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Message 6507.236 was deleted

From: Dreviou
24 May 2017   [#237]
That was it, v2, thanks guys! Now it works fine.
From: cnever
9 Jun 2017   [#238]

Does this still work? I get an error like the one above (for mac users) but I am on pc?

From: Michael Gibson
9 Jun 2017   [#239] In reply to [#238]
Hi cnever,

> Does this still work? I get an error like the one above (for mac users) but I am on pc?

Yes, it still works with the current version. You'll get an error if you're using an older version of MoI though.

- Michael
From: TheFlow
9 Nov 2017   [#240]
Thank you so much! :) I'm new to MoI and already got so good results quickly instead of modeling everything in Polygons! And your Addon makes it even better! :)
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8 Jan 2018   [#241]
Hi everybody! :)

CustomUI v2

This version works with MoI v4 beta Dec-12-2017 only!!! (and with all later versions of course)
Now CustomUI should be stored in AppData directory.

Installation (Win):
Extract to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Moi\
Make backup copy of existing C:\Program Files\MoI 4.0 beta Dec-12-2017\ui\CommandBar.htm
Extract to C:\Program Files\MoI 4.0 beta Dec-12-2017\ui\

Installation (Mac):
Extract to /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Moi/
Make backup copy of existing /Applications/MoI v4 beta
Extract to /Applications/MoI v4 beta
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Jan 2018   [#242]
Cool adaptation!

From: mkdm
8 Jan 2018   [#243] In reply to [#241]

Thanks a lot Max!!

It works :)
From: moritzbock (MORITZ)
8 Jan 2018   [#244] In reply to [#241]
Hi Max,
Outstanding work. Thanks a lot - it works fine.
From: Michael Gibson
8 Jan 2018   [#245] In reply to [#241]
Thanks for the update Max! That's great that it goes in AppData now.

I've been thinking that for the next beta how about if I have MoI look through some specific directory in AppData for any .js files and if any are found it will execute them. I'll also put in an empty named container element in CommandBar.htm by default that can be used as a target for where to insert controls. Then with that in place hopefully it wouldn't be needed to modify CommandBar.htm anymore and CustomUI would stay active between different releases.

A couple of issues are - what should the directory containing scripts to execute at startup be called, maybe just plain "startup" ? I guess there should also be a "commands" and "scripts" directory that you could make there as well. But then will having MoI look in 2 different commands directories for things cause problems since currently there's only one that is identified by moi.filesystem.getCommandsDir() ? And what should happen if there is a file with the same name in both places, which one should be actually loaded?

Also when should startup scripts run - probably just before the main window is shown?

- Michael
From: mkdm
8 Jan 2018   [#246] In reply to [#245]
Hello Michael!

I'm not Max but I write here my thoughts about your questions :)

1) "what should the directory containing scripts to execute at startup be called, maybe just plain "startup" ? I guess there should also be a "commands" and "scripts" directory that you could make there as well."

I would call it "autostart"

2) "But then will having MoI look in 2 different commands directories for things cause problems since currently there's only one that is identified by moi.filesystem.getCommandsDir() ? And what should happen if there is a file with the same name in both places, which one should be actually loaded?"

I would make another API called "moi.filesystem.getAlternativeCommandsDir()"
If there is a command with the same name in both places I think that the priority should go to the "standard" command folder,
or you could use a sort of "prefix" to force a command to be searched into a specific path.
For example "#something" could be used to execute the "something" command contained into the AppData "commands" or "scripts" folders,
while simply writing "something" will run the command from the standard location.

3) "Also when should startup scripts run - probably just before the main window is shown?"

Hmm....I think that startup scripts should run just immediately after that all the UI objects are accessible, just like the "document ready" of standard JavaScript or jQuery.

From: Michael Gibson
9 Jan 2018   [#247] In reply to [#246]
Hi Marco, thanks for your feedback!

> I would call it "autostart"

I was thinking "startup" might have some chance at being more familiar since that's what Windows uses for a similar mechanism.

> I would make another API called "moi.filesystem.getAlternativeCommandsDir()"

Hmmm, maybe. But if it's always in the same place in appdata it should be possible to get it by moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir() + 'commands\\' already.

I'm just not entirely sure what side effects having commands being a combination of 2 folders will have - stuff in CustomUI that builds the scripts menu by enumerating the files in the commands directory would need some adjustment. I'm trying to think of anything else that might be sensitive to it.

> If there is a command with the same name in both places I think that the priority should go to the "standard" command folder,

The good part about doing this is that when a standard command gets updated with something new, it will run that new one. So someone won't wonder why they aren't seeing the new feature that was just released. The bad part is that it won't be quite as easy to override built in commands but maybe that's for the best anyway. Having a special syntax to choose one over the other doesn't really help because it would only apply to a shortcut key and not buttons in the side pane for example.

> Hmm....I think that startup scripts should run just immediately after that all the UI objects are accessible, just
> like the "document ready" of standard JavaScript or jQuery.

Yeah when the UI is finished loading that's when the main window is shown so just before that would probably be good.

Thanks, - Michael
From: mkdm
9 Jan 2018   [#248] In reply to [#247]
You're welcome Michael.

Have a nice day.
From: Barry-H
9 Jan 2018   [#249]
can Max's UI be installed in version 4 beta portable.

From: Finema
9 Jan 2018   [#250] In reply to [#249]
Thanks a lot Max !
Just a little thing :
I have this error when i want to try Sudiv in the customUI2

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _Subdiv_beta10

line 1

Thanks again...

edit :
i've replace _Subdiv_beta10 by _Subdiv_beta9 in 88 SubdivTools file and it's OK now.
9 Jan 2018   [#251]
'CustomUI would stay active between different releases'

That would be great! Thanks Michael.

Thanks Max for the CustomUI update.

From: bemfarmer
9 Jan 2018   [#252]
Nodeedit is disabled in the new custom UI. (?)
Move nodeeditor directory to AppData/.../moi, beside customui directory, then doubleclick on customui and remove dash in front of -97NodeEdit.htm. (?)

- Brian
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
9 Jan 2018   [#253]
Hi Michael

>>I've been thinking that for the next beta how about if I have MoI look through some specific directory in AppData for any .js files and if any are found it will execute them.
It's a good idea. I thought about one file (something like autorun.js), but if you make a separate directory it will be much better. In this case the execution list should be sorted by name, so we can manage the order of execution.

>>I'll also put in an empty named container element in CommandBar.htm by default that can be used as a target for where to insert controls.
You can give a name to <flex> container.

>>A couple of issues are - what should the directory containing scripts to execute at startup be called, maybe just plain "startup" ?
Yes. Startup is a good name.

>>I guess there should also be a "commands" and "scripts" directory that you could make there as well. But then will having MoI look in 2 different commands directories for things cause problems since currently there's only one that is identified by moi.filesystem.getCommandsDir()?
In my opinion the moi.filesystem.getCommandsDir() command should point to commands directory with MoI's built-in scripts.
For a user commands directory you can add another command. something like moi.filesystem.getUserCommandsDir()
But do we need it? I think moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir()+"commands\\" will be enough.

>>And what should happen if there is a file with the same name in both places, which one should be actually loaded?
I think the current commands directory with MoI's built-in scripts should have higher priority.

>>Also when should startup scripts run - probably just before the main window is shown?
I don't remember, does MoI have a command which refreshes MoI UI? It can be useful in some cases.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
9 Jan 2018   [#254]
>>I have this error when i want to try Sudiv in the customUI2
>>ReferenceError: Can't find variable: _Subdiv_beta10
Yes, _Subdiv_beta10 is not released yet ;) It's an experimental version.

>>Nodeedit is disabled in the new custom UI. (?)
It disabled by default.

>>Move nodeeditor directory to AppData/.../moi, beside customui directory, then doubleclick on customui and remove dash in front of -97NodeEdit.htm. (?)
You're right, now Nodeeditor can be stored in AppData directory

>>can Max's UI be installed in version 4 beta portable.
It should work right now, but you need to edit icon paths.
I'll add support of portable version later.


Thank you! :)
From: Finema
10 Jan 2018   [#255] In reply to [#254]
Thanks a lot max for your good job!

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