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From: Bdaniel (BRAZZ)
very nice tutorial and well explained.
I got throught most of the basic tutorials on MoI and decided to try this bottle tutorial.
I got stuck on the part where I need to use the planar tool to make a surface on the lower ring. It just wont work, I select the lower ring and press planar and nothing happens.
I tried adding planar to a circle as a test and it worked, so I figure it's something with my curves, I've re-tried a couple of times with no luck.
any ideas?
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Bdaniel, could you post the 3DM model file with your problem curve in it as an attachment? Being able to examine your actual curve would help give you a better answer.
But in order for Construct > Planar to work, the curve needs to be closed and also planar.
You can tell if it's closed by selecting it and then looking a the object type indicator in the properties panel, in the upper-right corner of the main window. If you have a closed curve the object type will read as "Closed crv", and if it's an open curve it will just say "Curve":
If you have more than one curve then you might want to use Edit > Join to join them together so that you can then see if they join into a closed curve or not.
If you have any opening between the start and end of the curve it will prevent planar from being able to work.
- Michael
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From: Bdaniel (BRAZZ)
thanks for the fast reply Michael.
I just tried redoing the conic curves again to build that lower ring and I still get the same behaviour and I checked and it says curve, I did walk around the points and noticed that even though all th curves have been joined, there's one point not welded. No idea on how to close the curve.
I'm sending my file attached.
From: Bdaniel (BRAZZ)
I was just able to close crv, but the planar tool wont work.
Attaching this updated file.
UPDATE: Got it working, I zoomed in real close and noticed that my shape wasn't completely planar. Fixed it and it worked.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Bdaniel, thanks for posting the file.
So the problem is that in one area the 2 conic segment pieces are not touching end-to-end, instead they are overlapping each other, crossing over each other a little bit instead of touching end-to-end.
The problem is in this area here:
Here I've moved one segment a bit to the side so that you can see the kind of overlap that is happening there:
But also you've got some other problems with the bottom part not being all planar as well, it looks like some of the vertical curves do not have their ends touching all the way to the bottom plane, some are floating a bit higher above the plane than others, you'll want to tune that up by turning on their control points and then going to a side view and then using either the Transform > Align tool to line up their end points to a common bottom line, or use the edit frame with "flat snap" to make them all in a single line, as shown here:
You can see some of the non-planar-ness if you zoom into this region here in a side view:
So what I'd recommend is to delete the conic pieces and first focus in on getting the vertical curves to have a nice common flat endpoint - do that by selecting them and then using Edit > Show pts, then go to a side view and drag the corner of the edit frame down until you see that "flat" snap activate, that's when you'll know they're all in a line. And then it would not hurt to drag the bottom ones to be right on the z=0 plane as well. Then also make sure the top points are all in a flat line as well. Once you have gotten those curves to be all properly aligned then do the conic pieces.
Let me know if you need more help on how to fix the end points of those vertical curved pieces, you will not be able to put planar end caps on their ends unless they are all lined up on the same line basically.
- Michael
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From: Michael Gibson
Looks like you got it all figured out while I was writing my reply...
- Michael
From: Bdaniel (BRAZZ)
indeed Michael, but still, your explanation is great and not only serves me but can help others with the same issue.
From: rbijl
Hi Mike,
Great tut for a beginner I only get stuck on the ribbed side , where i have to deal with the FLOW things. I cannot find the flow command in the command reference ??
Can you give me some more detail about the FLOW command end its usage ..
Many thanks ... love MoI
Rik Bijl
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
The command Flow is only on the Beta V3 for PC or normal V 2.5 for Mac or Beta V3 for MAC
Here 3 little videos video about It (sorry in French but very visual :)
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Rik, Flow is new for v3 and hasn't been added to the documentation yet, I'm only going to focus on updating the documentation when all the features for v3 are complete, otherwise it's too easy to have to throw it out and start over again if there are any changes that happen during the beta.
There are some links collected for Flow examples and explanations here:
And a few other ones:
- Michael
From: Cube
Wow! great tutorial.
From: rbijl
Thx 4 super quick response , really appreciate it !
From: bigseb
Awesome tutorial!!
Thank you guys! :-)
From: Rich (LOOPCORP)
Yes, your tutorials are always great Mike. Thanks.
Thanks Rich!
And great work yourself! Very clever stuff.
An interactive online viewer just for fun.
From: useruser
thank you very much mike! great tutorial!
but i have a little problem ( Moi-Newbie) here: i am not able to add the bottom-surface with the planarfunction and i have no idea what i am doing wrong.
thanks in advance!
Image Attachments:
Thanks Oli, I hope you're able to complete the tutorial.
As for not being able to make the bottom area Planar, please look over the previous post:
If the bottom profile curves are not flat, not touching, or not tangent, then Network may not make a surface with a planar edge.
If the curves are both tangent and touching, then you can make them flat in a side view by moving the handle bar until a tab says "Flat".
If nothing works, you can also Boolean Difference, or use Trim to cut a plane away from the bad edge.
Good luck!
From: useruser
great.that works.
thank you for the quick support Mike! :)
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