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Full Version: Death of SUB-D Artist)! (Closed)

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From: WarrenM
31 Jul 2013   [#7] In reply to [#6]
The only facts anyone has right now is what you see in the preview videos. If those videos are grossly incorrect or inaccurate, it would be devastating for Modo's reputation so I tend to believe that they are fairly accurate...
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#8] In reply to [#7]
One question, this mesh can be turned to it's modifying state every time I need it, or if you converted it to mesh no way to back to modify it again?

I'm not so optimistic about any new soft and videos like this) It was a lot of times when I saw something like this and say waw!!! It's amazing!! But when tried to work in it it was horrible.
Honestly I can not see any super new features in this soft, all that dynamically updated features was implemented in different CAD soft.
But the only feature that is unique for this soft is mesh cage it looks very nice in most cases. But If you have High Poly model there is no big difference what topology it has. In MOI you can get it freally with N-gons.

And the main big disadvantage of this soft is that there is noway to make 3D from 2D! That unique feature of NURBS make things so fast!
From: WarrenM
31 Jul 2013   [#9] In reply to [#8]
No, you can't go back once you commit the booleans, but that's the same as CAD packages. Once you commit a fillet or boolean, for example, it is tedious to repair no matter what package you're using.

And no, Modo doesn't do 2 rail sweeps, but it does a lot of other things that CAD packages don't.

As I said, this won't be the one true tool because that doesn't, and probably will never, exist. But it's an awesome advancement for subd modelers and it's a direct response to the claims made in your video. :)
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#10] In reply to [#9]
>No, you can't go back once you commit the booleans, but that's the same as CAD packages. Once you commit a fillet or boolean, for example, it is tedious to repair no matter what package you're using.

There is a lot of soft like Space Claim or Solidworks where you can change fillet freely even remove it)
In MOI it is possible to repair practically any kind of objects. And more I can modify them any time I want)

>And no, Modo doesn't do 2 rail sweeps, but it does a lot of other things that CAD packages don't.

2 rail sweep is not only one example of 2D to 3D. All nurbs is based on this concept. Revolve, loft, network, blend, e.t.c...
And yes Sub-D allows to make very complex organic stuff that is very hard or practically impossible to make in MOI.

I have nothing against this soft It looks interesting and people spend their time and efforts to make it I respect this.
But want to look at things objectively :)
From: amur (STEFAN)
31 Jul 2013   [#11]
I think this new technology will help for example Concept Artists, when exploring new design forms, whether for household goods or automotive things etc. They can imho quickly "sketch" a rough concept out in MODO, use the new MeshFusion technology to add things which might be difficult otherwise, or more time consuming and then if needed use the subd to nurbs plugn-in in MODO to bring their concept work in a CAD package for further processing, if needed. So i believe this new worklfow brings up a lot of possibilities, since we all know that subd or CAD packages have each their pros and cons. And here you would have a united workflow with MODO's add-on's and an inexpensive software like MoI for example.

BTW: Andrei, the ViaCAD Pro 9 vers (Beta). has added now also subd-modeling...

Best regards
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#12] In reply to [#11]
As I said I have nothing against this soft, use it If you like it )! It's very individual stuff..

I tired VIA cad and have to say I worked in it 2 days and left it...

Now I use MOI 3D and 3D Coat, for modeling, UVs, Retopo, Sculpting, Painting. And I can say I can model practically everything! Very simple and powerful soft. I made this decision by testing a lot of soft.
And stuff that appears to me very complex in other software in this applications it is like child's Play.

Modo is a bit complicated for me and as I can think not only for me, but users of this soft reminds me users of Aple, some kind of cult :) Just a joke!
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#13]
Good guys!

Universal Death)))!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
31 Jul 2013   [#14]
Alas Groboto/Modo is for the moment stopped!
From: WarrenM
31 Jul 2013   [#15] In reply to [#14]
I don't understand. He lays out a timetable right there in that post that says:

"The GroBoto-derived modo plugin will be released later this year."

How does that translate to it being stopped?

Plus, Darrel is in the Luxology forums every couple of days showing off teaser images and videos...
From: PaQ
31 Jul 2013   [#16]
Hi Pilou,

Indeed groboto dev seems to be slow down, but there is a modo plugin coming.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
31 Jul 2013   [#17]
<< How does that translate to it being stopped?
Adjourned if you prefer - so re-launch as soon as possible!
From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
31 Jul 2013   [#18]
Hi Andrei:
I think all benefits and pleasure you have using Moi not derive totally from Nurbs environment
You can find same Nurbs tools in lot of is not only a challenge Nurbs Vs. Sub-D
It's MOI that bring all benefits and speed-up your workflow
Watching your video which are things that allow to build that model so easy and quick ? Snap and selection
Those two things are best of the 3Dworld !!!!Which other software gives you same easy to use to select,move,jump between wiews or EASILY catch a snap point ?
These features are the base of or technique come last


I'm testing Autodesk Fusion 360 with T-Splines
While i'm workin on, i need a snap:where is the palette?
Nothing...i do a search on their site:this is what is turned out :) :) :)
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#19] In reply to [#18]
M-dynamics, totally agree with you)

I do not wanted to start this thread to contrast Sub-D vs Nurbs, just wanted to show what can kill Sub-D modeler :)) and make it in funny way!
But it looks like there is some foggy soft that is not released yet, that can reproduce boolean part of MOI :)

About Autodesk, Is it you started those thread about snap? Why? Let user of Fusion to suffer a bit :))) Do not have snap looks like do not have air...... I see a lot of soft of autodesk is not perfect, but has well known brand.. Personally there is no any soft of Autodesk that I like...

Just wanted to ask if GroBoto has some kind of snap functionality?
From: WarrenM
31 Jul 2013   [#20] In reply to [#19]
"But it looks like there is some foggy soft that is not released yet, that can reproduce boolean part of MOI :)"

You think that video is merely reproducing what MoI booleans do? I give up.

It must be a language barrier problem and I can accept that. This thread has no right to be as annoying as it is! :)
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#21] In reply to [#20]
Booleans is booleans no matter is it nurbs or sub-d or MOI or Max or Rhino or GroBoto... or I'm wrong?
I can see only one difference in Groboto they automatically updates and you can keep parts.
All that stuff can be reproduced in moi not so graphically but it is not a big deal)
This is it :) What so confused you?
From: WarrenM
31 Jul 2013   [#22] In reply to [#21]
Dynamic booleans are a BIG DEAL. A really big deal. HUGE in fact. Just ... trust me, I guess! Every artist I work with or know who sees that is blown away and can't WAIT to try it out.

"All that stuff can be reproduced in moi not so graphically but it is not a big deal"

And I can reproduce your example at the start of this thread in a subd modeler - that doesn't mean that what you're showing in your video isn't better. It is! And that's the same as these dynamic booleans compared to static booleans. These are WAY better.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
31 Jul 2013   [#23]
About Groboto
If i well remember it's snap like "middle" or "extremities" !
UI is not very "friendly" ;)

Groboto is also more for "automatic bots" figure result!

In this video all repetitive geometries is Groboto!

From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#24] In reply to [#22]
>Dynamic booleans are a BIG DEAL.

Can not see any big deal in it, really)) Just for concepting, may be some new ways to find new shapes.

>And I can reproduce your example at the start of this thread in a subd modeler - that doesn't mean that what you're showing in your video isn't better. It is! And that's the same as these dynamic booleans compared to static booleans. These are WAY better.

Do no not agree with you, I can not imagine that you will model this figure I showed in first post in Sub-D in 2 minutes...
But any figure that you show me that was made in Groboto I reproduce in "seconds" in MOI.. may be except those abstract stuff that Pilou showed.
From: WarrenM
31 Jul 2013   [#25] In reply to [#24]
"Can not see any big deal in it, really)) Just for concepting, may be some new ways to find new shapes."

OK ... awesome. Well, I'll be on my way then.
From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
31 Jul 2013   [#26] In reply to [#24]
@Andrei:About Autodesk, Is it you started those thread about snap? Why? Let user of Fusion to suffer a bit :)))

I didn't start that thread,but a user that also use MOI..take a look at the image he attached: Moi Snap Palette as reference for Autodesk !!!! :) :)
...more:they said can import 3dm files...i tried surfaces,solids but fail all times,so i exported from Moi in Sat,and it works
...more:you can't convert the whole surface in T-Spline surface then edit....must delete a single face, make a patch and convert that patch in T-Spline surface.... :)

I think dynamics booleans are great stuff considering how is difficult make it in Sub-D
if i remember correctly,Groboto was also a C4D plug-in,that gave a ultra-clean mesh after booleans

Modo+Dynamic booleans+CAD loader won't need T-Splines for sure!! All this for 2000€/$ more or less...
same price of Rhino+T-Splines...without one of the best UI of 3DWorld(just second to MOI :) ),Recoil soft-rigid bodies,animation,a good renderer and more....
Yes..if i could spend some money Modo should be the choice.


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