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4 Jun 2018   [#300]
So installed CustomUI.2.0.beta2 into MoI 4.0 beta May-12-2018 and my lighting options are no longer there. When I tap on the lighting Icon I get the message "Lighting Options add-on not found!" I'm also getting...

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _Subdiv_beta9
line 1
1: >> _Subdiv_beta9

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _sBridge
line 1
1: >> _sBridge

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _sSplit
line 1
1: >> _sSplit

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _sScale
line 1
1: >> _sScale

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _ImportObj
line 1
1: >> _ImportObj

I'm sure I installed it correctly but I wondering what's going wrong with the update. I'm really concern about my lighting options.

From: Michael Gibson
5 Jun 2018   [#301] In reply to [#300]
Hi Ogar, so those "can't find variable" errors come from MoI trying to execute that text as literal script code. But it will only do that if there was no command with that name found so maybe things are installed one directory too deep or something like that.

You should have .js and .htm files with those names in either the MoI appdata commands folder (%Appdata%\moi\commands) or the beta's built in commands folder (c:\Program Files\MoI 4.0 beta May-12-2018\commands) to avoid that error.

For lighting options I seem to remember that some modules of CustomUI are not enabled by default, you need to enable them by something like removing a leading character from the filename which CustomUI looks for and skips that module if its present.

- Michael
8 Jun 2018   [#302] In reply to [#8]
Hi Max, could you please, let me know how to install it in a Mac? Unfortunately I have no idea on how to make it work and I'd love to use that. Thank you very much.
From: Michael Gibson
8 Jun 2018   [#303] In reply to [#302]
Hi Roger, which version of MoI do you want to install it on?

- Michael
From: hep
18 Jun 2018   [#304]
This time i tried to use the GUI builder to update the color scheme I prefer for Moi3D but unfortunately the "options" and "help" buttons moved from the end of the commandbar to a position in the middle.
I have seen a comment somewhere inhere describing how to fix it but I cannot find it, do some of you know how to fix it?

Image Attachments:
Moi3D ui 1.png  Moi3D ui2.png 

From: Michael Gibson
18 Jun 2018   [#305] In reply to [#304]
Hi hep, probably it has to do with old v3 flexbox CSS properties being used by the GUI builder, maybe it needs a little adjustment to work with v4.

Is this happening when you're running the GUI Builder in v4 or are you doing something like just copying a v3 moi.css file into v4?

- Michael
From: hep
18 Jun 2018   [#306]
Hi Michael
I am running the GUI builder for v4.
yes, it need some small adjustment, and i just thought i have seen how to tweak it in here somewhere, but i might be wrong.
The set up i had for v3 was made directly in Moi.css, but this time i thought i would try the GUI builder so it would be easier always to use the newest Beta version :-)
From: Michael Gibson
18 Jun 2018   [#307] In reply to [#306]
Hi hep, I forget exactly how the GUI builder works but I think it makes a new moi.css file? Can you post the moi.css file that it made so I can take a look at it?

- Michael
From: hep
18 Jun 2018   [#308]
hi Michael

Yes it makes a new CSS file. and i have attached the new one here.


From: Michael Gibson
18 Jun 2018   [#309] In reply to [#308]
Hi hep, the problem is that it makes a moi.css file based off of what MoI v3 used and doesn't have changes that were done for v4. The main thing that's different is that MoI v3 used the original webkit flexbox implementation which is now deprecated and v4 uses the standardized flexbox.

I've attached here a version of your customized moi.css that has the flexbox properties in it updated to what v4 is using, that should fix it.

- Michael


From: hep
18 Jun 2018   [#310]
Hi Michael

Thanks for your explanation.
And the changes you made - they did the trick :-)
From: chippwalters
18 Jun 2018   [#311]
Hi all,

FYI GUI Builder is NOT fully compatible with 4.0. Sorry, I haven't yet had time to update it and probably won't until Michael locks down all the HTML/CSS for the interface.
From: BurrMan
8 Jul 2018   [#312] In reply to [#301]
""""""""""For lighting options I seem to remember that some modules of CustomUI are not enabled by default, you need to enable them by something like removing a leading character from the filename which CustomUI looks for and skips that module if its present."""""""

I think he is referring to this?

My "Lighting options" is a js file stored in the "scripts" directory, which creates a dialogue from "LightingThemes.htm" located in the ui directory!

So mine came back, when I told Customui to look at my "scripts" directory!

I modify a second to draw from the scripts directory, so I can separate a few things out from commands.

I am pretty much guessing if this mod is proper and legit. Things changed a bit from the last version!

Image Attachments:
lighting options.jpg  lighting_theme.jpg  scripts_only_menu.jpg 

From: BurrMan
8 Jul 2018   [#313] In reply to [#312]
Question for Max,

You've moved to the appdata directory. I would like the ability to keep the install in MoI's install directory. (I keep MoI on a USB stick also, everything needed is in a single dir...

Will this be possible with your new plans? I have really come to rely on your Customui!!!

Thanks again!
From: AlexPolo
8 Jul 2018   [#314]
Hi BurrMan

I am the same I work with MOI on several computers keeping the scripts updated via a share on Gdrive - having the UI in same location would be beneficial in this type of workflow.

thanks Alex.
From: Michael Gibson
8 Jul 2018   [#315] In reply to [#313]
Hi Burr, for the next v4 beta MoI will check if there is an appdata directory contained inside of the main one (alongside "commands", "ui", "docs") and if it finds that you've created one there it will use that as the appdata location instead of the regular place.

So that will be a way to automatically redirect anything that's using appdata to be contained within the main program folder.

- Michael
From: BurrMan
8 Jul 2018   [#316] In reply to [#315]
That'll do!!!

Thank you Mr. Gibson.....
From: BurrMan
8 Jul 2018   [#317] In reply to [#315]
As an afterthought, have you considered some type of redirects mechanism thats user manageable? Like an ini section or something...

All that future developement by 3rd's comes to mind...
From: Michael Gibson
8 Jul 2018   [#318] In reply to [#317]
Hi Burr, well I was thinking about that but it's kind of a "chicken & egg" problem because by default the moi.ini file is located in the appdata folder.

So that's pretty awkward to try to have something in the moi.ini file that also tried to store its own location...

- Michael
From: agonyii
13 Jul 2018   [#319] In reply to [#318]
I am afraid this is going to be a big request so please bare with me. MOI is freaking amazing but as it seems each one of us is using it completely customised. And that's completely fine but through years it still has certain limitations we have overcome.

One of this things is 'Object library'. As this addon is basically asset management it should be considered one the one of the most important aspects of our workflow. Sure, it works great but unfortunately we are still missing some key features.

First of them is 'scale' value alongside align options as you can see on the image. I simply cannot express how much I miss the control the size of added object by the certain number value. Because of that I have duplicates of same objects which brings me to another problem.

My library of objects is now so big MOI that simply cannot open the shelf without that 'infinite' scroll. It also became really slow. I've already changed my library fonts to their smallest values and down-scaled thumbs. I am out of ideas now so yeah, we basically need the support for nested folders / navigation.

Unfortunately Max the author told me due that's currently impossible through our short email corresponds. 'Unfortunately, at the moment I can't implement support of dynamic folders due of MoI limitations. Later I'll ask Michael to add this functions to MoI Javascript API.'

Also even though Max is an author of this script I also consider asset management one of the key feature of MOI. That's why I urge you Michael to introduce support on your side as well for assets management. I cannot thank Max enough for what he did so far but I cannot expect he would be able to do it all the time.

Btw. I've also talked to my other colleges I know use Moi and basically we all agree on these points. I hope you would not mind for bringing this up, as I am working on the big and complex designs it simply became a huge usability problem to me.

I know I'm asking a lot and you already have your hands full in bringing v4 out of beta. I just think this one of the most important aspects of it.

Thank you!

Image Attachments:
unnamed (1).png  unnamed (2).png  unnamed.png 

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