To do that go to your MoI appdata startup folder and edit the CustomUI files there like the file "70 ObjLibrary.js" is what adds the "Obj Library" button.
It will currently look like this:

var title = "Obj Library";
var menu = "moi://appdata/customui/";
var icon = " ...
moi.ui.commandBar.CommandBarCustomUI.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeEnd", '<moi:Spacer/> ...

Comment out line #3 for the icon value by putting a // in front of it, and then add a new line for an image file like this:

var title = "Obj Library";
var menu = "moi://appdata/customui/";
//var icon = " ...
var icon = "icons/YourIconFile.png";
moi.ui.commandBar.CommandBarCustomUI.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeEnd", '<moi:Spacer/> ...

That should then make it load a file named YourIconFile.png from the ui\icons folder.

The above description is for MoI v4. For MoI v3 you would edit the file "70 ObjLibrary.htm" located in your install directory under ui\customui and change it from this:

<moi:CommandMenuButton menu="customui/mods/" icon="data:image/png; ...........">Obj Library</moi:CommandMenuButton>

to this:
<moi:CommandMenuButton menu="customui/mods/" icon="icons/YourIconFile.png">Obj Library</moi:CommandMenuButton>

- Michael
From: Ronster (RON)
27 Jul 2019   [#412] In reply to [#411]
Hi Michael. Thanks for your help. Just wondered why he would embed the image rather than just pointing to it?
From: Michael Gibson
27 Jul 2019   [#413] In reply to [#412]
Hi Ron, no problem!

> Just wondered why he would embed the image rather than just pointing to it?

I'm not sure, maybe something like he wanted to reduce the number of files that had to be managed.

- Michael
27 Jul 2019   [#414]
Hi All,

Dose any one know how make the Z Axis on the grid visible on in the 3D view port?

Image Attachments:
InkedBLUR AX_LI.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
27 Jul 2019   [#415] In reply to [#414]
Hi Ogar,

> Dose any one know how make the Z Axis on the grid visible on in the 3D view port?

Sorry no there isn't any way set up to show that currently.

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
28 Jul 2019   [#416] In reply to [#414]
Not quite the z-axis request, but a line can be drawn at the position of the z-axis, even in Front or Right view,
or a construction line can be added.
- Brian
From: Ronster (RON)
28 Jul 2019   [#417] In reply to [#416]
Hi, I suppose you could add a vertical polyline and colour it however you want then lock it. Save the scene as a template and load from that each time. Not perfect but I think it would work :)
From: Ronster (RON)
28 Jul 2019   [#418]
Hi again, could someone point me to the HTML than controls the colour of the panel divider for the 4 views ?
From: Michael Gibson
28 Jul 2019   [#419] In reply to [#418]
Hi Ron, for the viewport borders that's one of the few remaining things that is controlled by a bitmap image rather than HTML. You can modify it by changing the bitmap ViewportForeground.png in the ui folder.

- Michael
From: Konni
25 Oct 2019   [#420]
Hello everyone :)
Newbie here, first post ^_^
Really glad to be part of Moment of Inspiration Family. Thank you for making such wonderful software Michael and HUGE thanks for everyone for making understandable, fast, easy to use, beautiful and most important FUN to work with :)

Have some questions about Custom UI. Some features does not working. Maybe some of you might know and can help me?
(I'm on Moi V3 Windows 10)

Downloaded 2015-08-29

1. Obj library - I can not save my objects to library. It lets me name the object, but after hit "OK" the new object did not appears in Obj library next to Max's Cube, Sphere, Plane already created (attached 1st picture)
2. Snapshot does not save my files, or maybe i was looking not in the right MOI "snapshot" folder :(
3. Lightening also does not working. Want to have some highlights on the surface. Maybe this because of lightening script. (attached image)
4. Tested some scripts. Working like a charm :) Not all tested, but happy so far.

So i was wondering is there any solution to fix all this or I should upgrade to V4 Beta?

Many thanks
Appreciate your help.


Image Attachments:
obj_lib.jpg  scripts.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
25 Oct 2019   [#421] In reply to [#420]
Hi Konni, welcome to MoI and to the forum!

So for #1 and #2 I think the problem is that by default Windows will prevent applications from writing into the "Program Files" directory as a security measure. If you run MoI at an elevated privilege that could solve this problem. To do that right-click on the shortcut icon you use to launch MoI and then I think it's the "compatibility" tab where you'll find a checkbox that says "Run as Administrator". Try enabling that.

for #3 Lighting options, I think that is expecting for a list of lights to have been written in the moi.ini file by a separate LightingOptions plugin. Try installing that other plugin from here:

Hope that works!

- Michael
From: Konni
26 Oct 2019   [#422] In reply to [#421]
Thank you Michael for such full and informative answer.
Yep - #1 and #2 solved - Run as Admin and it worked. :)
#4 - Lightening Options also solved. Have them in Options ->View ->Lightening Options -> Lightening Presets. And also have these in custom ui bar :)

Thank you once again for making awesome software ^_^
(I'm in V4 Beta now).

Image Attachments:

28 Oct 2019   [#423] In reply to [#303]
Now I'm using the V4 Beta. Thank you.
From: Konni
16 Dec 2019   [#424]
Hi all,
Sorry, again noob question here.
How to get folders in Object Library?
Appreciate ^_^

Image Attachments:
this have.jpg  unnamed (1).png 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Dec 2019   [#425] In reply to [#424]
You must have these objects yet in your folder!
From: Konni
16 Dec 2019   [#426] In reply to [#425]
I have these default objects in my folder. I can create new objects and they appear in my Objects Library in Moi and in %AppData folder. But when i create manually folder in appData it does not appear in Moi. And in Moi I do not know how to create folder and save in it some similar items like for example screws or smth...
Thank you

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
16 Dec 2019   [#427] In reply to [#424]
Hi Konni,

> How to get folders in Object Library?

I don't think it supports sub-folders currently.

- Michael
From: Brownie (BLOI)
30 Mar 2020   [#428] In reply to [#1]
Hello Master,
I am getting a script error and no object library, basically nothing happens. What am I doing wrong ?

Image Attachments:

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