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From: agonyii
7 Apr 2018   [#289] In reply to [#288]
@Max Smirnov If you don't mind what file and value has to be changed to get a different thumbnail background of the asset icon other than default white? As I am using dark UI, my obj library looks quite odd now. I would like to have change it with your help.

Too bad I will now have to reprocess everything :D Maybe that could be an option if that's even possible.

Thanks a lot!
From: bemfarmer
7 Apr 2018   [#290] In reply to [#289]
Replace the png Base64 image in 70 ObjLibrary.js, under startup folder, (Moi4 beta).
As a test, I replaced the icon with the red bus with blue windows, by copying the base64 code, in Moi4 beta. :-)
(The gif code seemed to work ok as png...)

- Brian

(EDIT Michael 4/13/2024 - removed broken link)
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7 Apr 2018   [#291] In reply to [#289]
Hi Agonyii,

To change a thumbnail background color you need to open and edit this line:
moi.view.viewportBackgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;

Set any color you want.
From: agonyii
8 Apr 2018   [#292] In reply to [#291]

I've also changed border value to '0' from (border: 2px solid;) to get rid of the border around preview.

.preview{ width:75px; height:75px; overflow:hidden; position:relative; border: 2px solid; border-color:#fff; }

I hope this could be valuable information for someone else as well.

Also just crossed my mind, maybe transparency support would the best solution if that's by any means possible?

Thanks so much Max! Much appreciated!
From: Michael Gibson
8 Apr 2018   [#293] In reply to [#292]
Hi agonyii, sorry currently there isn't any way to have transparency for the viewport background when doing a view snapshot.

- Michael
From: agonyii
8 Apr 2018   [#294] In reply to [#293]
I was afraid you would say that :D usually you bring the good news :D Appreciate it anyway!
From: Michael Gibson
8 Apr 2018   [#295] In reply to [#294]
Hi agonyii, I did happen to recently look into the possibility of making an option for that, but I found that it would require some major changes in the display engine for curve drawing. The way curve drawing works currently for the viewport display is based off of blending against an opaque background.

- Michael

Message 6507.296 was deleted

From: agonyii
28 May 2018   [#297] In reply to [#291]
> @Max hmm it seems, I still have an issue.

> I've changed '0xFFFFFF' to the '0x333333' as instructed.

> Even though #333333 is now set as thumb background color it still ads a prop with a white background. When I reopen Moi, my thumb background is properly displayed with #333333.

> Strange. Appreciate it if you have a clue what's causing that.

Ah never mind, solved it! Thumb was still white only because I was overwriting the preexisting asset. When you overwrite an asset, Moi is basically loading the old - cached icon until you reopen the app.

I'm leaving this here for the reference :D
From: mike (MIOHN)
4 Jun 2018   [#298]

I like this custom UI very much.
Any way, to get a "dark" version for this UI?

Or can I change this somehow by myself?

(but have absolutely no knowledges about scriting etc.)

From: Michael Gibson
4 Jun 2018   [#299] In reply to [#298]
Hi Mike, do you have the rest of the UI set up to be dark and only the CustomUI pieces aren't?

If that's what you've got can you maybe post a screenshot?

- Michael
4 Jun 2018   [#300]
So installed CustomUI.2.0.beta2 into MoI 4.0 beta May-12-2018 and my lighting options are no longer there. When I tap on the lighting Icon I get the message "Lighting Options add-on not found!" I'm also getting...

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _Subdiv_beta9
line 1
1: >> _Subdiv_beta9

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _sBridge
line 1
1: >> _sBridge

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _sSplit
line 1
1: >> _sSplit

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _sScale
line 1
1: >> _sScale

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _ImportObj
line 1
1: >> _ImportObj

I'm sure I installed it correctly but I wondering what's going wrong with the update. I'm really concern about my lighting options.

From: Michael Gibson
5 Jun 2018   [#301] In reply to [#300]
Hi Ogar, so those "can't find variable" errors come from MoI trying to execute that text as literal script code. But it will only do that if there was no command with that name found so maybe things are installed one directory too deep or something like that.

You should have .js and .htm files with those names in either the MoI appdata commands folder (%Appdata%\moi\commands) or the beta's built in commands folder (c:\Program Files\MoI 4.0 beta May-12-2018\commands) to avoid that error.

For lighting options I seem to remember that some modules of CustomUI are not enabled by default, you need to enable them by something like removing a leading character from the filename which CustomUI looks for and skips that module if its present.

- Michael
8 Jun 2018   [#302] In reply to [#8]
Hi Max, could you please, let me know how to install it in a Mac? Unfortunately I have no idea on how to make it work and I'd love to use that. Thank you very much.
From: Michael Gibson
8 Jun 2018   [#303] In reply to [#302]
Hi Roger, which version of MoI do you want to install it on?

- Michael
From: hep
18 Jun 2018   [#304]
This time i tried to use the GUI builder to update the color scheme I prefer for Moi3D but unfortunately the "options" and "help" buttons moved from the end of the commandbar to a position in the middle.
I have seen a comment somewhere inhere describing how to fix it but I cannot find it, do some of you know how to fix it?

Image Attachments:
Moi3D ui 1.png  Moi3D ui2.png 

From: Michael Gibson
18 Jun 2018   [#305] In reply to [#304]
Hi hep, probably it has to do with old v3 flexbox CSS properties being used by the GUI builder, maybe it needs a little adjustment to work with v4.

Is this happening when you're running the GUI Builder in v4 or are you doing something like just copying a v3 moi.css file into v4?

- Michael
From: hep
18 Jun 2018   [#306]
Hi Michael
I am running the GUI builder for v4.
yes, it need some small adjustment, and i just thought i have seen how to tweak it in here somewhere, but i might be wrong.
The set up i had for v3 was made directly in Moi.css, but this time i thought i would try the GUI builder so it would be easier always to use the newest Beta version :-)
From: Michael Gibson
18 Jun 2018   [#307] In reply to [#306]
Hi hep, I forget exactly how the GUI builder works but I think it makes a new moi.css file? Can you post the moi.css file that it made so I can take a look at it?

- Michael
From: hep
18 Jun 2018   [#308]
hi Michael

Yes it makes a new CSS file. and i have attached the new one here.


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