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From: wastzzz
30 Oct 2013   [#215] In reply to [#213]
Please, I really need the DXF format to export layers (styles).
Because: if I export MoI > AI it has layers, then ok, I convert from AI > DXF\DWG, and import into AutoCAD. The imported drawing is not precise. It has slightly overlapping lines and makes it impossible to hatch.
If I export MoI > DXF and import in AutoCAD, the lines are perfect. But no layers. :(
From: bemfarmer
30 Oct 2013   [#216]
From: Marc (TELLIER)
30 Oct 2013   [#217] In reply to [#215]
Hi, wouldn't it be easy to select by linetype in Autocad with quick select?
You could then assign your selection to another layer.

From: ed17 (ED17ES)
1 Nov 2013   [#218]
If you are on a mac a free alternative (for the moment) is exporting from rhino. Thats what I do, but the direct MoI to AutoCAD workflow is ideal.
From: wastzzz
1 Nov 2013   [#219] In reply to [#218]
Also because I need a dxf output with the upcoming hidden line feature.. And layers
From: Michael Gibson
7 Nov 2013   [#220] In reply to [#1]
Ok, this is getting pretty close to being finished up... I think that probably tomorrow I'll have the hidden line removal stuff wrapped up and then I have a short list of some other things to look at and then I'll be ready for a new beta. So not too much longer.

- Michael
From: danperk (SBEECH)
7 Nov 2013   [#221] In reply to [#220]
:) :) :) :)

Image Attachments:

From: BurrMan
7 Nov 2013   [#222] In reply to [#221]
"Australia steps to the line.... Their looking pretty fit and chipper today Al"......America has not been a contender for some time now...... The French have a good shot at it this release.... I'm on pins and needles..... The edge of my seat.... Loosing hair as we speak... This is as good as it gets....... You were born to be modelers. This is YOUR time......
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Nov 2013   [#223]
Maxi mini Lego! :)
From: Michael (ORION20036)
10 Nov 2013   [#224] In reply to [#56]
I have just been reading through this thread Michael, excellent work you have undertaken, which I have no doubt will save masses of time when exporting to vector formats. I was also looking for information on removing the seams, which would also be handy in the general moi viewing window, is a script to do this better before saving to clipboard, so it could be used in the moi view window as well.
From: Michael Gibson
10 Nov 2013   [#225] In reply to [#224]
Hi Michael, I think that probably after this next beta you'll want to use the new export to generate rendered images rather than doing the previous screen view render to clipboard method.

It is possible to hide seam edges in the regular display with a script currently though, see here for one that will do that:

- Michael
From: Michael (ORION20036)
10 Nov 2013   [#226] In reply to [#225]
Thank you for your very prompt reply Michael, that will be of great help, also looking forward to your next beta.

I must put you down as a contender for the "Guinness Book of Records" for being one of the fastest people on cad related forums to respond to questions, you really do have your eye on the ball with your "Moment of Inspiration".

Your time and input really do deserve to be rewarded!.
From: Michael Gibson
10 Nov 2013   [#227] In reply to [#226]
Thanks very much Michael!
From: Michael Gibson
17 Nov 2013   [#228]
Ok, just 2 things left on my cleanup list before putting out the new beta.

- Michael
From: BurrMan
18 Nov 2013   [#229] In reply to [#228]
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
18 Nov 2013   [#230] In reply to [#229]
Yep ... big smile here too.
18 Nov 2013   [#231]
: )
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Nov 2013   [#232]
Any more surprises than the PDF in the next beta ? :)
From: Michael Gibson
18 Nov 2013   [#233] In reply to [#232]
Hi Pilou,

> Any more surprises than the PDF in the next beta ? :)

The PDF/AI/DXF export is the main thing, there are a few other minor new things as well.

- Michael
From: mattj (MATTJENN)
18 Nov 2013   [#234]
you're just teasing us now . . .:-)

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