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Full Version: Majik Primer: MoI's Lighting Options and You!

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From: Michael Gibson
10 Nov 2012   [#40] In reply to [#37]
Hi dinos, I've attached an updated version of EditNameDialog.htm that might work better for you.

This version fixes a bug where it was actually supposed to be possible to not initialize the name at all, that was not working before, and also now there is an alternate way to initialize the name by passing nameval=somename in the query string of the URL as well, like this:

function AddClicked() {

	var name = 'This is the name';

	var dialog = moi.ui.createDialog('EditNameDialog.htm?nameval=' + encodeURIComponent(name), '', moiWindow);
	if (dialog.window.doModal() != -1) {
		if (dialog.window.dialogReturnValue != '') {
			var name = dialog.window.dialogReturnValue;
			moi.ui.alert( name );

This should hopefully work for you for the moment until the cross-page script permission thing is fixed up.

- Michael


From: Michael Gibson
11 Nov 2012   [#41] In reply to [#37]
Hi dinos, so that cross-domain security error was a timing issue related thing, the same access would work later on once the page had proceeded loading a bit and had it's base URL updated to a moi:// one.

Anyway for the next v3 beta I've got the cross-domain security checking mechanism turned off completely now and that should prevent this kind of inter-page script exception from happening anymore after that.

- Michael
From: Rich_Art
11 Nov 2012   [#42] In reply to [#41]
I really like this script... thanks...

Rich_Art. ;-)
From: dinos
11 Nov 2012   [#43] In reply to [#40]
Thanks Michael. This version of EditNameDialog.htm definitely fixes the issue. I will include it with the script, until it the next beta/release version of Moi.
Even after that it might be useful for people using an older version of Moi.

So, here is the fully working version. I will include the instructions again for consistency.

Just copy EditNameDialog.htm and LightingOptions.htm included in the zip file to your ui folder. Remember to rename/backup the existing files, just in case.
No need to create a preset for your current settings. A "My favorite" preset will be created automatically for you.
You can add a shortcut, if you like :
script: /* Opens Lighting Options Dialog */ moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://ui/LightingOptions.htm' );

Add will create a new preset from the current settings below.
Delete will delete the selected preset.
Update will update the selected preset to the settings below.

Thats it. Everything is saved and restored correctly between sessions in moi.ini.

Please post any bugs you might find.


Image Attachments:

From: SurlyBird
11 Nov 2012   [#44]
Holy cow! Thank you, Mike!
11 Nov 2012   [#45]
No no... thank Dinos!

Dinos - Great job on this useful script! It's absolutely what I envisioned when I came up with this Lighting Options primer!
And thanks Michael for helping Dinos - I've enjoyed seeing this process of script development work out. Most of it is over my head, but intriguing none the less.
From: dinos
12 Nov 2012   [#46] In reply to [#45]
Thanks Mike!
The lighting options are a really nice feature of Moi, and i wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't for your post.

This was my first attempt at writing a script for Moi. The javascript API is very complete and easy to use and made the process a pleasure.
I will definitely do more scripting for Moi in the future.

2 Oct 2013   [#47]
Hi all!

I just added 7 additional Lighting Option experiments:
After a while, there is only so much you can do, until we get environment mapping and additional lights, but here I show how you can use (-) negative values for Key Fills, and values greater than the default slider's. Please let me know of any errors.

Just look near the start of this thread...

[Dinos, if you see this, please update the Lighting Options script, thanks!]

Here are a few dark and evil creations: Onyx, Velvet Night, Ornament

A couple of glossy options: Enamel, Clear Coat, Hi-Gloss Plastic

And here it is (I wish), Zebra Stipes... well, one curvy one: Should be useful.

From: dinos
2 Oct 2013   [#48] In reply to [#47]
Hi Mike!

I love the new options!
Velvet Night is my personal favorite :-)

I've added the new Lighting Options to the script.
I've also updated the script to merge any new options (themes) defined in it with the existing/saved options. Makes it a lot easier to add new options.


2 Oct 2013   [#49]
Thanks Dinos, great work on the script!

Yes, just when I thought I found most of the major combinations, I discovered you could go below zero on the Key fill attributes.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Oct 2013   [#50]
Moon's lights!
From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
7 Oct 2013   [#51] In reply to [#50]
Were would I find the UI folder on my Mac? Thanks!
From: raytownmike (HOPPER)
7 Oct 2013   [#52] In reply to [#51]
Never mind found it!
From: DeMo (JOHND)
7 Oct 2013   [#53]
You guys are the best! New toys to play with, and plenty of room to experiment! A big thank you to all of you who continue to help Michael reach the next level. And a special thank you to Michael for such a great program for us non techies to work with!

From: Byto (FABRIZIO)
12 Nov 2013   [#54] In reply to [#43]
Hi dinos :)
I wanted to use your wonderful plugin, but after I followed all your instructions, I received an error. Please have a check to the attachment.
Would you help me?

Thank you in advance


Image Attachments:

From: dinos
12 Nov 2013   [#55] In reply to [#54]
Hi Fabrizio.

I think you are using an old version of Moi3D which was based on Internet Explorer, which at that time lacked the JSON method. If you update to Moi3D version 2.52 or the current 3.0 beta the script should work fine.

I hope that helps. Please let me know how it goes.

From: Lordfox
20 Jan 2015   [#56]
This don't run with moi3d v.3? I get only a small blue-strip with a X (for closing this wind Lighting Options Window) and nothing more happens ...
20 Jan 2015   [#57] In reply to [#56]
It seems to be working fine here on V3 (Using PC)

So I'm assuming that Dinos' file: "LightingOptions.htm" resides inside of V3's "ui" folder?

To call up the dialog from the Shortcut Keys list: code:
script: /* Opens Lighting Options Dialog */ moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://ui/LightingOptions.htm' );

From: bemfarmer
21 Jan 2015   [#58] In reply to [#56]
Hi Lordfox

I installed the lighting options last night in my new computer, and it did not work either, until I remembered the following:

Besides putting the lighting options htm file in the ui folder, it is necessary, one time only, in Moi version 3 screen, to select
options, then view, then Lighting options button.

- Brian
From: Lordfox
6 Sep 2015   [#59]
tried today again - it dosn't run :( lighting options not found

snapshot also not run

but the other things are ok - costum ui

edit: after 8 months I can run it - I did delete the .DS-store file in the ui - because I copied there the htm and the second file

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