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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Apr 2015   [#11]
Do you know another speedy method against this "duplicate trick" for pushpull only a face from a volume after a fillet ?

From: Michael Gibson
3 Apr 2015   [#12] In reply to [#11]
Hi Pilou,

> Do you know another speedy method against this "duplicate trick" for pushpull
> only a face from a volume after a fillet ?

There are many different push/pulls happening in that example there, so I'm not exactly sure which particular one you're trying to do.

But in MoI v3, you can use the Extrude command on a sub-selected face in a solid and get it to behave like many of those steps, here's an example:

To do that, select the face and then run Construct > Extrude.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Apr 2015   [#13] In reply to [#12]
Yes in Moi, Pushpull the "face" created after the Fillet is automatic! :)

The problem for me is make the same inside DesignPark!

And this at first view is impossible directly as I understand for the moment! ;)

Maybe there is a parameter to enable somethere...for make this possible...
From: Michael Gibson
3 Apr 2015   [#14] In reply to [#13]
Hi Pilou, sorry I don't know how to get that same behavior from SpaceClaim, it seems that it wants to move the fillet as well by default?

Maybe try holding down Ctrl or Alt when you do the pull, does that do anything differently?

You may need to ask in the DesignSpark or SpaceClaim forums to get a proper answer on that.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Apr 2015   [#15] In reply to [#14]
I have found! :)
But not sure that will work more speedy than my first "duplicate" above! :)

You must select strictly 3 edges!!! (1, 2, 4 don't work)

From: BurrMan
3 Apr 2015   [#16] In reply to [#15]
Hey Frenchy,
Just include the edge that belongs to the fillet in the selection. So, Select face, then Ctrl click the edge that you want to go along with the extrude.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Apr 2015   [#17] In reply to [#16]
You rocks! (click first the edge then Select face with Crtl works also! ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Apr 2015   [#18]
A little trick for the "Only read file STEP imported"!

Import the STEP file created in Moi ;)
Add a solid to the drawing (cube, cylinder, sphere, whatever).
Right click on the top-most name of the component tree (the name of the whole thing).
Unlock. Everything in the tree is now unlocked.

Just to change the not cuty Black color! :)

From: BurrMan
4 Apr 2015   [#19] In reply to [#18]
Frenchy's going Black Hat!!!!!!! Heaven help us........ :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Apr 2015   [#20]

Amazing thing: you have the export in PDF 3D!!!

So Moi format Step in PDF 3D ! ;) (or of course anything that you have in DesignSpark)

Inside DesignSpark : Menu File/ Save as PDF faceted Geometry

The file PDF3D:
From: hep
4 Apr 2015   [#21]
From: bigseb
5 Apr 2015   [#22] In reply to [#11]
Direct editing... my software (Geomagic Design) does this too. Many software's do.

Design Spark isn't bad actually but just nowhere near as good as paid-for software.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Apr 2015   [#23]
In V2 Blend Function is missing so Install first V1
then V2
Edit : Seems this site is not more accssible!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Apr 2015   [#24]
And something else!

So you can make cotation of Moi object!
In 2D or 3D! Then export in DXF or PNG!
by Chri

Here direct export in the free DraftSight

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Apr 2015   [#25]

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Apr 2015   [#26]
As the blue plane frame is automatically hidden when you print
you must hide it like this if you want save an image PNG !

Select it = open context properties then disable Contour!

Sorry in French but in your version that will be in English! :)

So you can now have very easily have neat measures for Moi projects! :)
(even some strong fillets before new versions! ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
11 Apr 2015   [#27]
Very exotic method for see the volume of an object!

You must have 2 volumes minimum
And for see the last of a serial you must copy it!!!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Apr 2015   [#28]
For use the Blend function you must use the previous Version!
DesignSpark Mechanichal 1 !

Edit:Seems this site is not more accessible!

go there for see the animation! (and click on the image for start the animation) ;)
From: arekm
1 Jun 2015   [#29]
DesignSpark Mechanical is quite limited, so I'm trying to migrate from DSM to Moi3d :-)

Anyway I wonder what is problem with loading this sat file in moi3d.

It was converted from DSM rsdoc using known SabSatConvert.exe method -

Loading it in moi3d displays no error, but also no model is shown. Where is the problem? I would expect at least some error message.

More rsdoc files to test conversion to moi3d here: (some work, some do not)

ps. I'm new to 3d design. Trying to create models for 3d printing (hobby). moi3d looks great - learning phase here.
So far didn't find anything better in 500$ price range, so I plan to buy moi3d when trial ends. Thanks for great software!
From: Michael Gibson
1 Jun 2015   [#30] In reply to [#29]
Hi arekm,

> Anyway I wonder what is problem with loading this sat file
> in moi3d.

It seems to be an invalid ACIS file - I tried reading it into ViaCAD and it does not read it either - ViaCAD reports "ACIS READ FILE SURFACE DATA ERROR".

I'm not all that intimately familiar with ACIS files so I'm not 100% sure what the specific problem is, but it's likely to be either it's a customized variant of SAT format intended to prevent file transfer to other programs (DesignSpark is intended to have limited file transfer abilities), or it may be using features from a newer version of ACIS (ACIS is the geometry library where SAT files originate from) than what either MoI or ViaCAD supports.

If it's because of using newer and unrecognized versions of ACIS entities in the file, that can usually be solved with regular file transfers by setting an option for what particular version of ACIS to target with the generated .sat file - setting it to something like SAT version 8 will then be more likely to use entity types that will be recognized by MoI's ACIS format reader. But since DesignSpark is specifically designed to limit file transfer abilities they probably don't have any options for that in that particular package.

- Michael

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