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From: bemfarmer
28 Mar 2019   [#358] In reply to [#357]
Are people setting up portable MoI on a USB Flash Drive?
- Brian
From: BurrMan
28 Mar 2019   [#359] In reply to [#357]
Max made an update to the custom UI that moved its i stall to the appdata folder, to stay vompatable with MoI's move to that folder... that is where all things are installed now, excepting MoI's root install dir stuff...

To get your "portable" MoI, you need to have all that appdata dir in your MoI root install location. Wotks just fine.


People do!!!! All my MoI installs have been setup this way. It's all on a usb stick. With me wherever i go!
From: Michael Gibson
28 Mar 2019   [#360] In reply to [#357]
Hi Brummett,

> What is the moi portable folder?

It's the folder where you have copied the MoI installation. It's for the case where you're using MoI as a "portable" program meaning that it is copied on to a USB drive and can be run directly from the USB drive on another computer.

> Just now trying to convert v3 to v4 Beta and now realize that customizations can be separated
> in the appdir folder instead of install folder but not sure if I need to make a folder in appdir and
> install ui, script, commands etc there instead?

MoI v4 will automatically create folders in appdata for commands and startup scripts. You can put your custom commands in there instead of inside the install folder, that way new installs will see them automatically and you won't have to copy those into a new install.

If you have made a scripts folder in your install you can also create a scripts sub-folder in the Moi appdata folder and put them there.

UI modifications would still need to be applied to the install, but if the UI modification is done by script code rather than static file changes, in v4 you can put the script file in the appdata startup folder so it will be run when MoI launches. Max's CustomUI extension for v4 has been redone to work this way for example.

- Michael
From: Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
29 Mar 2019   [#361]
Michael, that is very clever to set it in this way.
I mean if program detects "appdata" folder in MoI root it will putt settings from it.
And seems very easy to transfer all customizations to later versions.

Good job.

I also have one question.
How can we edit the icons we see in icon bar at the bottom of the program?
I have there 2 icons "Scripts".
One has stuff from custom UI + ones I copied to commands folder under appdata and other has also stuff from commands folder but it looks same as in my MoIv3.
I think I saw the post somewhere but probably putting wrong keywords into search.

From: Michael Gibson
29 Mar 2019   [#362] In reply to [#361]
Hi Mr. Yuri,

> I also have one question.
> How can we edit the icons we see in icon bar at the bottom of the program?
> I have there 2 icons "Scripts".

The standard ones on the bottom toolbar have PNG icon images in the \ui\icons subfolder inside the main installation folder.

For the ones from CustomUI, those icons are embedded inside the CustomUI script file using a method called base64 encoding which converts a binary file to a text representation.

So for the CustomUI scripts icon you'd need to find the script file for it, probably Scripts.js and then replace the embedded image data inside that file.

Some info on generating base64 encoded images here:

- Michael
From: co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
29 Mar 2019   [#363] In reply to [#362]
Thanks for the clarification. So to install the node editor. I would do it in the %AppData%\Moi\(folders shown in archive node from Max) ?
From: co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
29 Mar 2019   [#364] In reply to [#363]
Reason I ask is I can't get this to work. I have Custom UI v2 for beta installed and when I click on NodeEdit button, I just get a blank popup window with nothing?

Image Attachments:
Node_Editor_Install.jpg  Node_Editor_Result.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
29 Mar 2019   [#365] In reply to [#364]
Hi Brummett, I think the node editor is intended to be installed in a folder like:


Whereas you seem to have it in


The CustomUI v2 tries to run the node editor at moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html so that means it's expecting to have a nodeeditor folder as a sibling to "commands" and there should be a file index.html inside there.

- Michael
From: co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
29 Mar 2019   [#366] In reply to [#365]
Ah ha! that was it. Thanks a ton, driving me nutso..
From: Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
30 Mar 2019   [#367]
Hi Brummett,
may I ask how you got the bottom to be 2 rows instead of one?

And I'm also interested in nodeeditor to try it out, but post I found references to are old from 2015.
Where did you download working latest nodeeditor with nodes?

From: co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
30 Mar 2019   [#368] In reply to [#367]
Hi Mr. Yuri,
I installed the custom UI that addresses that issue. I believe it's the version "Dark Gray Theme (MoI 4.0 beta) - Custom UI" I had to install and uninstall and test to find the one that worked out of the various .zip files there. The order of installation is important as you need to read in the author (Cody's) description below his screen grabs.

The nodeeditor I installed was Max Smirnov's latest build from his web site here:

From: Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
31 Mar 2019   [#369]
Hi Michael,
took me a while to realize that your reply was on actually editing the icon images (icons).

My bad to phrase it like that.
First: Now I know this can be done. :) But it's too much work for me and default icons looks OK to me

Second: My question should be "how can I add/remove icons that are at the bottom pane?" I have slidebar below which is quite irritating to work with and there are commands (icons) I can remove from the bottom.

31 Mar 2019   [#370] In reply to [#369]
Hi Juraj,

In your installation folder, there should be a "startup" folder. I believe those are the buttons that you wish to remove.

Rename the files that you don't want to have by adding an underscore in front... "05 Select Buttons.js" becomes "_05 Select Buttons.js" The number in front also controls the order in which they appear.

Let us know if you wish to change specific buttons within those JS files and we can provide more instruction for that.

-- Cody
From: bemfarmer
31 Mar 2019   [#371] In reply to [#369]
Hi Yuri,
For MoI4Beta
For Windows, under %Appdata%...Moi/startup, (or your equivalent), there are icons such as the 6 align icons.
By renaming "50 Align Buttons.js" to "50 Align Buttons.BAKjs", with out ", the 6 align icons no longer appear at the bottom of the MoI screen.
- Brian
(The underline preface method of Cody did not work for me...(?))
- prefix used to work, to disable, but no longer(?)
(HiDef monitor is very nice.)
31 Mar 2019   [#372] In reply to [#368]
quote: Jason
I installed the custom UI that addresses that issue. I believe it's the version "Dark Gray Theme (MoI 4.0 beta) - Custom UI" I had to install and uninstall and test to find the one that worked out of the various .zip files there. The order of installation is important as you need to read in the author (Cody's) description below his screen grabs.

My theme page is more complicated than it needs to be, to be honest. Many little changes happened over a short period of time and it's convoluted now.

I'll be revamping my theme page soon to provide a much clearer, foolproof way to understand and install (and possibly uninstall) the options.

-- Cody
From: Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
31 Mar 2019   [#373]
This is why I like MoI.

If one know how, many things are very easy to do and customize.

Thanks Michael for explanation and quick reaction.

Thanks Cody for info as well. And just let you know I already have your dark theme and command bar plugin :)

Keep up the good work guys ;)
From: co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
31 Mar 2019   [#374] In reply to [#373]
Sounds great Cody. I like the theme and with a little css edits it's fairly customizable :) I subscribed to this thread if we get updates.


31 Mar 2019   [#375] In reply to [#371]
quote: bemfarmer
(The underline preface method of Cody did not work for me...(?))
- prefix used to work, to disable, but no longer(?)

I noticed that the hyphen did not work as well (it used to work though), but an underscore does work for me. Weird. Something is definitely different now.

-- Cody
From: Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
1 Apr 2019   [#376]
Hi Guys :)
Found few things I'd like to know.

1. Now when I open MoI with Darktheme I see almost all icons (or sections?) collapsed.
Is there a way of choosing which sections will be opened at startup. I'm noob-programmer.

2. @Michael. maybe hint for later release. Would it be possible to map a command into Options> shortcut keys> map a command by clicking on something?
e.g. User want to assign simple 'Move' command to a shortcut keys so when there is a space to enter command, user would click command icon in moi interface and click will be "translated" into input window.
But I will find move command in manual or somewhere so I know how to do it. But if it's simple enough programming, you can implement it in the future for moi beginners :)


Image Attachments:
moi collapsed.PNG 

1 Apr 2019   [#377] In reply to [#376]
quote: Mr. Yuri
Now when I open MoI with Darktheme I see almost all icons (or sections?) collapsed.
Is there a way of choosing which sections will be opened at startup.

I don't believe the theme is interfering with how the icon panels initially are opened/closed. There were no changes to any code within that file. I believe MoI determines the available vertical space and auto-closes tabs as necessary.

Are you running MoI 3.0 or MoI 4.0 Beta?
What is your desktop resolution?
Is the application launching fullscreen or are you expanding it afterwards?

There are ways to manipulate how those panels are displayed. I have seen screenshots of panels where, say the Draw curve and Draw solid were combined into one panel. I have not done this myself, however.

-- Cody

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