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From: Kroete (TAREK)
8 Nov 2014   [#196] In reply to [#195]
Hi Max, I just installed the CustomUI on my Mac and really like it. Great work! Thank you.
Please can you advice regarding the lightning button, it currenly says no Options Add on found. Where can I find that add on and where would I need to copy it?

Thank you
From: bemfarmer
8 Nov 2014   [#197] In reply to [#196]

I just had to figure this out again recently, when installing on my laptop.

Max and PILOU answered this question many posts back.

Dino's lightingoptions htm file needs to be copied to the Moi ui folder.
It is located at post 48 here:

Part of the answer is post 82, here:
(Open Moi and visit Options/View/LightingOption. Just visit, no need to do anything.)

- Brian
From: Kroete (TAREK)
8 Nov 2014   [#198] In reply to [#197]
Thank you Brian,

All worked well after I followed the posts. Much appreciated.

From: joe (JOEG1717)
19 Nov 2014   [#199]
i am new to moi. i installed the custom ui and it looks great, but i do not see gear or bearing under my objects tab. have i done something wrong? any help is appreciated. thanks


oh...i forgot to mention i am still working off the trial version with intent to purchase. sort of trying to decide between moi and cubify
From: bemfarmer
19 Nov 2014   [#200] In reply to [#199]
Deleted due to incorrect statements :-)
From: Michael Gibson
19 Nov 2014   [#201] In reply to [#199]
Hi joe,

> i am new to moi. i installed the custom ui and it looks great, but i do not see gear or
> bearing under my objects tab. have i done something wrong? any help is appreciated. thanks

No, you have done nothing wrong - that is normal. The Objects tab is primarily meant to hold objects that you yourself create, there are a couple ones in there as demos but the specific demo ones have changed from time to time and the current one just does not happen to have the gear or bearing included as part of the demo objects.

- Michael
From: Jay (JAYGEE)
28 Nov 2014   [#202]
Shift + click = resolution x 2
Ctrl + Shift + click = resolution x 3

Doesn't work with my Mac /OS.

Image Attachments:
Bildschirmfoto 2014-11-28 um 13.57.45.png 

From: Michael Gibson
28 Nov 2014   [#203] In reply to [#202]
Hi Jay, I'm not sure where the snapshot script is coming from, is it on the scripts menu that pops up?

Is it a custom script that you have added in yourself or something like that?

- Michael
From: Jay (JAYGEE)
28 Nov 2014   [#204]
No, I just installed Max' CustomUI.
As in the first Post described:

With this addon you can make a snapshot of last clicked viewport.
Resolution is fixed: 1600x1200
Left click - grid is visible
Right click - grid is hidden
Shift + click = resolution x 2
Ctrl + Shift + click = resolution x 3
Snapshots will be saved to "snapshots" directory."

LeftClick and RightClick on the button work fine.
Combination with Shift or Ctrl+Shift works not and my Backgroundcolor stays white.
From: Michael Gibson
28 Nov 2014   [#205] In reply to [#204]
Hi Jay, I took a quick look and from what I can see the resolution is getting so high with the x2 and x3 options that the render mechanism would consume a quite large chunk of video memory in order to be able to function and that is failing for you.

What type of video card does your machine have, does it have a lot of video memory available on it?

It's also possible that the mechanism MoI uses for running on the Mac is not able to use the entire amount of your video memory and trying to use some unusually large giant block of it is failing.

When the render call fails, that probably generates a script exception and then the rest of the script that does the cleanup stuff for restoring background colors and such does not run, that's why your screen stays white.

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
28 Nov 2014   [#206] In reply to [#204]
I tried out all 4 snapshots with a curve and points.
The first two looked very good.
The last two were huge files, and were badly faded. The points are tiny, and almost invisible.
(On Windows 7)

- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
28 Nov 2014   [#207] In reply to [#206]
Hi Brian, yeah currently there isn't any way to scale the display of points up dynamically like you would want with a very high resolution screen render.

The points are drawn based on bitmaps in the \ui sub-folder: Point.png, Point_selected.png, Point_transitionfromselected.png and Point_transitiontoselected.png .

You can modify the point size in a permanent way by changing those bitmaps, if you make a larger bitmap it will make the points larger too. But since they are not composed dynamically there isn't any way to just temporarily change them only for the render itself.

It can be possible to avoid the curve display from getting fainter by adjusting the script to make the setting for mio.view.lineWidth to be larger when doing a higher resolution capture, right now the script only seems to increase it up to 2 pixels in size, it probably needs to go more than that for the higher density ones.

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
29 Nov 2014   [#208] In reply to [#207]
Thank you Michael.
No complaints here, just a new, for me, observation :-)

- Brian
From: Jay (JAYGEE)
1 Dec 2014   [#209]
Hi Michael,
I've got an iMac with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB.

By the way, maybe there is a discussion somewhere:
If I got too many objects writing out a .pdf or .ai it is running out of memory.

Copy/Paste with a graphic-program (Sketch):
Sketch -> MoI = ok
MoI -> Sketch = false
From: Michael Gibson
1 Dec 2014   [#210] In reply to [#209]
Hi Jay,

> I've got an iMac with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB.

Normally that should be plenty, but it's possible that the mechanism that MoI uses for running on the Mac is preventing it from accessing the full amount of video RAM and limiting the resolution that you can use for the screen render.

> By the way, maybe there is a discussion somewhere:
> If I got too many objects writing out a .pdf or .ai it is running out of memory.

What do you have for the "Canvas megapixel resolution" on the PDF/AI export options dialog? If you've set it above 30 please try resetting it back to the default value of 30 and see if that makes any difference.

- Michael
From: Jay (JAYGEE)
1 Dec 2014   [#211]
Thank you very much. Restart solved the problem. Work great!
From: mikebres
6 Dec 2014   [#212]
Great Job!

What do I need to do to get the Shortcut menu to work? All I get is an empty dialog when I click it.

From: Michael Gibson
6 Dec 2014   [#213] In reply to [#212]
Hi Mike,

> What do I need to do to get the Shortcut menu to work? All I get is an empty
> dialog when I click it.

I think you need to mark which shortcuts you want to appear in the list by putting in a ! character inside of a comment in the shortcut.

See the instructions on this other shortcut menu for more explanation:

- Michael
From: mikebres
6 Dec 2014   [#214]
Ah, perfect. Thank you very much.
From: joe (JOEG171717)
7 Dec 2014   [#215]
i am using your custom ui. i was wondering how i might go about adding the 'reset all' button to the bottom command bar alongside object library, script, snapshot and the like.



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