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Full Version: Error message

From: bigseb
19 Mar 2012   [#1]
Can somebody please explain to me what this means?

I see that it won't let me join the surfaces to a solid so importing is a nightmare...

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
19 Mar 2012   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi Sebastian - that's not an error message from MoI, it appears to be a message that Alibre is showing is that correct?

You would need to ask them what "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" means exactly but it sounds like some kind of debugging log output.

Do you possibly have any surfaces in your file that are badly structured like with self intersecting areas? Things like that could cause various problems.

You also might try using a different file format for the transfer and see if it goes better, give SAT format a try.

- Michael
From: bigseb
19 Mar 2012   [#3]
Hi Michael, here is the file. Exporting to sat worked but I'm curious why the 3dm won't save as a solid. Any tips?


From: Michael Gibson
19 Mar 2012   [#4] In reply to [#3]
Hi Sebastian - it looks like it's got some pieces that are not fully attached together and so that's why it's not a solid.

You can tell if it's a solid or not in Moi before doing any export by selecting it and then looking at the object type indicator in the upper-right area of the properties panel, here:

That would read as an object type of "Solid" if it was a fully closed solid. For your object it instead says "Joined srf" which means it is made up of more than one surface joined to each other but not fully joined everywhere to make a totally closed solid.

To find out which areas are open you need to set up a script on a shortcut key, the script is here:

That script will select all "naked" edges - those are edges that belong to only 1 surface and are not joined between 2 surfaces, so those are where openings are at. It can be useful to put this script as a shortcut on the N key so that you can push N to show naked edges at any time.

When doing that with your model here it shows this:

So something is wrong in that area of the model.

One thing I noticed is that this little piece here seems to be an extra surface that is overlapping right over top of another one:

If I zoom in there:

And delete it you can see that the other piece is not just a piece next to it, the other piece actually extended the full length underneath that little other piece:

So it looks like you had an extra piece in there overlapping on top of other things and that can make for confusing joining in regions like that, some edges were connected to the big underneath piece and some were connected to the little piece that was overlapped right on top.

Hope this helps!

- Michael

Image Attachments:
sebastian_solid1.jpg  sebastian_solid2.jpg  sebastian_solid3.jpg  sebastian_solid4.jpg  sebastian_solid5.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
19 Mar 2012   [#5] In reply to [#4]
It looks like there is also another problem with these side surfaces too:

If I untrim that surface and look at its structure, it does not come to a clean single point tip, it actually has a tiny edge there that's nearly in line with the edge from the other side:

That looks like it has formed a self intersecting folded-over-itself corner area to that surface - that kind of surface folding over itself in its corner areas will cause a lot of various difficulties, see this previous post for some more description on how that kind of self-intersecting corner region:

So those side areas may need to be reconstructed to be better as well.

- Michael

Image Attachments:
sebastian_solid6.jpg  sebastian_solid7.jpg 

From: bigseb
19 Mar 2012   [#6]
Thanks Michael. That script will come in really handy. Spent searching but not finding anything.
From: DannyT (DANTAS)
19 Mar 2012   [#7] In reply to [#6]
Hi Sebastian,

> That script will come in really handy.
> Spent searching but not finding anything.

Just go to the link Michael posted above for the SelectNakedEdges script and you will see the script in the grey area, copy and paste that in Moi under Options > Shortcut keys in the command area and then assign a Key to it, 'N' is suggested.
