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Full Version: [script] FxGraph - 2D/3D Function plotter

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From: bemfarmer
27 Aug 2017   [#73]
_FxGraph3D u;v;u*v;-1;1;-1;1;50;50;0;0;0;UV

_FxGraph3D a*(u+v);b*(u-v);u*v;-1;1;-1;1;50;50;1.618;1;0;UV

_FxGraph3D (u);(v);c*((u*u)/(a*a) - (v*v)/(b*b));-1;1;-1;1;50;50;1.618;1;1;UV

_FxGraph3D (u);(v)/(sqrt(1+a*a*u*u));v*a*u/(sqrt(1+a*a*u*u));-1;1;-1;1;50;50;1;1;1;UV
From: bemfarmer
17 Sep 2017   [#74]

_FxGraph3D cos(2*u);cos(3*u + PI/4);cos(2*u + PI/2)+cos(u + PI/6);0;6.283185;0;0;200;0;1;0;1;UV

Note, there is a small space in the unclosed curve, locate-able by _MarkOpenCurveStart, or MarkCurveStart, or MarkCurveEnd script.
Trimming the curve with a point at say (0,-1,z), and blending the gap, will make a closed curve.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
17 Sep 2017   [#75]
Bohemian Stars (Torolf/jotero):
_FxGraph3D cos(a*u)*cos(v) + b *cos(u);sin(v);-sin(a*u)*cos(v) + b*sin(u);0;6.283185;0;6.283185;100;10;1.5;1.1;0;SrfU

This is one version. Parameters "a" and "b" make a big difference.

- Brian
From: Mike (MGG942)
18 Sep 2017   [#76] In reply to [#75]
Brian - fascinating.
The fine adjustment now available on the slider node made me wonder whether a nod for this would help to explore the effects of changes to a and b.
BTW with the example shown below I made into a solid via extrusion of 0.1mm.

Bohemian stars.nod

Image Attachments:
Bohemian Star.JPG 

From: bemfarmer
18 Sep 2017   [#77] In reply to [#76]
Impressive node, Mike.

I may try a 2d slider for a and b.
Got to do a Mod version of Max's release .94...
Just copied the extension directory of Mod version to Max's release 0.94, nodes directory.
Mouse wheel works on sliders & knobs.

- Brian
From: Mike (MGG942)
18 Sep 2017   [#78] In reply to [#77]
Ah, yes, that new feature in 0.94 plus the later interface.js (see 7713.620) was what inspired me.

From: bemfarmer
1 May 2020   [#79]
Viviani's curve:

_FxGraph3D a*(1+cos(v));a*(sin(v));2*a*(sin(0.5*v));0;1;-6.2831853;6.2831853;0;200;0.5;0;0;UV

I plan to do a sphere sweep on this curve.

- Brian
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
2 Jan 2021   [#80]
Doe this work with V.4.0?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Jan 2021   [#81] In reply to [#80]
Normally yes! ;) (tested)
And bravo to Max Smirnov for this true gem!

Fermat Spiral in the V4 with extrude to point + a little sphere! ;)
So yes all is working like a charm!

You can see at my little site

From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
2 Jan 2021   [#82] In reply to [#81]
I feel like this website has changed a bit! ""
Those days when I did only had accesses to trial versions of Moi3D I could see the instructions on how you could activate FxGraph.
I cannot find it now! Also there were a place I could see different versions of Max's scripts now I cannot find those!

is v.1.1.2016.04.17 the latest version of FxGraph?

I need a little help to get it up and running cause I forgot how it was done!

I'd be happy if you help me :-)
From: bemfarmer
2 Jan 2021   [#83] In reply to [#82]
Hi Psygorn,

That is the latest version of FxGraph3D, as far as I know.
(Except that the nodeeditor program MathPts performs more or less the same as FxGraph3D. Inputs a,b,c,d can be added.)

The two files FxGraph3D.exe and the .htm file, (I use _FxGraph3D.js and _FxGraph3D.htm), can be placed in the MoI command folder, OR (for myself) it goes in %APPDATA% \commands folder with all of my other "non_stock" MoI programs, (excepting nodeeditor node programs.). (CustomUI can access the program.) (Or Shortcut key)

Parameters for FxGraph3D can be added manually,
or else a string of values matching the manual entries can be (Tab) copy pasted from say a text editor, into the command window, enter.
Or see Michael's and Burr's method earlier in this thread.

Edit: Added 3D suffix.

- Brian
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Jan 2021   [#84] In reply to [#82]
All Max Plugins updated
the 2 Graph FX

Unzip and put them in the Moi's commands folder

A sort of Manual but sorry in French
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
2 Jan 2021   [#85] In reply to [#83]
Hello Bemfarmer,

tanx for the info I have downloaded file from ""

I have it unzipped now I see for folders inside of it (customUI, Objects, Snapshots & Startup)

What is the next step? Where should I copy these folders to have it up and running?

Or how can I use FxGraph using a short key?
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
2 Jan 2021   [#86] In reply to [#84]
Dear PILOU, what is the difference between these two?


1 is 3D and 2 isn't?

if they both are the same then which one is the latest? 2?
From: Michael Gibson
2 Jan 2021   [#87] In reply to [#85]
Hi Psygorn, CustomUi and FxGraph are different things, one is a UI mod that adds several buttons on the bottom toolbar and the other is a plug-in command.

For installing CustomUI see here for where to copy the files:

For FxGraph unzip it and copy the files into the MoI appdata commands folder, it's in the same location as described in the above link for CustomUI as well.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
2 Jan 2021   [#88] In reply to [#86]
Hi Psygorn,

> Dear PILOU, what is the difference between these two?
> 1-
> 2-

They are different - FxGraph plots a function curve (parametric function of one parameter) while FxGraph3D plots a surface (parametric function of 2 parameters) .

The latest ones are on Max's file archive page:

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
3 Jan 2021   [#89] In reply to [#85]
Hi Psigorn,

Excellent responses from Michael.
Pilou site looks very good. (Based upon my poor French.)

(Understandable, concise, succinct, with examples...come to mind)

(Added 3D suffix in my previous post.)
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
3 Jan 2021   [#90] In reply to [#87]
Hi Michael! :-)

Thanks for the info Custom UI is up and running now!
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
3 Jan 2021   [#91] In reply to [#89]
Hi Bemfarmer,

Thanks :-)

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