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Full Version: Death of SUB-D Artist)! (Closed)

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From: BurrMan
1 Aug 2013   [#116] In reply to [#115]
""""""""""""" but now you looks for me like absolute newbie that think that, models for games and animation are made in Groboto without retopology.""""""""""

It's interesting how you continually put words into my mouth to feel better about yourself.....

I don't think that, but I do think that when Braid Art gets into Modo, that guy's like PaQ will be blowing doors!

You'll still be "lofting everything!" lol
From: BurrMan
1 Aug 2013   [#117] In reply to [#116]
My portfolio?

Yeah, I cant post that here. Most of my work is done for other people.

But, When I worked for American Marine Services Corp. they purchased 2 Nuytco Deep Worker 2000's and I modeled those (Not for construction, but for Tug and operations prep) and I DO know, that you wont find any exposed hydraulic rams (You know, the tractor kind) like you may find on "serious models" that others make.... Hahahaaa....
From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
1 Aug 2013   [#118]
@Andrei: How old are you? Let us see your portfolio.

I think this is not to consider offensive..also it not depend by language barriers
You just belong to different generations :) :)

oopss..sorry..-WE-belong to different generations (Burr are you 60's?..I'm '62's) :)
From: Michael Gibson
1 Aug 2013   [#119]
Ok guys, I think this thread has run its course, I'm locking it.

- Michael

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