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Full Version: Majik Tutorial: Audio Speaker

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From: OSTexo
30 Sep 2011   [#42]

TR1 Unbiased, about 20 minutes cooking time, but I'm not sure when it cleaned up since I was working on other things. Thearender continues to impress me, the speed increase is noticeable in 1.1. You have a good idea how things look within the first minute of the unbiased render, and even faster with the interactive render in the viewport. No post processing was done to the image, that is straight from Thea.
From: ed (EDDYF)
30 Sep 2011   [#43] In reply to [#42]
QSTexo - Nice job. Thea is impressive.

Ed Ferguson
30 Sep 2011   [#44] In reply to [#43]
Aside from Thea being the new commercial version of Kerky, and having the same core rendering engine.
What it the difference as far as rendering quality and rendering performance in the nitty-gritty of each app?
From: OSTexo
30 Sep 2011   [#45]

I have used Kerkythea quite a while ago, and I am not sure what bits of code they share, that would be a question for the Thea forums. I also can't speak to performance differences, although I can say I have a good idea of what the image is going to look like inside one minute with the unbiased engine and even less time with the interactive render. I think I will end up getting Motiva Colimo on special to use alongside Thea, it looks great for product design and architecture.
From: ed (EDDYF)
30 Sep 2011   [#46]
OK - Here's my KeyShot version with the grill on top.

Ed Ferguson

Image Attachments:
Speaker with Wire Mesh Grill.png 

30 Sep 2011   [#47] In reply to [#46]
(drooling :-p...) Oooooh.... That is saweeeet!
Cool Ed!

KeyShot is the metal master. This is turning out to be a good exercise to compare the looks of different renderers.

BTW, I plan on reposting all the cool renders in the gallery Sunday night.
From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
1 Oct 2011   [#48]
Hi Majik
here is a close-up of your mesh speaker in gold-version
it deserves the best material
feel free to use it or not at all.Thanks again
From: danperk (SBEECH)
1 Oct 2011   [#49]
Here's a down & dirty Modo render.

2 million polys.... yikes!!! ;)

Image Attachments:

1 Oct 2011   [#50] In reply to [#49]
Yes, 2 million polys, but you caught every glint and detail of the mesh. Not bad Danperk!

M-dynamics, that would make Flav-o-Flav proud (as a clock face). That's niiice. Of course, that speaker model would cost three times as much. ;-)
From: BurrMan
1 Oct 2011   [#51] In reply to [#50]
Me render mesh.
From: DannyT (DANTAS)
2 Oct 2011   [#52] In reply to [#51]
Hey Burr, Simlab 2.4 with DOF?

2 Oct 2011   [#53]
Very clean Burr! I can see all my flaws in the mesh arrangement. ;-)

I love DOF... I sprinkle it on everything like KFC does MSG.
From: BurrMan
2 Oct 2011   [#54] In reply to [#52]
Hi Danny, I orginally started in Simlab and was having problems. Besides, Keyshot has already been done!! 3dcoat!
From: BurrMan
2 Oct 2011   [#55] In reply to [#53]
""""""""""" I can see all my flaws in the mesh arrangement.""""""""""""""""

Well, thats a "rock stars" microphone.. Have you seen one of those? It's all smashed in certain areas..........
From: Phil (PHILBO)
2 Oct 2011   [#56]
Here's a 3 minute Octane Render shot.

Nice model. Thanks for the tutorial.

Image Attachments:

2 Oct 2011   [#57] In reply to [#56]
Three minutes?!?! Wow! That's right decent for three minutes!
From: bisenberger
4 Nov 2012   [#58]
Good thread for comparing renders on an excellent model!
4 Nov 2012   [#59] In reply to [#58]
Thanks, Bisenberger!

Here is the MoI Gallery entry: 'MoI Enthusiasts Mesh Together'

There was a good selection of renderer types, both 'biased' and 'un-biased'.

The 'Flow' tool's capability in this example speaks for itself.

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