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From: Michael Gibson
Hi matt, yeah in the future I want to add in some type of "saved view" or "named view" type mechanism where this information could be saved and restored.
I haven't quite figured out where to put that in the UI, I have some general idea that things that involve lists of saved items might be good to put in the scene browser but I haven't really had a chance to explore that yet.
- Michael
Hi Burrman,
Yes, you are correct, Moi3D mesher is amazing, and complements very well Moi3D's efficiency and simplicity with nurbs.
Usually i take that extra step to apply materiails and textures, even knowing that PDF materials and looks are quite simple/poor. But yes, you're right, will do that, thanks.
Hi Michael,
> How would you expect to see the result of a 5x5 meter square when opened in AI at 1:1 scale?
I expect a 5x5 meter square on 5779,55 x 5779,55 milimeter document (biggest AI_CC document possible).
> AI normally works on a sheet of printed paper...
Please, lets 'forget' the printing stage for a minute, and just focus on dimensioning stage on an outside application. Printing is final stage, on a small Letter desktop printer, a 5 meter large digital printer, a 3x2 meter laser cutter, and so on.
The process of this dimension tool work is - on a 1 meter line - just click the first vertice and click again on the last vertice. The tool will pop up Dimensions Lines and a small text saying '1 meter'.
> ... CadTools instead of telling it the scale factor ...
Its the user who tells/choose on what scale CadTool should work, and not the opposite. The user need to know it beforehand to dimension it accuretly.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Carlos, I'll see about making the output scale more controllable. It will probably be something where it says:
X units in MoI = Y centimeters/mm/inches/points in the AI file.
And then you'll be able to fill in X and Y and choose what units Y is in.
- Michael
From: mattj (MATTJENN)
hi michael
i was thinking the logical place for access to pre saved view is on the window itself . . on clicking a list would appear in top right where usual prompts appear . .
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From: Michael Gibson
Hi matt,
> i was thinking the logical place for access to pre saved view is on the window itself . . on clicking
> a list would appear in top right where usual prompts appear . .
It's a big goal with MoI to avoid "bloating" the UI up with things that are for more specialized use... So I'd probably try to avoid putting that in such a high profile area.
It is often challenging to incorporate new features for "power users" while at the same time keeping the overall light and easy-to-learn aspect of MoI.
- Michael
Hi Michael,
From: mattj (MATTJENN)
hi michael
I fully understand. Maybe a switch in prefs where power users can switch on some extras. Of course if its too simple you run the risk of dimming down the software imo. MOI certainly has a lot to offer and when i first began using it i noted it was good but seemed a little "empty" of features - how little I knew then!!! It has most things I can think of . .
From: WarrenM
"Maybe a switch in prefs where power users can switch on some extras"
In my experience, this is usually a downward spiral. Basically think of a switch as doubling the testing workload and adding to maintenance overhead. That's how you have to weigh every checkbox you add to an app. It can get deadly pretty quick.
The best idea is to design the UI so that it works for everyone. Maybe the power users aren't 100% satisfied but if they can get to an 80% happiness level with it, that's enough.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Maybe a cool solution will be a customisable UI where user can put for example all icons for it's scripts on a new dock ! ;)
From: mattj (MATTJENN)
thats sounds good, a kind of personal tool panel . . .
From: Michael Gibson
I've thought before about making the empty space after the "Object Snap" button be a place where you could place your own icons to have a customized tool area.
But there is a lot of work involved in doing UI customization, right now more fundamental tools are still higher priority.
It is actually possible to customize the UI in a manual sort of way right now by editing the .htm files inside of the \ui directory inside of MoI.
- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
Ok, I've been working on getting a UI to control this stuff for exporting to AI and PDF formats.
This is what I'm currently going to try:
Scale can be either "Fit to page" or "Preserve units".
If you push "Line style options", then another dialog will pop up that will let you control how the different kinds of lines are written for line width, color, and if they should go on a specific layer. You can pick "From style" if you want the color or layer to come from its style assignment, or "Custom" if you want to override that with a specific color or layer instead.
Please let me know if anything important looks like it is missing.
- Michael
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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Make the dialog box "adaptative" (in horizontal dimension) for the future text translation! ;)
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Pilou,
> Make the dialog box "adaptative" (in horizontal dimension) for the future text translation! ;)
Yup, that is how it works already - the dialog is automatically sized to fit the content inside of it. If the translated text is longer the dialog will also get wider as well.
- Michael
From: Martin (MARTIN3D)
Hi Michael,
this looks perfect, orderly and by no means overloaded or too complex to me.
I suppose choices are sticky so one has to set this only once to his/her personal needs.
There's a typo in the export window: silhouettes should have one more T.
What unit are the line widths (0.1, 3, 0.4 ..) in the export option window?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Maybe a little example image with arrows for show the different possibilities will be a big help!
(outline, silhouette etc...
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Martin,
> this looks perfect, orderly and by no means overloaded or too complex to me.
Great! At first I was trying to put it all on one single dialog and that was getting pretty overloaded. I also experimented some with having a different individual dialog for doing the line type (width / color / layer) of each category but it kind of seemed nice to have that all on one place so it was easier to see them all at once.
> I suppose choices are sticky so one has to set this only once to his/her personal needs.
Yeah I want to save everything you see there in moi.ini so any changes you make here will persist between sessions.
> There's a typo in the export window: silhouettes should have one more T.
Thanks for catching this!
> What unit are the line widths (0.1, 3, 0.4 ..) in the export option window?
In "points" units.
Thanks, - Michael
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Pilou,
> Maybe a little example image with arrows for show the different possibilities will be a big help!
> (outline, silhouette etc...
It's a good idea, but I think it would be kind of hard to show it very clearly without some fairly large images, and that would then somewhat overwhelm the dialog.
Some example images would probably work work well in the help file.
- Michael
From: mattj (MATTJENN)
hi michael
looks good. For me the only thing missing is another option in scale drop down menu - I would love to be able to set a percentage - i.e.. 20%. I think is maybe not an option which is yet programmed . . .
From: Martin (MARTIN3D)
Hi Michael,
I was going to ask for even more complexity :-) i.e. an units option for the line width but then I remembered that one typographic point equals 1/72 inch.
Since its a set and forget setting here's a quick table showing the point values for different technical pen sizes.
The formula is MM / 25.4 * 72
![](get_attachment.php?webtag=MOI&hash=865abf45001f4da6d4f857de90f56311&filename=technical pen sizes in points.png)
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technical pen sizes in points.png
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