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Full Version: Death of SUB-D Artist)! (Closed)

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From: PaQ
31 Jul 2013   [#35] In reply to [#33]
Hi BurrMan,

You are showing an old script/workflow supposed to deal with groboto mesh inside modo.
Meshfusion is a brand new beast. You dont need groboto anymore ;)

The think is that I'm not sure we have the right to really talk about it, the previous videos were sneak peak for modo users only.
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#36]
Just compare results of google images search:


Moi 3D:

I think everything is clear...))) Or not?
From: PaQ
31 Jul 2013   [#37] In reply to [#36]
Not really because Meshfusion is not groboto ...
From: BurrMan
31 Jul 2013   [#38] In reply to [#35]
"""""""You are showing an old script/workflow supposed to deal with groboto mesh inside modo.
Meshfusion is a brand new beast. You dont need groboto anymore ;) """"""""""

Yes. We can only hope that Darrels Health holds up. I wish him the best.
From: WarrenM
31 Jul 2013   [#39] In reply to [#36]

The videos are posted publicly on YouTube, so I don't think Luxology is too concerned.


"I think everything is clear...))) Or not? "

Posting images of stuff people have created in Groboto is entirely irrelevant. They aren't integrating Groboto into Modo.

Wait until it comes out and people are actually using it to create meshes. THEN we'll talk about what it's good for and what it isn't good for.
From: BurrMan
31 Jul 2013   [#40] In reply to [#38]
"""""Is it any tutorial with some serious stuff???""""""""""

Do you mean like where a guy makes an airplane fuselage by pulling spline points around to match a picture?
From: amur (STEFAN)
31 Jul 2013   [#41]
Hi Andrei,

the images you show are from the old Groboto software and MoI. Please someone correct me, i believe that the new MeshFusion technology which is coming to MODO from the Groboto Developers is quite a different beast, assuming that this new plug-in can use sub-d meshes created with MODO and then carry out the dynamic booleans. Well, if not then it's still a nice plug-in for someone who likes it. BUT if it allows sub-d meshes created with MODO, well than this would be really awesome, imho.

From: WarrenM
31 Jul 2013   [#42] In reply to [#41]
They haven't flat out said, to my knowledge, that any mesh will work but they have heavily implied it. It's not just a few primitive shapes like Groboto at the very least. He showed a few screen shots of what looked like arbitrary meshes being used to subtract from the main mesh (meshes with concave caps, for example).
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#43] In reply to [#41]

It will be good only in one case, if all meshes can be converted to MeshFusion and back.

Good, will see when it will be released)
From: WarrenM
31 Jul 2013   [#44] In reply to [#43]
"It will be good only in one case, if all meshes can be converted to MeshFusion and back."

*head asplode*
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#45] In reply to [#44]
Good, let's put Groboto or Mesh Fusion(that is not released yet) apart if you like it use it no problem. Just don not forget to show us your results..

Back to object..
I still think that model in my first post is death for Sub-D modeler/artist that model it)

Groboto is not native Sub-D modeler it is like MOI exports poly meshes... But I'm talking about SUB-D.
From: danperk (SBEECH)
31 Jul 2013   [#46]
*(In my best old man voice)*

I remember years ago some people saying NURBS were dead!

I try not to deal with absolutes, the world is FULL of surprises!!

And tools are tools.

*(Old man voice off)*
*(Old man voice off)*
*(Old man voice off)*

Dam switch is broken!
From: BurrMan
31 Jul 2013   [#47] In reply to [#45]
""""Groboto is not native Sub-D modeler it is like MOI exports poly meshes..."""""""""""

Are you sure? Or do you just not really know.

Image Attachments:

From: PaQ
31 Jul 2013   [#48]
Well I have something like 10 years of sub-d modeling xp, and 2 years of MoI.

For every new project coming on the table, I still need to think about it ... what I gonna use, MoI, Modo ? Both ?
The choice is often difficult, some part will be fastest in MoI, some parts easier in sds. What about the fillets ? Do I have to use displacement on some surface ?

So yes, your 3 tubes and a sphere example perfectly match MoI strenght. A tool like Meshfusion, despite your over reacting perfomance, will probably make the speed modeling difference less obvious.

You know some people will do your modeling exercice in Zbrush in a couple of minutes too ... dont ask me, I still dont get the purpose myself, but for them, it's a valid workflow ... so no, nothing is dead.
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#49] In reply to [#47]

1. WarrenM says - "No, you can't go back once you commit the booleans" is it true Sub-D?

2. So any way if it is true sub-d modeler is it possible to import obj of any complexity without modification like retopology and modify them ?
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#50] In reply to [#48]
As I can see there is some kind of misunderstood, noticed it just now...

I mean death not for sub-D like software or method of modelling. I mean MAN - MODELER. I mean this figure I made will kill him! I meant death for modeler/Artist not method!!!
Method is good I know a lot of GREAT stuff that was made with Sub-D.
Once again not method SUB-D but MAN who model it)))))! I think it takes a lot of time to model it in Sub-D, so it's "death" for man that will think - My God I have to model it...
Hope now you understand me)
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#51] In reply to [#50]
Just changed in first post Modeler to Artist.
And once again it was joke!!! As you can see in my first post, so that is why I wrote - Joke.

And once again I convinced this forum is not for jokes most people here are very serious :D
From: WarrenM
31 Jul 2013   [#52] In reply to [#49]
You can't go back to MeshFusion once you commit but you CAN still continue to model with the mesh it produces - If Groboto is any indication, the resulting mesh will have decent topology and should be easy-ish to work with.

However, the same is true of MoI ... once you do your boolean operation, you can't go back and change your mind. If you want to do something different, you have to rebuild the surfaces and try again. Right?
From: BurrMan
31 Jul 2013   [#53] In reply to [#49]
"""""""No, you can't go back once you commit the booleans" is it true Sub-D?"""""""

All booleans are fully editable and interactive. Both originating objects remain, always.

"""""""""2. So any way if it is true sub-d modeler it is possible to import obj of any complexity without modification like retopology and modify them ?"""""""""

Interesting how you jump around to make a point....
From: Andrei Samardac
31 Jul 2013   [#54] In reply to [#52]
I can repair any booleans I made in MOI, to do it you have to know some repair techniques.
But what you can do with mesh that you commit? I think only sculpt.

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