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From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
24 Feb 2014   [#117] In reply to [#116]
I believe I have followed the instructions properly but I don't see the new interface add-on.
From: Michael Gibson
24 Feb 2014   [#118] In reply to [#117]
Hi Mike,

> I believe I have followed the instructions properly but I don't see the new interface add-on.

It should show up as some new things on the bottom toolbar. Make sure that one particular file "CommandBar.htm" has been replaced by the one in the .zip file. If you see no difference in the bottom toolbar it probably means that file has not been updated.

- Michael
From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
24 Feb 2014   [#119] In reply to [#118]
I have placed the new CommandBar.htm (Aug 15,2013) 4KB into the Moi/ui folder. Still nothing.
Sorry for all this screwing around.
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
24 Feb 2014   [#120] In reply to [#119]
Hi Mike,

check please, is Moi/ui/customui folder exists?
From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
24 Feb 2014   [#121]
customui folder (whole with contents) exists inside ui folder along with CommandBar.htm

Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2014-02-24 at 4.19.41 PM.png  Screen Shot 2014-02-24 at 4.19.59 PM.png 

From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
24 Feb 2014   [#122] In reply to [#121]
Also I get this (see image)

Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2014-02-24 at 4.33.44 PM.png 

From: Michael Gibson
24 Feb 2014   [#123] In reply to [#122]
Hi Mike, are you possibly using the older v2.52 version of MoI rather than the current v3 beta?

If so try getting the current v3 beta from here: - probably this stuff needs things that are only present in the v3 beta's infrastructure and are not in the older version.

- Michael
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
24 Feb 2014   [#124] In reply to [#121]
Everything is correct. It should work.
Check the CommandBar.htm. Is there "<script type="text/javascript" src="customui/CustomInit.js">" line?
Try to change it to
<script type="text/javascript" src="moi://ui/customui/CustomInit.js" />

From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
24 Feb 2014   [#125] In reply to [#124]
I opened CommandBar.htm in Text Wrangler and I don't see the line you are referring to. What line?
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
24 Feb 2014   [#126] In reply to [#125]
Just saw the message about script error.
Yes, the script works with v3.0 only. Mike, you need to upgrade your software.
From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
24 Feb 2014   [#127] In reply to [#126]
Still no go here.

Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2014-02-24 at 4.58.26 PM.png 

From: Michael Gibson
24 Feb 2014   [#128] In reply to [#127]
Hi Mike,

> Still no go here.

Are you still getting that script error or not any script error anymore?

If you could not find the lines that Max was referring to above inside your CommandBar.htm then it means you somehow did not get that one file updated - it's the one file that needs to be overwritten...

- Michael
From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
24 Feb 2014   [#129] In reply to [#128]
I downloaded from this portion of the early thread. Was this were I need to be when I downloaded it?

Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2014-02-24 at 5.09.04 PM.png 

From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
24 Feb 2014   [#130] In reply to [#129]
Sorry I don't get that error message with the beta!
From: Michael Gibson
24 Feb 2014   [#131] In reply to [#129]
Hi Mike,

> I downloaded from this portion of the early thread. Was this were I need to be when I downloaded it?

I think Max said to get the one from the 1st message in this thread, which is here:

I just tested this over here on my Mac and it seems to be working ok for me.

What I did was right-clicked on the v3 beta's app icon and picked "Show package contents". Then inside there go to drive_c/moi

Then download the mac version .zip file that's an attachment on that first message.

Safari automatically unzips the file, go inside the unzipped directory and drag/drop both the "objects" and "snapshots" directories into drive_c/moi so you now have drive_c/moi/objects and drive_c/moi/snapshots.

Then go down inside of drive_c/moi/ui and also go into the /ui subfolder inside the downloaded one too. Grab all of that stuff tha's down inside of /ui and drag/drop it over into drive_c/moi/ui, if you have placed it in the correct spot Finder will warn you that there is one file that is a duplicate name (that's CommandBar.htm) and whether you want to keep both or replace it - choose replace here. After doing these steps then I was able to see the changes in MoI's bottom command bar.

Make sure you do not have MoI running while doing all that stuff.

Hope this helps!

- Michael
From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
24 Feb 2014   [#132] In reply to [#131]
Thank you I will give this a try again!!!
From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
24 Feb 2014   [#133] In reply to [#132]
Got the interface to show but when I elect objects icon the program crashes.

Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2014-02-24 at 8.15.52 PM.png 

From: Michael Gibson
24 Feb 2014   [#134] In reply to [#133]
Hi mike, I can repeat a crash over here but only if the /objects subdirectory has not been placed.

So my guess is that you don't have that directory in the proper place, maybe go over those previous directions again and double check that you have a directory drive_c/moi/objects, it should contain 6 files, 3 PNGs and 3 3DM files.

You will need both "objects" and "snapshots" directories copied into the right place (into drive_c/moi) in order for this to work.

Both of those should be under drive_c/moi - if you have placed those particular ones under drive_c/moi/ui that's not right.

- Michael
From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
24 Feb 2014   [#135] In reply to [#134]
It seems to be working now. I don't see all the objects that were shown in the first thread, gear,nut, bearing etc..
Thanks for hanging with me on this.
From: Michael Gibson
24 Feb 2014   [#136] In reply to [#135]
Hi mike, that's great that you've got it working!

> I don't see all the objects that were shown in the first thread, gear,nut, bearing etc..

That seems to be normal - there's only 3 included by default in this particular package.

I think the main idea is you can add your own objects in there. If you select an object you want to put in there, open that menu and move your mouse to that title text that says "Object library". A plus mark will appear and when you click there it will put up a dialog for you to put in a name and that will make a new entry in the menu.

If you want some objects like that gear and what not, you can get a bunch of stuff like that over at .

- Michael

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